Saturday, August 24, 2019

Why Do You Put On Weight With Age?

When people get to the age of 50, no one gets surprised if they get fat, sick, and tired. In fact, if they don't we give them compliments. We have this belief that our bodies reach a peak state by the mid-20s and after this, they're supposed to slowly decline.

Every year from the age of 25 to 50, the average American puts 1 to 2 pounds of fat and we allow this to happen for the beliefs that we have. But let me tell you something. All those things are not supposed to happen. They're all results of our lifestyle. Our bodies were designed to be healthy and strong as time passes by, and there are five main reasons why we gain weight as we get older.

If you want to lose weight, then you need to put some effort into it or sign up to a weight loss product or service like this one -

Let me tell you what they are. Reason number one, muscle mass loss. Now, imagine if you could have a device that you plug into your body and it burns calories without you having to do anything. That would be super cool, right? In fact, this already exists and it's called muscle. This is exactly what muscle does to you, but it's a very expensive thing for the body.

 So if you don't show your body you really need it, you lose it. After the age of 30, the studies show that we lose 3% to 8% of our muscle per decade.

Once you lose 5 pounds of muscle, every 24 hours your body will burn 250 calories less than if you had that muscle on and that means that over the course of 14 days, you get 1 pound of fat accumulating in your body. And we lose muscle mainly because we either don't use them often or because we do too much cardiovascular activities.

But this solution is quite easy. The thing that you need to do here is just lift heavy things. Go exercise and do strength training. Going to the gym may be the most helpful thing for you here. Reason number two, lack of activity levels.

Now, there's an important distinction here. There is a difference between physical exercise and physical activity. Physical exercise is all the movement that you do for the purpose of improving your fitness levels. When you go for a run or when you go to the gym. Physical activity is the unintentional movement.

It's when you stand up and walk to get a coffee or walk from your car to the office. When we are kids, this is something that doesn't stop. We just want to play and move and when we are teenagers and university students this is still fairly high. But as we get a job, we spend the whole day sitting, most of us, and at home, we sit to watch TV.

And we commute in our cars also sitting and when we gather our friends, most of our outings is about sitting and talking most of the time.

Activity levels are very low. What the studies show is that increasing activity level may be one of the major players in fighting obesity in the world. The difference between someone who has a job sitting the entire day and the other person whose job gets them to walk and stand most of the time may be up to 700 calories per day. And this means if these two people ate the same every day, the person who sits throughout the entire day may gain one pound of fat per week.

Now, the solution for this is pretty easy, as well. You just need to get more active. Think about three different environments. A, think about work. At work, park your car further from the office and walk. Have meetings while you walk. Also, walk when you are on the phone. Try to have a standing desk that you can stand and work.

At home, doing things like gardening and cleaning can spend 100 calories per hour and when you gather your friends, do some dancing, bowling, or playing video games that get you to physically move can also spend more than 100 calories per hour. Reason number three, relationship with food. Think when you were a kid.

When we were kids, we really didn't care much about food unless it's a sweet, but most of the time we just want to play, just want to come outside. But then parents and people around reward us with food. When we do well, we get food. When we do bad, we get food because we are sad and when we have birthdays we have food. And we educate ourselves so that when we're adults our life revolves around food. 

Life is that thing that happens in between meals, right? And this is one of the worst changes that we go through that makes us gain weight as we age. But the solution for this doesn't need to be complicated. You may think, "Ah, but there are so many options. I can go low-carb, I can go low-fat, what is the answer?" The main thing that you need to change to give you 80% of all those benefits is just ditching all the processed food and having more natural food.

By processed food, I mean anything that is industrialized, from sodas to granola bars to refined grains and refined sugars and all the things that come in cans and packets. If it's not natural, it's industrialized. It's processed. There's research that got two groups of people.

One group had a low-carb diet. The other group had a low-fat diet. The main guideline for both groups was to cut all the processed foods. Over the course of 1 year, there were people that lost up to 60 pounds.

Six zero. And after this whole year, the group that was in the low-carb lost 13 pounds on average and the group that was on low-fat lost 11.7 pounds on average. So you see that it's more or less the same. Low-carb, low-fat more or less the same as long as you cut all the processed food.

Reason number four is stress and lack of sleep. When you're young, when you're a kid, this is usually something that is not part of your life. Stress and lack of sleep come as we get jobs and as we start to worry about our families and about our own personal issues.

Originally posted here:

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