Saturday, August 24, 2019

Saturday Sweets! Double Chocolate Goji Goodness

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Saturday, oh sweet Saturday!

*** >I remember growing up and looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday morning. You know, snuggle under those warm covers and wake up mid morning... *** >Unfortunately my father always had other plans…if we weren’t up early enough he felt it was his duty to wake us with a cold glass of water! On our heads! Time to start the Saturday morning cleaning routine! *It didn’t take too many wakeup calls like that to urge us out of bed.* ***

Perhaps that’s why I’ve always been an early Bird…or something like that! lol


*pic thanks to pixabay!* *** >I still love Saturdays and even though I’m retired the weekends still feel different from the week days. *Call me crazy but its true!* I like to cook and bake more, maybe even read a good book! Today was no different! We’ve been doing a great deal of heavy lifting around the house lately so I figured it would be nice to create a little chocolate treat! ***

*Don't cookies sound good? Chocolate? With Goji Berries?*

I'll let you in on my sweet treat secret…
using just 6 magic ingredients, (which you’ll want to soon stock as pantry staples) you can create chocolate bliss! *Yes, really!* ***
Oh and Goji Berries,...
they're definitely a pantry staple. Goji berries hail from Asia and those folks have been using Goji’s for medicinal purposes for over 2000 years! They’ve become popular around the world for not only their sweet taste but their antioxidant properties, protecting us from UV damage and the effects of cell damage as we age. They contain beta-carotene which is great for the skin, helping to heal our skin from sun damage. Gojis are also known to help balance the blood sugar levels. Unlike many dried fruits, you won’t experience sugar drops after eating these little gems


*** #### *All you need!* * Crunchy Sun Butter (1 cup) * Cacao or Cocoa Powder (2 tbsp.) * Coconut Palm Sugar (1/3 cup) * Chia or Regular Egg (qty 1) * Dairy Free Dark Chocolate Chips (1/3 cup) * Dried Goji Berries (1/3 cup) *Note: 1 Chia Egg = 1 Tbsp. Chia seeds + 3 Tbsp. water Let stand 10 minutes before using.* ***
These are so easy…
you’ll almost feel guilty! Mix all of the ingredients except the Chocolate Chips and Goji Berries. You wouldn’t think this would work, but trust me it does! Now it’s time for the Chips and Berries!

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With damp hands…
Roll the dough into 1 ½” balls and place them on your favorite parchment lined baking sheet. *You’ll want to flatten them a bit as they won’t spread out.*

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Into the oven…
for 12 minutes at 350 degrees. Let them cool completely, they’ll finish cooking on the baking sheet!

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There you have it! Double Chocolate Goji Goodness! A perfect weekend Treat!

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Don’t have Sun butter? Try Almond, Cashew or even Peanut Butter!

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*** >I love these cookies because they’re grain free, dairy free and include healthy fats! By adding Goji berries they’re amazing! Have unexpected guests? Cookies due tomorrow for your child’s school party, no problem! These are ready in 15 minutes or less! Cheers to a healthy weekend! Thanks for stopping by! *** *And as always, blessings to you all!* ***





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Originally posted here:

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