Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Folk remedies, traditional medicine recipes for insomnia, headache, neuralgia

Diseases of the nervous system * Gargle for 5-10 minutes produces a kind of massage of the brain and activates the processes of excitation. This procedure has beneficial effects on the Central nervous system. * The deterioration of mind and memory to RUB in whiskey 1 time a day for 2-3 weeks ghee. * Systematic use of almonds, one walnut a day for one month stimulates memory and creativity. If necessary, the treatment can continue. * Tincture of roots aralia tones the Central nervous system and regulates its activity. Infuse 5 g of root in 50 ml of alcohol or vodka for 21 days. Take 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day for a month. * Strengthens the brain regular shampooing and temples infusion grass Veronica: pour alcohol or vodka grass in the ratio of 1:5 and insist 9 days in a dark place. RUB the head and temples. * Fatigue of the brain helps a daily intake in the morning, three or four ripe apples of medium size.

Insomnia * Brew 1 Cup of boiling water 15 g of flowers of primrose, heat on low heat for 1 min. and drain, cool. Take 1 tbsp 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. * If insomnia is caused by rush of blood to the head, it is useful to put mustard or grated horseradish to the calves feet. At the same time you should drink cucumber pickle with honey (1 glass cucumber pickle 1 tbsp. of honey) 1 times a day, preferably at night. * Bow gives a good, strong and healthy sleep: you need to eat 1-2 heads before bedtime. * For insomnia, you should wash your hair with infusion of herbs oregano. Brew three gallons of boiling water a handful of herbs and leave, wrapped, 1-1. 5 hrs * Healers of the Caucasus suggest insomniacs to drink before bed 2 cups of fresh goat milk.

Headache * The headache will disappear or become much weaker if to lean his forehead against the windowpane, which neutralizes the electrostatic charge accumulated on the skin and causes painful oshushenie. * Helps with vertigo decoction of hawthorn fruit. Pour 1 Cup boiling water 20 g of berries and warm on low heat for 10 minutes to Drink on an empty stomach. * Fresh herb applied to the head, acts as a mustard plaster for headaches. * If you moisten a piece of wool emesu equal amounts of vinegar and olive oil and apply to the head, will be a headache. The same effect has a simple wetting with vinegar. * To relieve headaches, you can tie the head with a strip of soft wool with a width of 7-8 cm. from the Front it should cover the eyebrows, and back to place under the occiput. * You can also bandage to a forehead and temples fresh cabbage sheet, preliminary crumpling him to let the juice. This juice to lubricate the wrist of hands and deepening behind the ears. Neuralgia * When inflammation of the trigeminal nerve: pour 1 Cup of boiled water at room temperature 4 tsp. chopped roots of marshmallow, and leave overnight. In the morning to get in his mouth an infusion of chamomile (1 tsp to 1 Cup boiling water) and keep it as long as possible on the sick place. At the same time outside the affected area to put a gauze compress of infusion of marshmallow, over the gauze - compress paper and wool fabric (an old scarf or handkerchief). Compress apply several times a day until the pain disappears. The root of the marshmallow can be replaced with flowers and leaves of the plant: 1стаканом of boiling water pour 2 tbsp of raw materials and infuse for 1 hour * When inflammation of the sciatic nerve in the form of medical bandage with honey is used Ruta. * When inflammation of the sciatic nerve: pour 1 Cup boiling water 1 tbsp. l. rhizome of fern, warm on low heat for 15-20 minutes, and to insist 2 hours to Drink a SIP 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The plant is poisonous! * Neuralgia, nervousness also helps with soporific effect of the tincture of hops. Pour the stems of hops (to be collected in August) vodka or alcohol in a ratio of 1:4инастоять7дней (on alcohol) or 14 days (with vodka). Take 10 drops of tincture, drinking a SIP of water before lunch and 10-15 drops before bed * Neuralgia take tincture of bark wolf bark: 1 g of bark in 65 ml of alcohol, 1-2 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, diluted water. * When during an attack of neuralgia face hurt, cook hard-boiled egg, cut it in half and both halves immediately attach to the place where it hurts the most. When the egg cools, disappear and pain.
Originally posted here:

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