Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Cannabis is in trend now, it is discussed in mass-media, internet. I always read interesting facts and news about it in the blog of @doitvoluntarily, whom I follow and advise you;) In Russia cannabis is illegal, it can't be smoked free like in other countries. But I have still bought it. Why? Because it's free to eat it!:) It's just hemp;) Cannabis is sold in healthy stores like a healthy product. I have heard much of its benefits, so I have bought it to try.


Here are the seeds. It costs 2$ for 200g. I have read many recipes with cannabis and ways of its use, like our ancestors used it, but now it's rather expensive to buy much of it, so I began with... cannabis milk! I put seeds into water for a night. I make ot with all seeds and nuts. Thus they become healthier and better for our digestion. Then I blended them. And milk appeared very fast!


I separated milk and seeds shell because they were not tasty to chew, rather hard even after blending.


Real milk, yeah? And oh, my God! How tasty it is!! I don't eat animal milk products, but I remember their taste - this one is better! My favourite milk for now is coconut's one, but cannabis milk is not worse!


It is called "superfood" because it has a lot of useful ingridiets! And it consists 20g of proteins in every 100g! Moreover, it's very nutritious - 33% of fat, that's why it is so tasty like cream:)


I added it to many dishes, and it was fine both in soups, cereals, drinks and cakes. Universal superfood! My new musthave. What's your cannabis or hemp experience? Have you ever eaten it?
Originally posted here:

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