Saturday, April 20, 2019

Essential Tremor Awareness Month Wrap-up (#SteemBloPoMo Day 20)

A little over a month ago, I did a post called, Accepting the #seven77 challenge & Shining a Light on #EssentialTremor, where I detailed my simple plan to participate in the #seven77 challenge on Twitter while working on getting healthy with the DApp on the Steem Blockchain called @actifit, while also showing what my Essential Tremor looks like in action for the Essential Tremor Awareness Month campaign. I didn't get to do as many videos as I'd hoped, thanks to a bit of a change (both in duration and severity) in my symptoms around March 24th, but figured I'd put the ones I did manage together in one post, so those who aren't on Twitter could check them out. And no worries - I've been to my primary care doctor, and I'm in the process of setting up an appointment with a new neurologist who is also a Movement Disorder Specialist, so I plan to get this managed as quickly as possible. In the meantime, some good news - last time I got weighed at the docs was all the way back in July 2018. I know, even without having a scale in the house, that my weight didn't change much until the beginning of this year, a couple of months before I joined Actifit on March 14th. Then in early January ( I made the decision to push past the "exercise triggers my tremor" fear and get myself as healthy as possible. Exercise or no exercise, I'm still gonna shake, so might as well get some benefit in the process. Short story long (which, incidentally, is my superpower) in the past four months, I've lost 14 pounds!

Now, on to the videos

My original intro video    

Second Day    

Third Day    

Fourth Day    

Fifth Day    

Sixth Day and last video for now

Bit of a disclaimer or two on this one - first off, the obvious one. Because the center part of this video was so long and boring (just me walking circles around our house), I had to edit it down. I ended up using free software (Wondershare Filmora9), and as I didn't see the point in paying about $40 to edit a two minute video, there's a pretty big watermark on it. Also, yes I do get a bit weepy at the end, when my tremors kick in. However, and I plan to talk about this more in a future post, the tears aren't emotion based. In my interwebz research, there's indications that the area of the brain that's affected in Essential Tremor is very close to the emotion center, so a large majority of the time when my tremors kick off, so do my tears. Most times though, there's no sadness behind them - granted, there are also the times they kick off because of the frustration & feat, but that's a story for another day. 😜    

Thanks for stopping by!

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    Links: PowerHouseCreatives; steemsugars; steemusa; anonyvoter/steemians directory; helpie  

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