Thursday, August 15, 2019

Product Review: GT's Living Foods Tantric Turmeric
We got a great donation of kombucha, so I will review this turmeric beauty!


I reviewed another product from this brand GT's Living Foods a few days ago, and I am still pleased with their consistently high quality product. Turmeric is another unique kombucha flavor that I do not have very often. It is a lovely orange color, and it has a distinct turmeric flavor. TBH I don't really care for the taste of turmeric, but the healthful benefits are intense and respectable! It's a go to for anti inflammatory super power. It's rich in antioxidants and anti cancer compounds, and works wonders for the cardiovascular system.


So while the flavor's really not my jam, I still respect it for being a healthy kombucha full of gut enhancing microbes with the added benefit of turmeric's array of abilities to protect and heal the body too. The name is pretty sensual - Tantric Turmeric. In the West, many people imagine tantra to be mystical yogi sex - quite a randy name for a kombucha! IMO tantra is really the honor and worship of the divine feminine, which exists in balance and harmony with the divine masculine. The feminine is an incredible source of healing and nurturing, so that is actually a fitting name for this beverage. It's a primo health elixir, that's for sure!


I don't shop at stores because I don't want to support the global military industrial complex. However I realize that most people do, maybe because #1 they don't realize how they are directly endorsing the rape and murder of women, children, and the Earth by doing so, and #2 they don't know how many options actually exist for procuring literally everything you want or can make something, trade or barter, find, or be gifted anything you wish for! It's the sacred economy, y'all... I encourage people to deeply consider what their $$$ is REALLY supporting, hence this product review. You can read more about this company on [their website]( It's a family owned operation with an inspiring history. GT is a real guy, and his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1994, but cured herself by drinking kombucha!! GT started making kombucha at the ripe ol' age of 15 to share the magical powers with as many people as possible. # Cheers to empowered responsibility for your own health!

✨💛✨ Sara!
Originally posted here:

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