Thursday, August 22, 2019

Cucumbers and their benefits for health, beauty and body.


Cucumber is one of the few plants whose fruits we eat without ripening. Melon, on the other hand, shows its best qualities in the highest degree of maturity. Cucumber is completely undeserved given the role of a tasty product, but useless from the point of view of healthy nutrition. However, this is fundamentally the wrong point of view, because cucumber is no less useful than its famous relatives. Of course, fresh cucumbers cannot be called a vitamin treasure. Especially if you keep in mind that the farther from the garden, the less vitamins remain in them. However, other biologically active substances make these vegetables welcome at the diet table. Cucumber is not only a low-calorie product, but also one of the richest, which contains a minimum of calories, but a maximum of benefits. The caloric content of fresh cucumber is only 13.5 kcal per 100 g. This allows you not to give up cucumbers while observing the strictest diet. In addition, cucumber will be especially useful for overweight, as it regulates appetite, creates a feeling of satiety and promotes digestion. The cucumber has 98.5 g of water, which helps to quench thirst and cleanse the body; enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates; 1 g of dietary fiber that helps the intestines; a small amount of vitamins B, ascorbic acid, vitamins E, PP; a large amount of potassium is the main wealth of cucumber, helping the work of the heart and kidneys; a large amount, compared to other vegetables, the amount of iodine, which is well absorbed by the body; A rich community of minerals - sodium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, aluminum, cobalt, chlorine, chromium, fluorine, zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum - metabolism normalization. Cucumber contributes to the absorption of protein foods, so it must be adjacent to meat dishes. Fresh cucumbers are very useful for problems with the cardiovascular system and digestive tract. They have a diuretic, laxative and choleretic effect. With the help of fresh cucumbers, you can get rid of edema and constipation. The soft fiber cleanses the intestines and removes excess cholesterol, which is the prevention of atherosclerosis. A unique property of fresh cucumber is the neutralization of acidic compounds, which disrupt metabolic processes, lead to salt deposition and aging of the body. Regular consumption of fresh cucumbers is a protection against thyroid diseases. Cucumber juice and cucumber pulp remain an indispensable tool for the beauty of skin and hair. Removing freckles and whitening the skin, fight against inflammation, rashes and excessive fat content, all this is subject to fresh cucumber. Unfortunately, the useful properties of fresh cucumbers do not apply to pickled cucumbers and popular pickles. The most useful will be fresh cucumbers, freshly removed from their own beds. Who can fresh cucumbers be harmful to? People suffering from stomach diseases with high acidity. The property of cucumbers to increase the acidity of gastric juice makes them unacceptable in the diet with gastritis and peptic ulcer. Nursing mothers should not forget the laxative effect of fresh cucumbers.

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