Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Coconut Water Is Good For You After Exercising

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It feels good after exercising to drink something fresh. Especially if the weather is hot like now. But, is a drink that looks fresh, really good to consume after exercising?   The safest drink is indeed general water. But if you want to drink another refreshing drink while exercising with a health benefit, then coconut water is a good choice for you. Coconut water's natural electrolytes without added sugar, food coloring, or artificial sweeteners make it a solid match for traditional sports drinks. Coconut Water is more popular than a more natural performance drink. >Studies have shown that coconut water can perform just as well as a traditional sport's drink to keep you hydrated and help replenish fluids after a run. However, coconut water has less sodium, the main electrolyte you lose with sweat, than most sport's drinks. It also has fewer carbohydrates than many drinks meant for endurance performance. This means it might not give you enough energy for a long bout of exercise (greater than 90 minutes), but it will help you rehydrate afterward. - Via [MedicalNewsToday]( After exercising, our body loses a lot of sugar and electrolytes. That is why coconut water is very suitable for drinking after exercise.

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Fresh Coconut from my garden
Coconut water is very rich in electrolytes and antioxidants and contains potassium. This makes coconut water an excellent natural recovery drink. >Coconut water has more than 10 times the amount of potassium of most sports drinks. An 8-ounce glass of coconut water is packed with as much potassium as a banana. Potassium helps keep fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, especially during exercise. Because there is more potassium than sodium in coconut water, the potassium may help balance out sodium's effect on blood pressure and possibly even help lower it. Via [MedicalNewsToday](   The thing to remember is to note the authenticity of the coconut water. Avoid adding sweeteners in it. It is strongly recommended to drink the original coconut water without addition. So try to buy coconut water which you see directly in the packaging process. Because now many sellers add water and sugar to increase profits.

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Fresh Coconut from my garden
If you have your own coconut plant from the garden, of course, it is very good to take coconut water from the original source of your garden. Make sure your drink after exercise is maintained clean. ## Keep healthy!
Originally posted here:

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