Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Creatine Monohydrate Supplementation

#Creatine Monohydrate as #supplement works by increasing muscle and creatine phosphate stores inside muscles. Usually, sustain of high intensity exercise is limited by our inability to resynthesise phosphocreatine, thus limiting fuel availability that would allow us to keep up the pace with excessive fuel demand. Creatine is produced by our own bodies and occurs naturally in fresh meat, fish and eggs; stored in skeletal muscles and converted to creatine phosphate when needed for energy or ATP. Breakdown of ATP to ADP gives us energy, this is the process where phosphate molecule is lost and additional phosphate molecules comes into play by converting ADP back to ATP so it can be reused in production of energy (limited source).


Evidence shows benefits in performance for tasks up to 150 seconds of work, biggest improvement has been reported for exercises bellow 30 seconds duration. Weight gain of 1-2 kg associated with creatine supplement needs to be noted as counterproductive when it comes to some athletes, events and weight management programmes. This issue can be skipped by avoiding “loading phase”. Long term effects of increasing muscle size and strength can be in correlation with the ability to train harder, bigger muscle synthesis and muscle storage of glycogen and water. This essentially means that we are able to do more anaerobic and high-intensity work, sprints up to 400 meters, jumps, throws and multi events like heptathlon or decathlon. Protocol for supplementation consists of “loading phase” of around 20 g/day (split into four 5-gram doses/day) for 5-7 days; “maintenance phase” with 3-5 g/day for the duration of supplementation. Different approach would involve 2-5 per day for 4 weeks because this way creatine level inside muscles would increase. Consumption of creatine with 50 g of protein and carbohydrate mixture may enhance muscle creatine uptake due to insulin stimulation. It takes 4-6 weeks to get to baseline after termination of supplementation. There have been no negative effects when it comes to following above protocols for 4 consecutive years. Some cases have even shown potential anti-inflammatory effects of long-term consumption. [1] All of this leads us to conclusion that Creatine is healthy supplement that is proven to work. Following proper protocols and understanding weight gain is crucial when achieving specific goals. References: 1. https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/ijsnem/29/2/article-p198.xml#r42 #health #fitness #lifestyle #performance #coaching #training #exercise #activity #gym #strength #power #endurance #hypertrophy #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #personaltraining #recovery #rest #nutrition #sportnutrition #diet #weightmanagement #weightloss #aidpersonaltraining
### **Stress muscles not brain! Stay active!**

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#### Personal Trainer and Physical Therapist ### *AID Personal Training*

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One small sentence of gratitude to my wife Martina for all of Her support and inspiration! You can check some of her work [HERE](https://www.facebook.com/ZarMartina/)


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Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/diet/@psyceratopsb/creatine-monohydrate-supplementation

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