Monday, October 7, 2019

Weathered face: symptoms, causes and how to calm a weathered face

The facial skin is extremely sensitive to external influences. But the face is not hidden under clothing, it won't wear mittens, and in fact the skin is still vulnerable to winter weather conditions. Therefore, it is often necessary to observe the effect of exposure skin: slight peeling or even cracks, very sensitive, redness, occasionally inflammation. All these issues referred to as one word – chapping. Causes of chapping of the face In winter the skin is exposed to a massive attack of an aggressive environment: low temperatures, wind. Another major challenge for skin – temperature changes. Coming from a warm room into a frosty air, we subject your skin to serious stress. In addition, winter air is extremely dry and our skin needs moisture. Central heating eliminates moisture from the air in the rooms where we mostly are. As a result, the skin dries, decreasing its natural fat layer. Devoid of natural protection, the skin reacts to exposure to cold, wind and dryness. It should be noted that the holders of oily skin less prone to troubles chapping. Increased activity of sebaceous glands, though slightly reduced in winter, still meets the needs of the skin in the fat and, consequently, protection. At the risk of chapping is dry skin type, which without the influence of low temperatures are extremely sensitive due to the low content of sebum. But dry skin does not mean that every winter her owner will suffer from chapping. Proper skin care will help to avoid chapping even on a cold windy day. Any type of skin requires special care in the winter. But for all skin types there are certain rules, following which you can avoid problems. As little as possible to go outside in the cold and windy day. Yes, doctors say that fresh air is beneficial to health and beauty. But if fresh air to a very low temperature and it drives a strong wind, the benefits that he will get the body, is doubtful. The combination of the frost-wind is the most detrimental to female beauty. So if possible, minimize your exit on the street under adverse weather conditions. How to care for skin in winter In winter, wash your face should be no more than twice a day – morning and evening. The washing should be as gentle no soap. Only a gentle cleanser and gels cleanser suitable for your skin type. After washing, it is advisable not to RUB the skin with a towel, gently blot the better paper – so you will avoid micro traumas and microcracks that can become the gateway to the frosty wind. Winter should not be abused by scrubs and peels. And if you have dry skin such funds for additional cleaning in the winter time, in principle, contraindicated. Best for cleanser are folk remedies. To completely deny an individual the cleanse too. You can wash my face with a weak solution of milk – and the dirt will wash away and the face protect. The same effect has olive oil. But using an oil as a cleanser, you need to consider your skin type – for oily skin this remedy is not suitable. Another reason for chapping of the skin lack of vitamins. In the familiar cream you can add fat-soluble vitamins A and E, drop the contents of one capsule into a small amount of cream that you plan to put on the face. The cream not only vitaminiziruet, but will become more oily, and therefore, will increase its protective properties. In the winter you need to carefully review the contents of their cosmetic bags. Creams need to be more bold than in summer. Ideally, they should contain glycerin and lanolin, which reliably protects the skin against frost and wind. Moisturizing creams should be applied only in the evening for the night. The day moisturizer is valid only in the case if you plan to spend a whole day indoors, and are confident that you will not go out. Moisturizer, as the name suggests, enriches the skin with moisture, and we know the effect of frost on water. Going out into the cold immediately after applying moisturizer, almost certainly you will get chapping. In the morning it is better to use a nourishing cream, and even better – special protection from the cold and wind. On top of the nutrient (protective) cream you can apply makeup (no dampening effect). Powder in winter it is better not to use it, it absorbs fat from the skin. But to save on Foundation cream is not necessary – the thicker the layer, the greater the protection. Blush in winter better to take a dry, prefer fatty, creamy. The same applies to the shadows. In winter choose only the bold lipstick with a maximum protective effect. By the way, putting the cream on the face, do not forget about lips. They are prone to chapping even stronger than the skin of the face. A good way to prevent chapping of lips are honey masks. Evening, apply on the lips a little honey for literally 10 minutes. Then this mask can not wash and eat, and her lips spread with olive oil, gently massaging. Such replenishment of the lips will help to keep them in a healthy way. Sometimes preventative measures do not give the same effect, what I would like and need to take action to save the skin. How to calm weathered face Peeling skin suggests that she needs a little TLC. Therefore, clean the skin with cosmetics with glycerin, it retains moisture. After cleansing, apply a moisturizer. He probably very quickly absorbed, so after a while you can repeat the procedure. It is important that your moisturizer not contain acidic ingredients (fruit acids). In this case they will not help to cope with the chapping, and can aggravate the skin condition. Moisturizer for chapped skin should be neutral, hypoallergenic. If the skin is very sensitive or very sensitive, will help the Express tools. This remedy may be the aloe juice. You can add a few drops of juice in your moisturizer, and you can RUB the juice of aloe skin. If cracks are painful, it is possible to lubricate the skin Ibuprofen ointment purchase in the pharmacy. Such means is inadequate to reduce inflammation. A special mask. A good moisturizing effect has honey-egg mask. For its preparation you need to take equal proportions of liquid honey (if honey crystallized until it can be heat recovery liquid), egg yolk and glycerol. Usually one yolk is taken on a teaspoon of glycerin and honey. The mixture was triturated until smooth and put on cleansed face. Nice calming effect on the skin of the face has an oatmeal mask. Grind in a coffee grinder oat flakes (you can take oatmeal) soaked in warm cream. Apply the face mask on the face for at least half an hour, then gently wash off. Good result give compresses with the infusion of herbs. Suitable calendula and chamomile, lavender, cornflower. You can take only one herb, and can be their mixture in any proportion. Usually two tablespoons of dried herbs boiled water, infused for 20 minutes. Obtained after filtering the infusion is divided into two parts. One heated, the other cooled down a little. Compresses applied alternately hot and cold. The gauze should be wetted with cold infusion of herbs, squeeze slightly and apply to face, leave on face for about a half to two minutes. Then you need to repeat the procedure with the hot infusion. All you need to perform at least five such alternating cold-hot. You have to take two pieces of gauze, one for hot compress, the other for cold. After this compress the skin must be carefully wet a cloth and apply moisturizer.
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