Thursday, October 3, 2019

Control anxiety naturally
What is anxiety ? Anxiety is the reaction to some unexpected situation. Its very normal to all of us. Think of a situation when you suddenly see a dog in front of your car while driving, suddenly you press break without any second thought. Its exactly what anxiety is all about. Sometimes anxiety triggers when you face a challenging situation, under pressure or fear. Have you ever noticed the way you feel when you wait for the result of an exam or on the first day of a new college ? That feel is nothing but anxiety. In a simpler word excessive fear, nervousness and worries triggers anxiety. Its very natural phenomenon. When our senses feel any possible threat, brain releases a hormone called “Adrenaline”. What is Adrenaline ? Adrenaline then triggers anxiety to protect yourself from the possible threats. Basically it happen when you face “Fight – or- Fly” situation. So now you know that, feeling anxious is not a bad thing. But problem comes when you feel it very often or the duration for which you feel anxious is out of the proportion. What is Anxiety disorders As we have already discussed, when the occurrence of this anxiety feeling is more often or for no reason and the duration of the feeling is more then its called as anxiety disorder. It may lead to high blood pressure, increased heart rate or nausea. So better to treat it as soon as possible to avoid any further health related issues. (2).jpg

How to control anxiety naturally ? There is absolutely nothing to be worried if you found some of the above points applicable to you. With some natural remedies and little adaptations of good habits, you can definitely get rid of any trigger that causes anxiety. -Breathing meditation The best natural thing to control anxiety is to start breathing meditation. Even you can start doing some pyanayam, like Kapalvatti (rapid exhalation of breath) or deep breathing . Kapal means “skull” and vatti means shining. By practicing kapal vatti pranayam daily, it will detoxify the skull or brain. If you feel difficulty in doing the pranayam or a patient of high blood pressure, then just go for deep breathing meditation. Just sit in a comfortable posture, take deep breath (Both inhale and exhale should be long in duration). Try to concentrate on the breath and feel it. Be aware of every single breath. You make like to know how to do meditation here !!! -Stay in present Don’t thing more on future, it will help your mind to limit additional thoughts. Lesser the thoughts, lesser will be amount of anxiety or fear or worries. Just enjoy the present without going ahead of time nor involving deeper in the past experiences. Its the best way to control anxiety, also depression and fear. (1).jpg

Conclusion : Its very common phenomenon in all of us to be anxious. When the occurrence of anxiety becomes more frequent and for longer duration then its called as anxiety disorder. We can control anxiety though many natural ways, as it will always comes without any side effect. Still if the case is more complicated and you feel controlling your thoughts are difficult for you, then consult a doctor and go for medication. Thanking you [HEALTHY MIND](
Originally posted here:

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