Monday, March 16, 2020

CoVid19: Still no reason to Panic (GB and USA)
A good month ago I wrote a short artictle about the [Coronavirus and Panic.]( Now, with the virus spreading the situation has changed a bit. It is now no longer possible to contain the virus, in big parts caused by the fact that you can spread the virus for days before getting any symptoms. That really sucks. It also means that especially young, healthy and careless people are problematic. See for yourself the difference between South Korea (where everyone was tested) and Italy (only very sick people tested):


But what does it really mean? **First of all it means DON'T PANIC!** It is seriously bad, but in the end the virus will "only" kill the additional amount of people that die in 2 years. Tragic in every individual case, but not The End Of The World (The Black Death killed roughly 20 times more people). Second, **KEEP AT HOME!** This is of the utmost importance. It is no longer a question if the virus will spread - it will - the question is about *how fast.* Which also determines *how wide.* The main point now is to slow down the infection rate to something where medical personal can keep up with the bad cases and herd immunity can kick in after a few weeks. The Washington Post did a fantastic visualisation piece of it: This is also a reason to stay at home: Not only to prevent infecting yourself or others, but also because everything else - like a traffic accident - will now kill you more likely. Because there is no doctor and no emergency equipment left for you. So keep at home. Avoid contact to others. I mean it. Don't be an idiot that holds parties. Don't hold Coronavirus-Parties, for fucks sake! Get shopping what you need, but avoid buying 3 month worth of toilet paper. There are actually people out there who need some in the next 2 month! Don't eat in restaurants. It is easy to catch a virus there. Even easier in public transit, so avoid if you can (I hate to say that). Do not visit a nursing home. You could kill half a dozen people. If everyone does the self-isolation (I am sure a severe meme war will break out in the next month about that), we can still survive with a relativly low death rate. That is, except USA and GB. ## USA I won't mention your [super-asshole of president]( here. You know his competence. Unfortunately for you your federal government is not doing it's job and local governments are sometimes good, sometimes bad. If you have any say in it, put your weight on closing schools and other public buildings and cancel events. To the poor people living in the land of the free to die without health care: Especially avoid places like McDonalds who don't give paid sick leave. Urge your bosses to give it, urge your bosses to go to remote work as best as possible. In case of the US it is probably too late to prevent a widespread outbreak. I am not in the details, so I may err. I surely hope so. God bless you. And if you can get him to come down and do some doctoring, bless Him too. ## GB Sorry chumps, but it looks like you are doomed. Thank you for being the control group. While the rest of the world shuts down and in, the Brits are showing some serious fighting spirit and doing a [marathon]( **A FUCKING MARATHON!!** A meeting of (tens of) thousands of people, close together, at the end of their power, breathing *very deep*. I mean, what can possibly go wrong with a virus that mostly kills with lung problems?? I thought Brexit stupidity can't be topped, but here you are. I don't think the queen will be very amused. If she survices, that is. If you have a castle, chalet, hall or whatever it is called in the Scottish Highlands, now may be the perfect time to do some extensive renovation work. Especially if the castle comes with a few sheep and you know how to butcher them. Don't forget your towel and don't panic.
Originally posted here:

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