Tuesday, October 1, 2019

5 Signs That It's Time to Visit a Sexologist


5 Signs That It's Time to Visit a Sexologist.jpg

Sex is one of the most important things in the relationship and therefore sex problems are a very good reason to turn to a specialist for help. A sexologist is a doctor who helps in case of situations in which neither a gynecologist, nor andrologist, nor even a psychotherapist can help. Let’s look at five different cases with which a sexologist may help. 1. Thoughts about sex bother you Periodically thinking about sex is perfectly normal. Edward Laumann, the lead author of a major study of sexual practices, reports that most surveyed men under the age of 60 and a quarter of women think about sex at least once a day. If thoughts about sex are making you uncomfortable, this is not normal. If these thoughts become obsessive, interfere with work, study, and don’t allow you to concentrate on tasks then it's time to visit a sexologist. The specialist will help determine the cause of the problem and correct the behavior through therapy. 2. You prefer masturbation over sex People masturbate at any age. Often masturbation is the first sexual experience in most people. According to the American study Your Guide to Masturbation, 95% of men and 89% of women masturbated at least once. Masturbation is not an aberration from the norm and doesn’t harm health. If you have a sexual partner but sex with him/her doesn’t bring as much pleasure as masturbation, this is a problem. Gradually, this can ruin the relationship. 3. You feel pain during sex It’s common for women to experience pain during sex but this problem may also affect men. The reasons are both physiological and psychological. In any case, this is bad since painful sex is a way your body is trying to tell you that there are problems. Don’t ignore the discomfort or pain if you experience it often and go to a gynecologist or urologist. If doctors say that your body is healthy but you still feel pain, it's time to visit a sexologist. 4. You are unable to achieve orgasm If you are not sexually satisfied despite being aroused, you may have anorgasmia. Mostly women suffer from this problem but it may also affect men. WebMD reports that about 10% of women have never experienced an orgasm, neither with a partner nor during masturbation. Here are the reasons for the lack of orgasms: - difficulties in relations with the partner - several diseases including diabetes - previous gynecological operations - taking certain medications - past sexual abuse - religious and cultural beliefs about sex - depression - stress - anxiety - low self-esteem. 5. You have no sexual desire Sexual desire may change throughout life and depends on various factors. Here are just a few reasons why you may not want sex: - pregnancy and lactation - changes in relationships such as marriage or divorce - disability - menopause - problems in life or at work - conflicts - toxic relationships - lack of emotional connection with a partner - negative attitudes towards sex - criticism or betrayal by a loved one A periodic lack of sexual desire is normal. Everyone has troubles, stresses, and illnesses. But if you don’t want your partner for a long time, it worsens the relationship and leads to quarrels and misunderstanding.
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/health/@happynewyorker/5-signs-that-it-s-time-to-visit-a-sexologist

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