Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Streets Now Are Much Quieter Here In My Village Because Of Community Quarantine

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There are still vehicles passing through the road but not as much like before the community quarantine period because people still needs to go around to do some necessary things like buying food and such. But right now there is a total ban on public utility vehicles which comprises the bulk of the traffic. But at night time it is so silent, there is also a curfew at night to basically protect the people from the very transmissible CoViD19. There is a projected number of cases that would arise in the coming two months as the authorities had said, around 70,000 which I hope that none of my love ones would ever get but me. Personally I have no more care if I were to die today or tomorrow, my only prayer to God is to just take me swiftly so that I can never experience much misery in my life, that will be the peace that I wanted rather to stay like this with my physical condition with no uncertainty if I will ever get back to my feet again literally. Anyway, with all these health risks with regards to the virus that we are all at risk of contracting we must stay healthy, obey the authorities, observe the #socialdistancing, wear a mask so that we would not be able to spread droplets of saliva in the air to protect others from us, stay at home, and one thing, take vitamin C everyday, it helps a lot.
Originally posted here:

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