Monday, August 5, 2019

What are the reasons to avoid direct sun exposure after hair transplant?

ASG Hair Transplant Centre Punjab: Hair transplant is only designed for those who are suffering from excessive hair loss. You may not be aware of that recovery from hair transplant needs proper care so that you cannot face any type of problem in the future.


In order to get proper hair growth, you need to follow all the instructions of your surgeon. These include-:

•    You must go with those medicines or painkillers which are prescribed by the surgeon. Since other types of medicines leads you to serious scalp problems.

•    You should avoid hair styling products because these are harmful to your skin and the transplanted region as well. 

•    You need to consume a healthy diet so that proper blood and oxygen

•    You must avoid sun exposure for a few weeks because direct light contains harmful UV rays. 

Millions of people ask us why sunlight is not essential for transplanted hair. If you are planning to take hair transplant in Punjab then there is no need to worry about anything, since our surgeons have vast knowledge about each and everything related to a hair transplant. That’s why we write his article so that you can get detailed information about hair transplant and sun exposure, and how they related together?

How sun exposure is harmful to the transplanted Skin?

Transplanted skin is not commonly fit for protecting itself from sun exposure because it contains chromatophores that are lead to more dark skin when they meet with sunlight. In addition to this, these chromosomes may die during the transplantation process and takes much time to recover. That’s why we rexcomnme3nd you to avoid the sun exposure for at least 3-4 months so that your hair grow properly. 

Here are some reasons why you need to avoid sun exposure after hair transplant.

Millions of people do not consider it serious because they said sunlight gives them vitamin D, which is essential for their body. But they do not know ho0w harmful these rays are to their scalp and hair follicles. 

•    First of all, you may not be aware of it that your transplanted skin is too sensitive, which cannot bear the harmful rays. 

•    Secondly, sunlight also leads top excessive sweating which is further linked to irritation and discomfort, due to which person starts touching his transplanted skin and that leads to breakage. So, you must avoid sun exposure or 4 months after the hair transplant.

•    Last but not least, as we stated above your transplanted hair and scalp is not so mature, which can protect you from external components as compared to native hair. So, you need to give proper time to your skin so that it can be turned to mature.

In this situation, you need to ask the doctor what to do in order to avoid sun exposure. He will surely guide you on it, or you must cover your head if you are going outside in a day. But we strictly recommend you to avoid going anywhere for at least 60 days after the hair transplant.

Originally posted here:

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