Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Six Anti-Aging Superfoods
Heart disease, cancer, arthritis and rheumatic pains - these are some of the most common danger zones of advancing age. It's all down to a simple fact of nature. As time goes by the body becomes more susceptible to cell damage, which can lead to some uncomfortable and - in some cases - dangerous conditions. Cell damage is mostly caused by the effects of free radicals on the body. Free radicals are oxygen molecules made unstable through a culmination of various environmental and time-related factors like stress, bad nutrition, alcoholism etc. Sick cells pillage healthy ones in a bid to balance their electron count, however, this process causes a knock-on effect where a new cell is made unbalanced and forced to attack a healthy one, leading to the creation of more free radicals. ## Antioxidants Combat Free Radicals Antioxidants reverse the effects of free radicals by providing them with the electrons they seek. Although the body is capable of making its own antioxidants, studies indicate that the levels naturally occurring in certain foods are just as (if not more) effective. Three of the most potent antioxidants are beta-carotene and vitamins C and E, all of which are particularly effective against cancer and heart disease. ## For Wrinkles, Try Avocados This creamy yellow fruit is packed with monosaturated fat - a healthy fat which food doctors believe may help lower high cholesterol levels. Monosaturated fat is also necessary for the body to absorb the natural vitamin E content found in avocados. Those who use vitamin E face creams will already know that this vitamin plays a vital part in maintaining healthy, supple skin and keeping wrinkles at bay.


image source ## Blueberries Fight Forgetfulness Blueberries score highly as age-fighting foods for their antioxidant count. Their rich colour comes from anthocyanins, which are believed to combat cell damage caused by the combined forces of ageing and free radicals. As an added bonus, a daily bowl of berries for breakfast will protect against dementia and forgetfulness, as well as other age-related complaints such as heart disease, poor vision and the age-related loss of balance and co-ordination. ## Cherries are Rich in Anthocyanin These tart and tasty fruits contain enough of the antioxidant anthocyanin to rival most foods. They therefore help to tackle a host of age-related discomforts; joint and muscle pain, brittle bones, insomnia and heart disease. ## Take Ginger for Arthiritis Pain Ginger is a potent root, commonly used in herbal teas for its warming and digestive-aiding potential. It also acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory for the relief of arthritis pain and contains active ingredients which can help to kill cancer cells. To get the best out of a ginger root, grate some with lemon juice into a cup of hot, black tea. ## Pomegranate Helps Your Heart Pomegranate is an ancient symbol of life for a reason. Drinking a glass of pomegranate juice a day could help protect against cancer, heart disease and osteoarthiritis. The reason for this is it is full of the (you guessed it) antioxidant polyphenol - which works to prevent the build up of arterial plaque. Pomegranate is also a potent anti-inflammatory which slows down the age-related deterioration of cartilage in the joints. ## Getting the Balance Right As a general rule of healthy eating, getting the right balance of nutrients is vital. And while taking supplements may seem like the easiest way to up your daily antioxidant intake, nutritionists warn against overdoing the pill count, as taking too much of one antioxidant can cause others to shut down. Quite simply, eating a good balance of vitamin-rich foods is the simplest and most effective way to combat free radicals, as the levels of antioxidants found in fresh fruit and vegetables are most proportionally suited to the body's needs. Source:
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