Sunday, March 15, 2020

Total Lockdown - The Day I Put Myself into Quarantine


#### Yesterday afternoon, after lunch, I checked into an airbnb in Utrecht, the city where I went to University and lived for almost a decade ( most recently in 2013-15 ).
This was arranged by my younger brother, who is worried about my father getting infected with the Corona virus. Not that I'm infected, at least I don't think I am, but as I'm moving around and meeting people - I came to The Netherlands three weeks ago to visit friends and family and decided to start dating too - there's a possibility that someone else infects me and that I, in turn, infect my father. Anyhow, I was looking for a way to spend some more time in The Netherlands, preferably around Utrecht, and my wish was granted, so I'm happy with this change of places. Right now, I'm sipping some Jasmin tea and eating crackers with cheddar. *it's now an hour later and I have moved on to home cooked vegetable soup.* In these stressful times, it's extra important to keep feeding our bodies in as healthy a way as possible and after half a bottle of red wine yesterday, I needed to do just that. To get back to the above, whether people decide on putting themselves into quarantine as a precautionary measure or not, is totally up to them. Honestly, I believe that it's healthier to keep moving around, to spend as much time as possible breathing ( relatively ) fresh air and to stay fit. Locking ourselves in and spending more time sitting down, combined with checking the news even more and freaking out as we can't ease our brain, won't help. In fact, it might actually make us sick. It's important to stay sane, both physically and mentally. To not let fear ( spoon fed by the truckload by the news ) cripple us. It's fear that makes us ill, that stops us from taking the right decisions. One way to counter this is to keep moving, to see things from different perspectives. To stay informed but not believe everything that we read, especially if it makes us feel even worse.. So, if you read this and you're scared, take some deep breaths and force your mouth into a smile. Ask yourself how you're feeling right now. Be mindful of the now for a bit. Tell yourself that "all is well". That it's not the end of the world. Listen to your favorite music, pet your pet, meditate, go for a walk, spend time in nature, read and or watch things that make you feel good. Choose good feeling thoughts over unhelpful, not good feeling thoughts, whenever you can. The above is something that we should always do but it's extra important in times like these. 2020 might not seem to be off on a great start but things can only get better. We need to trust in this though. Believes are repeated thoughts and many people consider their believes to be the truth so it's up to you what truth you choose. **What do you choose to believe?** **CUT BACK TO** earlier this morning... I had a little scare. I wanted to leave the airbnb apartment where I'm residing this week, to get some groceries and some fresh air. Yesterday night, before going to sleep, I slid an extra lock on the front door to the left, as the door didn't seem to close very well with just the main key. This morning, I discovered that that lock could only be opened with some kind of pass key. A key that I didn't receive from the woman who let me into the apartment yesterday. I looked all over the place to find this key and was about to give up the search. I told myself that I had plenty of food and water and electricity ( and even toilet paper ) and all my belongings, that I wouldn't starve here, that things would work out, sooner rather than later. FYI: this place has no back door. The kitchen door opens up to a closed garden. Also, the bed room window at the front can't be opened. So there was really no way out ( at least not without 'parkour' skills ).


And then, when I thought I had looked everywhere, something on the coat rack caught my eye - two keys on a ring, one of them a pass key.


I was saved! Hallelujah! No need to stay in isolation for a week.
I tried to cancel the call that I had made to the Thunderbirds but they were already on their way. The best thing that I could do, was to close the lock again and hide the key 0 acting as if I was still in trouble. Or... should I perhaps be honest and tell them that their help wasn't needed any longer? I could then offer them a break, a Kit Kat. I decided on the second option. They enjoyed their break, not having to work for a chance.
[Thunderbirds Are Go...](
Let's end this with a message from Supersensitivosaurus aka SuperZensitivosaurus: Stay Zen my friends. Keep breating, one single breath at a time. Forget about the future and the past for a bit, all is well in the "now".


P.S. If you feel like reading some similar posts to ease your mind, go here: [Mindful Life Weekly Curation]( *Mindful Life is a space within Natural Medicine whose aims are to unite meditators across the Steem blockchain so that we can share and strengthen our own practices. We aim to provide a space to discuss the philosophy, science and practical application of such practices in our lives, to inspire and motivate each other, and to provide support if we might be struggling, connecting with like minded people who might offer solutions.*
Originally posted here:

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