Wednesday, August 14, 2019

My Day 021 - Good News
In my last post I told about a family member that maybe had a brain tumor, but it ended up being nothing dangerous. This was really a relieve. The last weeks I was mostly stressed about it and couldn't enjoy anything. I also started to realize that I need to be a bit more responsible about myself and my money. The house I live in is not mine but from my family, but we are in a strange construction that when she would have died from a brain tumor, the house would not be mine anymore and I would be homeless. So from now on I want to be more responsible with what I buy and what I do daily to reach my goals. From next week I will start making those lists again with my goals. This week I see as a holiday after all the stress. But a holiday with a minimalistic mindset and eating healthy.
Originally posted here:

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