Friday, March 13, 2020

Bad news for Italy -- Some hope in the face of adversity?


Bad news: Now that ICUs are full of patients, there simply aren't enough ventilators in Lombardy and in many surrounding territories. Several discreet reports are emerging of people over the age of 60 or 65, or with pre-existing conditions, being refused any ventilation treatment, due to a need to triage resources for those with the best chances at a long and healthy life. These acts of immense desperation are contributing to the skyrocketing death rate. There aren't words to describe this reality. It's beyond awful. However, there remains some hope: China has agreed to sell Italy 1000 ventilators and 2 million masks, along with a donation package of 100k respirators, 20k protective suits, and 50k test kits. Western Europe and North America are on a path to being in as deep trouble as Italy is now in another 10-13 days. The window of containment has been lost, and only lockdowns and self-isolation can resolve these crises. For those with fewer immune privileges of youth and vitality, can the 'workshop of the world' help to preserve their lives? It seems doubtful that China can produce and deliver medical goods in sufficient quantity to make much difference in time, but at least it's a start. Every single additional ventilator means lives saved. This whole situation has been a Reverse Moon Landing for Western civilization. We have dropped the ball massively, and sacrificed our most vulnerable people to fatten our purse – a mound of skulls for the gods of the marketplace. If we can somehow pull a home-grown collaborative Apollo 13 moment out of a hat, we will have redeemed ourselves just a little. Let's pull together and give it a go.
Originally posted here:

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