Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Recently we put together a blog about depression and what we can naturally do to help ourselves. We have decided to extend that blog and focus on some foods that are known to help with this affliction. The previous blog was geared more towards lifestyle changes and natural therapies. We touched on some diet changes, so we figured we would expand on this with 6 more options. We decided to focus a little more on food and diet because what we put on our body has a lot to do with how we feel. As the old adage goes “Garbage In, garbage out!” I’m sure you have heard the famous quote from Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” So before running to the doctors or spending money on therapies and experts, think about Hippocrates and the truth of this statement. Nature has given us all we need to heal ourselves, we just need to do a little research. Research shows that ingesting the right foods regularly can shift your mental state, tame your stress, reducing anxiety and fighting off depression. Hope you enjoy and experiment with these additional options. **6 Foods to Boost Your Mood** *Chocolate*


Dark chocolate helps with brain function and improvements in mood. It is full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Dark chocolate has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression. Just think about it, what is the first thing you reach for when you’re down? Chocolate! To get the most out of your chocolate, always look for a minimum of 60% cacao. Also try to make sure that the ingredients are limited to 1 or 2. Limit any added sugar, as this adds to anxiety and depression. Always try to get organic cacao. Try to stay away from commercial chocolates. We won’t name any, but you know which ones we are referring to. *Fatty Fish (High in Omega 3s)* Sardines, tuna, halibut and mackerel are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to have a number of benefits, and it just so happens that fighting anxiety and depression is one of them. Omega 3.s are anti-inflammatory by nature, which is extremely beneficial. These fatty fish also have effects on our dopamine and serotonin production – very important neurotransmitters that allow us to feel happy and calm. The recommended consumption of fish is around 2 times per week for the most benefits. As a pescatarian, this may be fine, but if for those of you on the vegetarian train - omega 3’s can be found in chia seeds and flax seeds. *Avocados*


Avocados are full of magnesium and B6 which helps the production of serotonin in the brain. Not to mention they are another source of healthy fats and extremely anti-inflammatory due to their high content of omega3. They are also a great source of magnesium, which is known to temper anxiety and stress. *Leafy Greens* Spinach, Chard, Collard Greens, Kale to name a few, are loaded with magnesium. As mentioned above, magnesium is great a regulating serotonin levels, which in turn boosts mood. Magnesium is known to help reduce anxiety and fight off depression. *Fermented Foods* Fermented foods are a great source of prebiotics. Although they do contain probiotics, more studies have shown that those probiotics are only used during the fermentation process in order to create the final product. Contrary to what we have all been told, we are not really getting those probiotics, but rather the prebiotics, which feed the bacteria I our microbiome (colony of bacterias in our intestinal tract). Surely you have heard of the great research being done that is showing how our guts and brains are connected. They have even gone as far as calling our guts the “second brain”. “I think that is a rather impactful statement!” Look for fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, lassi and kefir. Fermented foods helps to keep your gut working properly. *Blueberries* Blueberries are extremely beneficial when it comes to brain boosting benefits. They have extremely high levels of antioxidants and vitamin C. Studies have shown that the high level of flavonoids in the blueberries help improve memory, regulate mood and protect the brain from aging. Blueberries are also very high in resveratrol, which has become a star in the vitamin industry. Resveratrol, found in wine, has been found to be a powerhouse when it comes to mental health and anti-aging. We hope this article has shed some light on the previous blog with regards to foods that can benefit you. So please, feel free to indulge and have fun with it. Diet is very important when it comes to mental health, but mindset/attitude are as important. Its all about balance and moderation. To your health, happiness and personal wealth! Be sure to check out the rest of the posts on [Life Inspired by Nature]( Please note that all opinions here are strictly opinions and for informational purposes only. They are not to be used as a replacement for medical opinions and should not be used as the only metric for diagnosing any medical condition. This page might contain affiliate inks. In the event of a sale, we will be awarded a small commission (at no extra cost to you).
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