Monday, October 14, 2019

Is this the secret of the world's healthiest village?
We all have received a lot of advice when it comes to living longer. Experts recommend ranging from exercising to eating more fruits and vegetables as the secret element to living a long, happy life. But in the end, people get discouraged by getting too much advice for this one thing, because very little food is available. So how can we know what actually works for good health?


Thankfully, a small town already does all this. You might be surprised to hear that there is a village named Poppy in southern Italy, where people often live to the age of 100. Imagine that you live in a community where the average man is 89 years old and many reach 100 years. It is as if to enjoy one's golden years without dementia or type 2 diabetes is an integral part of aging worldwide. After hearing about Piopi, cardiologist Aseem Malhotra was fascinated with discovering which diet kept residents so healthy and what lessons they could learn from them.   UNESCO has recognized Poppy as the home of the equator. Not only has UNESCO recognized Poppy as the home of a balanced diet in the Mediterranean, but it has also been called the "healthiest village in the world". How do the people of this village easily stay healthy for so many years? Easy, they say: "Eat sugar once a week." Dr Malhotra - who has spent years investigating increasing heart disease and obesity in the UK - argues that increased consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates is to blame for our obesity. According to Dr. Aseem Malhotra, who has studied the Poppy lifestyle, diet is an important reason behind the long average lifespan of villagers and low rates of diabetes. "Balanced diet is the number one issue," he said. “More than physical inactivity, smoking and alcohol, it causes more disease and deaths. The message of the doctors should be - food is medicine. " Poppy's people only eat sweets on Sundays, and they limit their favorite pizza eating addiction once or twice per month. And although they do not sweat in the gym regularly, they like to walk.

This lifestyle of his is the secret of his long and healthy life. A balanced diet is an important factor, but along with it, lack of stress, sleeping seven hours a night and eating sugar only once a week are also the secret of their healthy life. Doctors have concluded that "simple lifestyle changes such as eating less sugar are more powerful than any prescription medicine". Key tips include using olive oil, not fear of obesity, but limiting sugar and refined carbohydrate intake. “They eat sweets only on Sundays and pizza once or twice a month. They have their lunch on time. They do not have a gym but they always walk. Other important factors to extend your life: low levels of stress and sleep seven hours per night. Malhotra said, "These simple lifestyle changes" are more powerful than any medicine that doctors can prescribe. " While many dieters value calories, doctors recommend paying attention to what you eat instead. You can use good fats like olive oil to get started. In addition, you also need to avoid refined carbs like bread. Malhotra is the co-author of a new book, The Pipopi Diet: A 21-Day Lifestyle Plan. Below are their top recommendations for health and longevity based on Pippians: * Do not be afraid of fat; Sugar and refined carbohydrates are enemies. * Always walk, but exercise for health, not for weight loss. (And walking is best). * There is extra olive oil medicine, such as a small handful of nuts - every day, both should be eaten. * Should sleep seven hours a night. * Stop counting calories because they are not created equal at all. * Eat 10 eggs a week. They are complete and full of protein. * At least two meals a day and the second part of it should be of vegetables. * Fast for 24 hours once a week. Eat dinner, then do not eat breakfast or lunch the next day. *** ## @orion7


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