Saturday, October 5, 2019

A Lemon A Day, To Chase Bad Cholestoral Away


Yesterday morning I made a pact with me, myself and I. One amongst many. The thing about birthdays, it makes you reflect, makes you plan, you do get melancholic depending on your age, and then you either wallow in self-pity or you pick yourself up and move forward with some grand plans. ### I guess this year, I pick myself up and move forward with grand plans. One of it, simpler if not the simplest amongst the many is drinking lemon juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Without sugar!! Bad news for a sugar addict. *But let me just say, I have done it a couple of times already and it isn't so bad.* At the start of this year, the Doc declared me the not-so-proud owner of some bad cholesterol. Now, this was a slap in the face for someone who has been relatively healthy, not on any sort of meds or supplements. ***The guy took away my bragging rights!!*** So he gave me six months to get my act together, before deciding if I need meds. My reading was 6.8. Exercise he said, that's what you need!! So, I got Actifiting and got myself a FitBit to track. And looked forward and waited for the next appointment. I walked in like a peacock, well I should be a peahen but the peacocks strut better, and plonked myself in the chair, ready to hear some good news. "Hmmmmmm, your cholesterol has gone 6.7" he says. This cannot be right!! That's almost nothing. I told him it must be in my genetics then. Since both my parents have had a by-pass. He nodded and said, "Probably, but that's only like 1%. The rest is all you." *Wow!! Thanks Doc.... I can't even blame my parents now.* Well, again I have been given 6 months before meds. This time with instructions to work on my diet. I have read in many places that one of the culprits is sugar, so I will have to make an effort to say No to desserts. *I say this while eating my birthday came. Starting tomorrow... really*. I have also seen friends on social media, talk about getting their readings to a good place with Lemon. And so, til the next appointment, this is my morning routine. Juice of a Lemon a day to hear the Doc say, and that's a Yay!! Do you have anything you have tried and worked? Help me get back my bragging rights.... please? :) Thank you for dropping in and reading. Truly appreciated. Cheers, Sh33la
Originally posted here:

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