Tuesday, March 17, 2020

With EVERYTHING That Is Going On... Counting My Blessings

**Life right now is challenging. It is volatile. It is on the verge of going crazy. And it's allowing me to see just how *strong and self-reliant/self-sufficient* I am.**
Between the CoVid-19, Steemit and Justin Sun drama and getting a handle on some personal issues, 2020 is evolving into a reckoning of a year so far.

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[Image Source- PIRO4D](https://pixabay.com/photos/klee-four-leaf-clover-lucky-clover-1949981/)
_** I happened upon a [post from @jaynie](https://steemit.com/hive-114105/@jaynie/hello-steem) as I was sipping my second cup of Michigan Maple coffee that really called to me. **This one sentence...** >it's all just one big WTF moment really! **_Grabbed my attention immediately!_** And it got me thinking about the last week or two in my life.

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## Let's Start With CoVid-19 ## On Sunday afternoon as we were doing some small tasks around the homestead, we got informed that our oldest son (age 34) had been confirmed as a positive testing for the Coronavirus. He had been tested, just on Friday for strep throat and the flu; both of which came back negative. _Did you know if you suspect you have the virus that they test you for those first to eliminate the possibility?_ Then since he was not categorizes as a high risk, a test was not offered. He was told to quarantine himself for two weeks. ***BUT THEN...*** his live-in girlfriend had the same symptoms (headache, fever, soreness all over the body and the cough) and she was tested too for strep throat and the flu- both negative. **BUT** she is in the high risk category because she is in the health provider field and works with children, she was tested for CoVid-19. Her tests results came in as positive. So, as in connection of close proximity of her, he was tested as well (positive) and was added to the statistic of being infected. ***They are both on Day Three of their quarantine.*** Quoting @jaynie now... >it's all just one big WTF moment really! ## The Steemit & Justin Sun Platform Drama ## _I can't even begin to start on this topic._ I came to steemit in July 2017, to write. To share. To learn. And now it appears as those dreams of being a blogger, advancing my gardening and homesteading skills and learning from others in the same topics is being ruined. Every morning I wake up to new news and drama, and I feel as if it will never end. Quoting @jaynie now... >it's all just one big WTF moment really! ## Personal Issues ## Having to go for court/lawsuit depositions suck! They really do. Being told the car collision I was in was *my fault* when I was rear-ended by a semi-truck is ridiculous. ***Or perhaps*** a repercussion of my auto-immune disease and having an episode. Both reasons are which my own auto insurance (who refuse to pay for my medical needs) are saying is at fault. ***Pissing me off to no end!*** Luckily I have an attorney who is fighting this battle for me; and is doing a fabulous job to date. Every day that passes that I have to relive that accident, just ruins my day, week and life all over again. Quoting @jaynie now... >it's all just one big WTF moment really! ## What To Do Now? ## I have decided to focus on the positive. * CoVid-19 - I am a self-quarantine person at heart. While I am not infected, have a suspicion I am infected... I am still staying indoors and home bound. I don't like crowds to begin with so being home is the place for me... until June. We also have good thoughts that our son who is infected will recover with no diffculties. * Steemit- I have faith in the BIG players here who are working towards resolving this issue; and I will follow them,their advice and those I trust on the platform. * Personal Issues- leaving my life and recovery in the hands of my attorney. I've also decided to restructure my focus on the ***good things*** in my life. Continuing to sow my garden seeds, continuing to tend to my cannabis crop, that we have food and supplies stockpiled here and that my parents (who are in their 70's) are safe at home. (Hubby made a grocery delivery to them over the weekend). ***And that all the other children we have... plus the eight grandchildren, remain healthy.***

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**_Find Me On [BitChute](https://www.bitchute.com/channel/t3lpxRSitQJH/)_**
Powerhousecreatives Exclusive Member's Signature made by @zord189



This post was made from https://ulogs.org

Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/hive-114105/@goldendawne/with-everything-that-is-going-on-counting-my-blessings

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