Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Actinidia and its benefits

Actinidia is a perennial plant of the genus liana. It has trunks similar to woody stems. Actinidia leaves are finely sawn, green, with short and hard hairs on the underside of the leaf. The shape of the leaf has a heart shape. There are also decorative types with pink or yellow color. Actinidia flowers: white or cream, collected in a brush, they practically do not smell. Fruits, depending on the variety, can have different shapes, and their color can be both green and brown-brown. The homeland of a plant as useful as actinidia is considered the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. Actinidia is valuable in a large amount of minerals, vitamins and trace elements. The mature actinidia fetus contains a large amount of water, fiber, starch, carotene, reducing sugars, pectin substances, sucrose, dyes and organic substances. Due to its chemical composition, actinide is a concentrate of vitamin C, because in terms of the content of this vitamin in fruits, it is superior to lemons, oranges and blackcurrants, only surpassed by a few types of rose hips. The vitamin C content in actinidia increases as the fetus matures and reaches a maximum amount during maturity. In actinidia fruits that are too ripe, the amount of vitamins is much smaller. Basically, the concentration of vitamin C is concentrated in the juice and pulp of the fetus. Fruits also contain vitamins P and A, and actinidia seeds are rich in various fatty oils. A favorable combination of actinidia and ascorbic acid polyphenols, that is, acidity and sugars, allows their fruits to be used both fresh and processed, since biologically active substances are perfectly preserved in dried and frozen fruits. Both fresh and canned fruits are very tasty and healthy, so actinidia is actively used in the preparation of syrups, jellies, stewed fruits, juices, jellies, jams, jams, marshmallows and jams. The fruits, flowers, leaves and bark of actinidia are of great therapeutic and dietary importance. Actinidia is used for diseases of the digestive system, scurvy, whooping cough, anemia, lung diseases, chronic constipation, worms, stomach neurosis, bronchitis, tuberculosis, rheumatism and paralysis. In addition, its fruits regulate metabolic processes in the body and eliminate vitamin deficiency. Decoctions are used for tooth decay. In the bark of the plant, the content of cardiac tannins and glycosides was found; therefore, actinides, among other things, can be used for dizziness, frequent headaches, such as sedatives, analgesics, hemostatics, expectorants and restorators. To control high blood pressure, it is necessary to eat 3-5 actinidia fruits per day. An effective action is achieved due to the higher potassium content in it. With fever, juices and decoctions based on the fruits of actinidia will become an indispensable means to quench thirst. Actinidia is an excellent assistant for indigestion, belching, heaviness of the stomach and heartburn, as it contains enzymes that stimulate digestion, therefore, by eating several actinidia fruits, you can get rid of unpleasant sensations after eating. And the biologically active substance actinidine promotes rapid digestion of meat and has a mild laxative effect. In addition, the use of two or three actinidia berries per day satisfies a person's daily vitamin C requirements.

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