Friday, August 30, 2019

How to screw your keto diet Like a boos No.2 and how am I going back to it
Aloha my lovely cream buns :) In my previous post I've wrote about how did I went from KETO or LCHF diet to rubbish diet. My exams are taking up all of my energy and the will to eat right and I can tell you that I'm feelings like my body screams to go back. I love to eat sweets and lots of carbs but I had a weight problem and felt really tired for about 6 years. So I had to do something about it. I turned my life and started to eat properly. I even went full on my "beast mode" and trained like a pro. In a half of year I've lost 16 kg/ 35 lb and felt awesome and energetic. I have this shitty period of my life where I've lost the will to do good for myself and this is what I've been eating since . ___




___ This was my breakfast for a week and frankly, I feel it. I really do. Theese are grilled sandwiches stuffed with smooked cheese and ham, olives, feta cheese, salad and butter. Really tasty but man... Unhealthy. Butter with bread makes me sleepy and tired. I've also ate a lot of sweets and even started to drink those sugar chocolate milk that made me bloated and feel weird. I obviously got used to healthy food and my body liked it so now when I'm eating bad food, I feel a little bit of nausea and a lot of energy deficit. I felt happy in the moment of eating it but in like 15 minutes bad mood comes XD ___




___ I've felt worse and worse and I had to do something about it so I started to go back to Keto step by step, one at the time. I cooked and cooked lots of veggies, I've started to enjoy cooking again and it is clear now what do I like and what my body enjoys. I know these photos bellow aren't quite keto or LCHF but I'm trying to eat healthy while fighting with my lack of will and time. This is a lovely chicken soup I made so easily. I've put some water and wine, chicken thigh and a bunch of seasoning and put it on the stove for like 40 minutes. Was really shocked how it turned out delicious with almost 0 effort. ___


___ I've even made a awesome salad and my boyfriend said that it was the most nutrient-rich and tasteful salad he ever had. I was so happy with that compliment. I've made it from green salad, tomatoes, olives, tuna, roasted almond and flaxseeds, Feta cheese, eggs, and onion. I also made a salad sauce from greek yogurt, pumpkin oil, Aceto balsamico, and several spices. I felt so full but at the same time, light. ___










___ Ok, I've started to drool a bit. This was really delicious and healthy. I wonder why didn't I put some chia seeds in it. I also made some healthy veggies and rice pasta. It contained some peas, beans, onion, garlic, corn, carrot, paprika... And I'm missing one ingredient but you Got the idea. This was also so easy to make. So easy I've made it twice in two days. We ate all of it at once both times. This meal was pretty high in carbs for me but I've started to feel the difference from carbs from bread and for example, carbs from veggies. Again, felt full but light. ___










___ Well... Am I going back or what :D At the end of almost every post I ask a question and why this one should be any different? ___ ***QUESTION*** - what is your "bad" food that you want to eat very often and with what do you replace it? ___ Thank you so much for your time and I want you to have a good and calm night. Steem us to the moon! Cheers :)
Originally posted here:

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