Monday, March 2, 2020

TribeSteemUp's Weekly Gems (Week of the 24th February to the 2nd March)

Hello beautiful people!

Welcome to another TribeSteemUp Curation, where I (@trucklife-family) get to showcase some of the great Articles that the tribe members created and that really embody what the Tribe stands for.

Just as Iwas writing this post, I became aware, that the top 20 witnesses that we as a community have voted for, have been removed and other witnesses have been put in their place so that the soft fork can now be override. I am not sure what this now means for the future of the platform. But I hope that we as a community can find a way to move forward together.

The TribeSteemUp community was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a *Community Abundance Generator,* which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.

The authors who have been chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, and they all focus on topics related to the bettering of life, such as:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness | | Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism | | Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |
The TribeSteemUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to adhere by and you can find The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp at the end of this post

Today I have 13 articles to share with you all, in these crazy times, between viruses and take overs we really need to continue to inspire and motivate one another. Life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

🕊 ecoTrain & NaturalMedicine Presents..."What Would A Holistic Doctor Say?" Ask Dr Mathew Joseph any medical or health related question and learn how Natural



>Do you have any health or medical issues you would like to resolve? This week ecoTrain, Natural Medicine and Pure Thai Naturals (@artemislives) are teaming up to present you with a very special opportunity to learn first hand about how to heal ourselves with a holistic approach with a very special Doctor turned Integrative Medicine Consultant and Practitioner, Dr. Mathew Joseph MBBS, MD. Mathew was an allopathic doctor and surgeon, and converted to holistic and natural medicine many years ago, and has agreed to answer our heath or medical questions from a natural medicine or holistic healing perspective. This is a special opportunity to consult with someone who I can only describe as masterful!

How Fear Creates Dis Ease!



>We are complex being and we there are so many different things that affect our over all well being.Our thoughts, emotions and beliefs all have a huge effect on our health. We have been misled for too long now, about our own health, with modern medicine so often ignoring the root of our disease and focusing only on the symptoms, on our physical ailments. Of course they are important, but they represent only a part of our ill health. We are so much more, that what appears on the surface.How have we come to this, become so naive when it comes to our well being. We have forgotten how everything is connected and how our bodies were designed to heal themselves. I pose that question about being naive, full well knowing how it has come about. The media has done a wonderful job in creating fear and in promoting how our bodies are incapable of healing themselves.

Why The Corona-Virus Probably Doesn't Exist | 1/3 - An Outdated Model Of Medicine (feat. Virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka)



>Look there's another virus in the news! Anybody feel déja-vue? Haven't we been here before? And how can I even compare the suddenly notorious "Corona-Virus" to any of the near-pandemics of past years like bird-flue, swine-flu, pox and BSE - just like that? Because just like with the ones we already endured successfully without dying there might be nothing more to this recent virus-scare than an overblown fairytale for grownups so large and deep-seated that none of us even dare to check the medicine-paradigm of our age for its validity... Because we're simply too far gone to even consider it might even be possible to be completely based on foundations of sand... And faith.

Mindful Eating With Healing Herbs...



>How often do we put things in our mouths, hardly even aware of what we are eating, grabbing something to eat? Are we really getting the nourishment we need from the food we eat? There is something to that saying You are what you eat Which was derived from the French author Anthelme Brillat-Savarin 1826 work Physiologie du Gout, ou Medetations de Gastronomie Transcendante There he wrote: Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what your are. It is this choices in food that is either going to nourish us or destroy us. And although healthy, wholesome eating is only a part of what constitutes to our overall healthy it is an important part and one that is within our power to make use of. Let's take a look at some of the effects our food has on our health as a measure of preventative medicine.

LUCID DREAMING – The Starter Kit for Adventurers



>The majority of people are sleeping every night for an average duration of eight hours, so one third of their day. We currently still need this time to rest, restore and process our daily experiences. This period of “relaxation” has more potential than many might think. 1. What is dreaming and why lucid dreaming? Our sleeping time is generally divided into four states, two of them are the REM (rapid eye movement) state and the deep sleep state which cycles throughout the night. The REM state is the only state where dreams occur and lucid dreaming can happen. We all know normal dreams, it feels like you are watching a movie or are even totally immersed in it (but still guided) with the full spectrum of emotions until the point where you wake up and might remember a bit for a few seconds and minutes and then the whole thing is over. But what if you could recognise that you are in a dream and you could do whatever you want – yes whatever you want.

Let's Start With Where We Agree - A Look At What's Holding Back The Paradigm Shift



>One of the issues that we are going to run into, based on the individualistic and in-group/out-group ways that the human brain works, is politics. Maybe it's identity-based, maybe it's ideological, or economical. Sometimes it's personal. It's a challenge to SO many of the things that we want to get done. It has sort of blown me away, since starting down the rabbit hole of thinking for myself, questioning what we've been told, and living a principled life, just how often politics ends up coming between people who (from my POV) are clearly working towards the same ends.

Stress; the Master Teacher of Life



>People will look at stress in many different ways, on the very first thought, stress means a big culprit of life. But the other way of looking at it is, that when you have too much stress, means you have taken up too much on your shoulders or it can also be that you do not have much of a choice but to take it. Which also means that you are engaged at a higher level in taking up responsibilities and you have a higher purpose. It can be you attending to countless needs of others and you may not be able to shed it off. Stress can come in many forms, some people are in the capacity to manage it without feeling the pressure and some may feel it as a burden. Like a teacher who has a responsibility of shaping up the children for their best future and for that may devote extra time to them may not feel stressed out as she is enjoying what she is doing thoroughly.

Mazunte Build - The Ceremony of a Minka



>Even before we arrived on the property to continue the construction we had left uncompleted four years ago, there was idea of a Minka we kept throwing around. Originally it was Manu who proposed this South American tradition, held normally at the beginning of a building project. The objective is to have a little celebration with friends, family, neighbors, and people of the community in general, combined with a bit of ceremony to ask the land and all the beings inhabiting it for permission to build. Since this type of event is present in various cultures, there may be some differences in their interpretation. Which is perfect with us: being a multi-cultural group in a rural part of a North American, though Latin American country, we were ready to mix traditions. One distinctive feature we didn't want to go without, was a big bonfire.

GreenSteem Issue #1 - Global Environment News From @ecotrain



>Resilience, reforestation, community, organic & sustainable: welcome to the first issue of #greensteem - global environment news curated by @artemislives for the @ecotrain steem community. Please support, resteem and share this curation, not just in diverse steem communities, but across other social media platforms. Our decentralized, uncensored steem platform is a perfect place for environment groups and activists to share their news and views freely.

CoronaVirus - A Globalist Tool



The Difference Between Education and School from a Failure of the Latter


>As I write this post, the latest podcast episode from Our Fake History is entitled, "Is the Renaissance a Myth? (Part 1)." The host, Sebastian Major, discusses the problem of historians using their modern perspective to divide history in to periods, and the problems in their methodology. Was the Renaissance really a sudden shift, or an artificial framing of natural progress based on the prejudices of historians? I have been on a significant history binge for a few years now. By no means do I claim to be a scholar, and I admit my skimming of history has been broad rather than deep, but it has been sufficient to help me see how shallow the school system's version has been. As a home-schooled student, I was a step ahead of my peers on scholarly matters already, but even then, it conveyed an understanding so scant as to be hardly useful at all.

Being a Wellness and Eco-moron



>I remember one time a co-worker was smoking a cigar and I joked on her by saying: "taking a healthy break are we?". I had never talked with her regarding health issues but she must of overheard me talking with other people about my vegan diet (though I don't do this for health reasons but most people assume so), how I avoided processed foods and how the Earth gave us the best of the best but we insist on turning it into poison for our bodies. Well, her answer was clever and thought-provoking. She said: "you're so healthy you sicken me". She might of said it from spite, or perhaps a deeper wisdom. I chose to see the deeper wisdom and concluded that she made a point, as "health" can sometimes turn into a comparative word.

70 Percent Water, 30 Percent Steem? - Keep Breathing - A Mindful Message from Hypersensitivosaurus



>Yes, I know, it's tempting to start a power down these days but is it really something you want to do, an action with a plan behind it? Or is it a mere emotional response, out of anger, frustration or fear? Is it perhaps the reptile brain taking over, a fight or flight response? What about taking a breather, some time off, for a change? Why not do it, right now... I suggest you take a deep breathe in and a deep breath out, as slowly and silently as possible. Does it make you feel better? Good :>) Although I have been breathing steem for over 2.5 years and steam as a kid ( but that's an entirely different story ), it's sometimes advisable to take a break and to start breathing oxygen again - to go out, walk in the rain or sun, listen to the birds and barking dogs in the distance, to enjoy nature and life away from your screen(s).

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.



Originally posted here:

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