Friday, August 30, 2019

My Health Is My Wealth

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Being healthy is one of the most important things in my life. I have plans to be here for a long time, to watch my children grow, to be here to support them and to hold space for them. The best way for me to ensure that, is to look after myself. Yet I have to admit , that I do find that difficult at times. As a mum I do put the needs of my girls before my own, even though I know that in order for me to meet their needs, I need to be fit and healthy, so I really need to place all of our needs, on the same level. >It is not easy being a single parent with 3 kids, my time is never really my own and I have found myself burning the candle at both ends, quiet a lot these past few months. But I have keep going and managed to stay healthy. I know that I do need a break and hopefully when their dad comes to visit, I will get some me time. Time to really focus on my own self care, something that has seemed like a bit of a luxury of late. I look at the world around me and I can see this huge disconnection from self, self responsibility and self care. We are living in times where many people are happy to hand over the responsibility of their well being to others. To consume whatever they want and I am not just talking about food here. There is also a huge disconnection from our natural environment. Something that has led to some losing their way in the natural order of things. I write a lot about the seasons and how the way in which we live our lives, needs to be in tune with what is happening around us, how we need to look to nature for guidance. In some ways it feels strange saying look to nature, as we are a part of nature. But these are times where so many have lost their way. Where they do not follow the way of winter, a time when we are meant to retreat and harness our energy, so that we can work on ourselves and nurture the seeds of who we are becoming.

To allow our power to sink into our roots, so that we are prepared to bring forth new life into our dreams and goals when they begin to take shape in the spring.

>This all starts with being more self aware, learning to listen to yourself and your body and allowing your energy to flow. You become more balanced and more creative, which in turn makes you more compassionate and understanding towards yourself and others. This compassion is what feeds your desire to be healthy and happy. When you are aware of what your body needs, then you will see how your health is your wealth. You will know that life is all about strengthening who you are, so that you can then help to strengthened those around you. Eating healthily, staying active, remaining open and honest with yourself and others, all of these things will now, just flow. Listening to the changes that occur around you, being aware of the moon and the natural cycle of things and accepting those change, embracing them, these are the things that keep me healthy.

Embracing who I am, where I have come from and who I am becoming!

This is my answer to the EcoTrain Question that asked what is more important for good health. I missed the deadline, but still wanted to write an answer as it is such a great topic. The new Question of The Week can be found here .

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp


Originally posted here:

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