Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Non-invasive imaging method spots cancer at the molecular level - Phys.org

## Non-invasive imaging method spots cancer at the molecular level - Phys.org
**Click here to read source article from [Phys.org](https://phys.org/news/2019-08-non-invasive-imaging-method-cancer-molecular.html)**
### Summary Researchers for the first time have combined a powerful microscopy technique with automated image analysis algorithms to distinguish between healthy and metastatic cancerous tissue without relying on invasive biopsies or the use of a contrast dye. This new ap… ### My Thoughts Phys.org strikes again with another great article. New technologies never cease to amaze me and I am excited to see what the future holds. If this is what is happening in 2018 can you image what the world is going to be like in 2025? ### Thank you for Reading! This has been your health news update. Thank you so much for reading. I do my best to bring Steem the most up to date news. Please don't forget to leave your thoughts and comments below. ---
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/health/@fiftysats/non-invasive-imaging-method-spots-cancer-at-the-molecular-level---phys-org

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