Friday, April 19, 2019

Greetings friends on Steemint. Long live, keep healthy, always be young - people have always dreamed about it.


Conifer kvass recipe Harvest one-year or two-year branches of pine or larch. If there are both, take them in the proportion of 1: 1. Coniferous raw materials for kvass should be chopped and dried in the shade. Raw materials for coniferous kvass can be harvested from spring to autumn, but it is better at the end of summer, and should be stored in a dark and cool place for about a year. Further, for the preparation of coniferous kvass need copper water. To prepare it, you must have a container of pure tinned copper. If there is no such vessel, then take about 50 grams of scraps of pure red copper (chips, wire, etc.), but not the alloy — not brass and not bronze. If you want to use copper wire wires, you need to make sure that there is no insulation left on it, sometimes not visible to the eye (for example, transparent enamel); The wire must be carefully cleaned with sandpaper from isolation so that unwanted chemicals do not get into your pine brew. Pour 1 liter of drinking water into a copper container or put copper in an enameled bowl and fill it with 1 l of drinking water. Put on the fire and boil until half the water boils away. The resulting half-liter of copper water should be added with boiling water to 3-liter volume. Next, for the preparation of coniferous kvass, take 2.5 cups (75 grams, you can and more) of the prepared raw material, pour hot copper water and add half a cup of sugar or honey. When the infusion has cooled to room temperature, add about 1 tablespoon of baker's yeast for fermentation. Put the future conifer kvass in a dark place with a temperature of 20-25 ° C (normal conditions) and let it ferment for a day. Squeeze the resulting coniferous kvass, bottle, cork and put in the refrigerator. Drink kvass daily for 3/4 cup during a meal or immediately after a meal (preferably after breakfast) 1-3 times a day. Attention! Softwood preparations are not recommended for people with inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, since they have an irritating effect. There are no other contraindications for coniferous kvass.
Originally posted here:

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