Wednesday, August 21, 2019



___ You know... with every year that passes there are things that become more clear to me. When your starting out everything can seem equally important but that slowly changes over time. My last post I mentioned how saying no is important to ones success. I mentioned that it was saying, “No.” that increased the value of saying, “Yes.”. I’m going to elaborate a bit more. It is when one realizes the limitations of ones life that focus intensifies. Focus is what ultimately determines the outcome of ones life you see. And with a whole world of noise and distraction it is all to easy to forget about what's important. It's all to easy to loose ones focus and become distracted... but an unfocused life is a overwhelmed and frustrated one. Both are emotional states I have chosen to work on but not before fully experiencing their gravitational pull. What do I mean by this? Well... Every time I feel/felt overwhelmed... Every time I feel/felt frustrated. I used to not know what to do about it... I found that a lot of tire spinning unproductive activities. They were unhappy distractions could be traced to not having a healthy alignment of activities directly aimed at solving the problems of overwhelm (and it's resulting procrastination) and frustration (and it's resulting poor coping mechanisms). I realized that success at any endeavor begins with the mind and how we make use of it! It was then that I recognized that I could make use of those negative emotions and turn them into positive productive ones simply by reading them as signals to take a new set of actions. That's when the idea of the MORE & LESS BOOK happened! With every year that passed I realized that there were things I wanted MORE of and things I wanted LESS of! I know that it sounds quite simple and really it is... Clarity is the by product of simplification and focus. Reduction in noise also helps tremendously! Shutting down. Switching off. Meditating in quiet. Turning off the radio when I was driving so that I could listen to the rolling tires on asphalt. Going to a walk first thing in the morning to get my #AutomaticWin. Well... these were all conducive to me realizing what I didn't want and what I actually did want in my life. I had set out on a quest to add meaning to the activities I was filling my life with. I decided to create a book to help me focus on the BE NOW. The present. On making my life what I wanted it to be. Defining my purpose and designing my lifestyle. I got a leather bound note pad and opened it to the first page. I wrote, "More!" boldly and clearly. On the last page I wrote "Less!" and emphatically as the first. Then, as they came to me throughout the following days, weeks, and months, I became tuned into and mindful of what I actually wanted. What did I want more of? What did I want less of? I mean... How many people actually stop what they are doing to think about that right!? It felt GREAT! I wrote down things like: More walks. More talks with my kids. More weights in the gym. More showers. More beach vacations. More adventures. #AdventureReady More books. More audio books. More quiet time at home. More gardening. More meaningful friendships. More healthy food. #OneMore More Steem and cashflow! etc. And... Less listening to what everybody else thinks I should be doing. Less corporate cooking. Less time in front of the T.V. Less house work. Less fake friends. Less Canadian Winters. Less foolish spending. Less excuses. Less fiat & debt! etc. And it really helped you know! What I wanted my life to be suddenly came into focus! And, although I still feel overwhelmed sometimes, I'm feeling less frustrated with every effort to focus on more of the things that make me happy and fulfilled. Instead of differing I am now able to design my day's around what I want more of! Focus has increased. Results seem to come a lot quicker now than they did before! This does wonders for my confidence levels! Just achieving something I want more... Well! It's been as simple as doing one more thing that I want more of and maybe doing one less thing that's not really helping me towards my goals. So there you go! I hope this little write up about MORE & LESS helps you find more focus, eliminate the things that rob you of your true potential and achieve more of the goals you set out to accomplish! See you all tomorrow! *wil.metcalfe* Fitness Entrepreneur Certified Personal Trainer @BeachReady @AdventureReady @Actifit @EveryStepCounts @OneMoreNutrition ___ ###


Today’s #AutomaticWin

Daily Activity,Walking,Weight Lifting

Originally posted here:

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