Friday, August 30, 2019

My Day 032 - Social Day
Yesterday was kind of a busy day. I did my data science study in the morning and then went for a 1.5 hour bike ride. After that I went to my parents and helped them install there new computer. When I came home after diner I cleaned the house and went to do some groceries for the weekend. My neck and jaw are still very stiff which doesn't make my days perfect. I had some kind of dizziness when I did my groceries, probably coming from my neck. I also feel some strange tingling spreading from my neck to the back of my head/ears. Or maybe it's just all something psychological. I don't know and when it's not gone next week I will see the GP. All I know for now is that my days are perfect except this little thing!


Goals M T W T F S S
Healthy Eating V V V V - - -
Exercise X X V V - - -
Deep Work (min 4 hours) X X V V - - -
Reading X X V V - - -
No Netflix/TV before 8 PM X X V V - - -
Fun Goals (writing etc.) X X V V - - -
Morning Start X X V V - - -
Get Outside V V V V - - -
3 Coffee max X V V X - - -
No Alcohol V V V V - - -
Rating 3 5 8 8 - - -
Expenses 0 21 0 9 - - -

Originally posted here:

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