Thursday, August 22, 2019

The benefits of cottage cheese for humans.


Who does not know this excellent dairy product. A person begins to consume it from childhood. Cottage cheese is one of the oldest fermented dairy products known to mankind. The benefits and harms of cottage cheese have been studied for a long time by medicine and nutrition specialists. Everyone knows that the benefits of cottage cheese are in the incredible calcium content, which is extremely important for humans, especially in childhood, for the formation of bones, the growth of teeth, nails and hair. It turns out that the benefits of cottage cheese are already established in the recipe for its preparation, since at the same time all the most important and necessary substances for the human body are isolated and remain in the cottage cheese. Of course, the main thing is the proteins, which are exactly the essential in the formation of bone tissue. Thanks to this, its benefits are invaluable for babies and pregnant women. And although it is known, and many other tasty and healthy products that contain abundant proteins, such as meat, cottage cheese is still preferred, because unlike meat, it is absorbed faster and easier, consuming much less energy. In addition, its advantage is that the process of assimilation by the body is much easier than when digesting meat or legumes. Meat, for example, to break down in the stomach, needs additional enzymes of plant origin, and the digestion of legumes is accompanied by many side effects, harmful and unpleasant, such as swelling, increased gas formation, etc. The benefit of cottage cheese is that it is a well balanced and easily digestible product. Its regular use in food can increase the tone of the body, fill it with minerals and vitamins, which are vital. Cottage cheese can improve the functioning of the digestive organs and strengthen the state of the human nervous system. All this is so, since it contains lactose, a variety of amino acids and minerals such as phosphorus, iron and calcium. In addition, enzymes and hormones, fats, carbon dioxide and various vitamins are abundant, including A, B, C, D and others, well, the aforementioned protein. The advantage of cottage cheese is that due to its high protein content, biochemical reactions are accelerated and the risks of a number of diseases, including diseases of the pancreas and liver, are prevented. In addition, this product helps prevent allergic reactions, improves immunity and reduces body fatigue. Amino acids are useful because a person in the process of life has to constantly replenish them from the outside, since the body cannot independently produce them in sufficient quantities. And in this, the use of cottage cheese is generally invaluable. The fats extracted by man from cottage cheese are a source of energy reserve, and the low carbohydrate content in it makes it an excellent dietary product. The mineral elements in the cottage cheese, in addition to participating in the construction of bone tissue, help regulate the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

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