Friday, October 11, 2019

How product color affects its benefits Every person concerned about the state of your own body and such close friends, it is important to know that he and his family eat high quality foods that have healing properties. At least, this goal must be pursued in the preparation of the diet. The level of use of a product traditionally is considered from the viewpoint of chemical contents. If the latter are vitamins, minerals, proteins, antioxidants, it is simply vital to include in the menu. However, there are more interesting, innovative approach to the determination of the degree of "usefulness" of food for her... color. If you try to use this method once, you will not be able to refrain from such practices in the future. Some pigments affect the color of products What determines the specific color of the food product? The logic – whether it contains some substances that have the ability to give food a particular hue. These compounds are called pigments. The latter are biologically active molecules "able" to absorb light of a specific wavelength. Know 5 most common and widespread of natural coloring pigments, the products which can and need to eat. Let's look at them closer. 1. Chlorophyll is a pigment of green. We remember him from school, because this substance is contained in the leaves of plants and determines the hue of the latter. As for food, the sources of chlorophyll are vegetables and fruits green: cucumber, grapes, kiwi, apples, broccoli, avocado, gooseberries, green beans, parsley, dill, spinach and so on. They protect the body from cancer and diseases of the organs of vision. Chlorophyll is afraid of high temperatures and lack of light, therefore foods containing this component, better to use raw. 2. Lycopene is a pigment of red color. Is the name we are familiar, because it is indicated on the container of ketchup in the column "composition" and is positioned as a powerful tool in the fight against free radicals. Lycopene is really a antioxidant, thus, products containing red pigment, can serve as an excellent prevention of cancer and premature aging. These include tomatoes, red apples, watermelon, radishes, red sweet pepper, pomegranate, sour cherry, sweet cherry, plum, etc. Lycopene is fairly stable to any kind of treatment. 3. Anthocyanins – the pigments of purple, Burgundy and blue colors. They were found in such foods as plums, blueberries, blackberries, eggplant, grapes, prunes, purple onions, etc. All these sources of anthocyanins to lower "bad" cholesterol in blood, prevent the development of cancer of the stomach, strengthen the heart muscle, blood vessels, exert a hypotensive effect. 4. Beta-carotene – the orange pigment, yellow and red colors. This is our most important acquaintance. Beta-carotene is part of the orange, lemon, grapefruit, corn, pumpkin, carrot, peach, apricot, pepper, sea buckthorn, etc. He pigment-containing foods have a positive effect on vision, immunity, skin condition, protect people from developing heart disease, including heart failure. Beta-carotene is destroyed by heat treatment, in contact with oxygen, therefore, the above products are desirable to eat raw, and in combination with fats, because this compound is fat-soluble. 5. Astaxanthin – pigment brown, and white. Among the less known to the average citizen of biologically active pigments are feofitin, giving the food a brownish or yellowish tint; myoglobin, which determines the red color of raw meat; flavone, coloring foods in the color white; the melanoidins, which give a brownish tint. Useful qualities of products depending on color With pigments and their importance for human health, we understand – it's time to learn about the healing qualities of the products of a particular hue. Green products (feijoas, green peas, cilantro, lettuce, green onions and garlic) contribute to the renewal of blood, improving its structure, strengthening the nervous system, increase body resistance (immunity) helps to fight cancer. They also eliminate inflammation in the light of the healing and antibacterial properties that dull the sense of hunger, normalize appetite, blood pressure, weight. Yellow foods (egg yolk, pear, yellow cherry, yellow tomatoes, cheese, banana, millet, pineapple) – normalize the process of digestion, increase peristalsis of the intestine, purify the blood, stimulate the appetite, strengthen blood vessels and cell tissue, stimulate the immune and reproductive system. Food with solar shades, improves the function of eyes, protects from overloads your nerves, positively affects the motor centers and tones, energizes. Orange foods (mango, persimmons, apricots, Mandarin) – improve mood, blood circulation, skin color, lighten migraine, withdrawn outside of the body toxins in the urine, cleanses the kidneys, promotes the restoration of nerve cells. Thanks to the orange food it is easier to deal with apathy and General fatigue, fatigue as a hand shoots spasms of various kinds, upgrading the muscle tissue and enhanced sexuality. Red foods (strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, red currants, beets) – also give a charge of energy, vitality, and even have a beneficial effect on the digestibility of the consumed food, mental activity. They will be especially useful to persons suffering from anemia, circulatory disorders. Red foods may reduce the risk of cancer, occurrence of myocardial infarction, protects the epidermis from UV radiation. White foods (rice, flour, coconut, milk and dairy products, sugar, white bread, celery, egg white, cabbage) – carry out of the internal environment of the body of poisons, toxins, improve performance. They eliminate irritability, stress, aggression. The only lack of food white – high calorie. Blue, purple and black foods (blueberries, red cabbage, black currant, mulberry, blue plum) – the best way affects a person's memory, his vision, as blood vessels. Regularly using them in food, you will calm your nerves, get rid of insomnia, will improve brain function, facilitate the manifestation of rheumatism, improve intelligence, and even develop intuition. Products of blue and purple hues in the diet play the role of a strong protector of the body from the occurrence of malignancies, stroke, heart ailments. Brown foods (buckwheat, nuts, chocolate, coffee, cocoa, tea, brown bean, buckwheat honey, dates) – provide a relatively quick restore vitality, improve mood, normal work of the thyroid gland. They must be present in the menu of people suffering from bad eyesight and lung disease. Finally, a recommendation for inclusion in the diet food color. Its authors are supporters of the "toning" diet. Monday should eat white foods, Tuesday – red, Wednesday – green, Thursday – orange, Friday – purple Saturday – yellow Sunday – brown. Be healthy!
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