Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Coronavirus(COVID-19) outbreak and our precautions

Hello friends, Hope you all are well and protecting yourself from Coronavirus attack. My today’s topic is Coronavirus outbreak all over the world and how we can protect ourselves from this disease. **What is Coronavirus?** *Coronavirus is a new virus which causes Coronavirus(COVID-19) disease. This virus is quite different from other species of coronavirus. Like other viruses, Coronavirus have a large family. Among those, Novel Coronavirus(nCoV) has been identified as most dangerous and the vaccine yet not invented by the scientists.* *More than 114000 Coronavirus cases have been identified globally till date. And more than 4000 were already expired. So, this is an alarming situation.* **The sources of Coronavirus:** *This virus is mainly found in animals and birds. It has been identified that animals and birds are the carrier of coronavirus. Civet cat is one of those animals where this virus was found.* *Coronavirus was identified in China initially. To be exact, the first patient was identified in Wuhan City of China.* **How Coronavirus is spreading?** *Although Coronavirus came to humans through animals, it is now spreading from person-to-person. Last few months the virus was limited in China only. Now, it has been spread major countries of the world including but not limited to Italy, India, Hong Kong, Bangladesh and many more. And it is spreading rapidly. This virus spreads when the affected person coughs and sneezes without protection.* **The symptoms of Coronavirus disease:** *The symptoms of Coronvirus is like common cold and fever. In addition you might feel breathing problems. Cough and sneezing are the other symptoms.* **What precautions we can take?**


*As mentioned above, till date there is no specific medicine invented for this disease. So, the only remedy is self protection. We should take below initiatives.* **— We should avoid crowded place.** **— We should wash our hands frequently with soap.** **— We should avoid touching mouth and nose if it is really not required.** **— We should maintain far distance from the person who are already affected.** **— We should wear face mask. It is mandatory for the affected person.**



**— We should cough or sneeze hiding the face with elbow.** **— We should contact with doctors if having breathing problems, high fever or cold.** **— We should avoid handshakes with others as much as possible.** **— We should use our shoulder instead of hands to open glass doors.** **— We should wash hands immediately after touching money.**


Below are the messages from WHO about Coronavirus. **Be ready for Coronavirus (WHO posters)-**






**Protect yourself and others from getting sick (WHO posters)-**



**Practice food safety (WHO posters)-**



**Stay healthy while travelling (WHO posters)-**




Last but not the least, we all should be vigilant and maintain tidiness to fight against Coronavirus. Here all the pictures were captured using my iPhone 11 Pro Max mobile phone except the WHO posters. Thanks for stopping by.
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/hive-148441/@deepu7/coronavirus-covid-19-outbreak-and-our-precautions

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