Thursday, October 17, 2019

Basic Aura Cleanse - Spiritual Health and Healing
All of us know how to keep ourselves clean and hygienic. We bathe, keep our pits smelling fresh, brush and floss, wash our hands after the toilet and before eating... But how many of us remember to keep our auras clean? I can always tell when my daughters' auras are filthy. Their attitudes go south and my clairvoyant can no longer "see". That's when I know it's time to do an aura cleanse.


Our favorite time to do this is right before bed so that we have a good night's sleep before we hit the next day, though there's no *wrong* time to do it, so adjust it to your needs. This is the way we do it - we may have more steps than what you feel you need - or you may want to add more or change them a little - again, adjust it to your needs. ## Basic Aura Cleanse in 11 Quick/Simple Steps 1. Pull out the bad energy. We visualize it like a ball of black string wrapping up above our heads... we use our hands to pull these out of our bodies. We then throw it into the ground. I always know when this step is done because my clairvoyant starts giggling uncontrollably. 2. Rinse yourself out. This is a step my clairvoyant added not too long ago. We visualize a golden waterfall which we step into to allow the gold to just wash away the remaining bad. 3. Flush. We reach for the heavenly lights - the sun, the moon, the stars... and we pull it all the way through us into the ground. Again, this just makes sure we're completely clean. Next we get to build again. 4. Fill with White. We reach for those heavenly lights again and fill our auras with pure white light/energy. Imagine a balloon around yourself and fill that whole area with white until it's bleeding out through the very pores of your aura. (I might have made up the thing about pores, but that's sort of the idea...) 5. Fill with Pink. Next, we fill our auras with pink for healthy self love, the kind that *everyone* needs in order to be spiritually healthy. 6. Cover with a Rainbow. Because everyone needs *every* color in the rainbow, we do this for balanced chakras. 7. Fairy dust! Another step invented by my daughters, this one is mostly just fun, but my clairvoyant insists that it makes a huge difference to our energies, so we do it. We sort of imagine fireworks exploding onto us and sometimes throw the fairy dust at one another. It's very energizing! 8. Mirror covering. This is the first protective step. I visualize the evil terminator in Terminator 2, you know, the liquid metal? I visualize this covering my entire body to reflect away bad energies and keep in the good (because it's a one-way mirror, you see....) 9. Blue balloon. We visualize a large blue balloon (blue is protective) in a oval around ourselves. 10. Sharpies. If we're feeling vulnerable (as often are when we desperately need a cleanse), we fill our blue balloon with sharp things, swords, daggers, whatever. These are to return harm to those who try to harm us. 11. Stickers. Protective symbols are visualized on the outside of our blue balloons. Maybe a cross, or an ankh or an eye of Ra, whatever is protective to you can go there. ## Simplified... Too complicated? I have three basic steps. 1. Get rid of the bad energies. 2. Bring in the good energies. 3. Protect ourselves from harm. That's it! But maybe you'll like the drawn out version too. Tell me how you cleanse *your* aura! (Especially if you're working with kids.) Image from: [Pixabay]( Crossposted at Steem, Whaleshares, WeKu, Hyperspace Past issues of Health and Healing ## Wild Healing * [Arrowleaf Balsamroot]( ## Disease Prevention/Healing * [Dementia]( ## Herbal Medicine * [Cat's Claw]( * [Marijuana]( *** *** *** ### Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. I am a solver of problems. I do the best I can to research and come up with possibilities that you may find useful, but I cannot diagnose your medical issue, nor can I tell you the best way to handle your situation. If in doubt, seek professional assistance. When turning to nature, especially in the wild, you must take all responsibility to do due diligence. Using the wrong plant/herb/fungi can be extremely harmful or even fatal. When in doubt, seek experienced help. Note that identical plants/fungi found in a different country may be very different. ***
**Lori Svensen** author/designer at **[A'mara Books](** photographer/graphic artist for **[Viking Visual](** verified author on [Goodreads]( find me on [Twitter]( blogging on: [Steem](, [Whaleshares](, [WeKu](, [Hyperspace]( *** [

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