Wednesday, March 11, 2020

☕Coffee Talk ✌️
# Have you had your cup of Joe yet today? How do you take it? When you wake up from your dreams, your body (should) have had time to rest, rejuvenate and replenish leaving you ready for the day ahead! But so many of us wake up so tired we go straight for.... What? You guessed it! Coffee-- cappuccinos, lattes, mochas, iced frappucinos, cold brews, nitro and everything in between! ☕ _______________________

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________________ Ahhh, (*sigh*) the world's most famous pick-me-up! One little problem about the richly flavored beans that give way to the energy and super powers of many... ### It's only TEMPORARY! Then what happens? *Think about it for a minute...* "Oh my, I'm *crashing*. I must have another!" And that repeats itself over and over and over... This creates **DEPENDENCY** on a substance to get you through a day. Many people face withdrawals without it and there is a whole marketing world around making sure people get their coffee first thing in the morning... OR ELSE! Think about the word we use for what we all know inevitably happens after our first cup... *crash*... That is not a positive sounding experience! ### Crazy fact: Did you know that it's possible to have a[ caffeine overdose?]( That happened to me before and it is NOT a fun party! I didn't know that was possible until it happened to me when I was on a trip and to be honest, scared the living daylights out of me. After that I started getting into a bunch of research that lead me here to this post now, sharing with you. ____________

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(*FYI this is real footage of me having an overdose from drinking too much coffee at the EOS Hackathon in Hong Kong.*) **HOW CRAZY IS THAT?**I was wrecked in the park feeling like my heart would explode out of my chest!
__________ ### Did you know: Your body starts to get lazy while something else is doing it's job and then eventually crashes from the high of the caffeine, therefore promoting you to move onto the second, third, fourth cup of coffee just to get you by (*because now you have a different standard of energy levels!)* You have been sending your body messages effectively saying "I don't need your energy, I'm just going to take this and I'll handle it by myself." ### Vegan cappuccino please! ____________


_____________ ### Look, to be crystal clear what I'm most concerned about is how that affects your health and happiness! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™ ________________ ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ”ฅSee, when your body is tired it's trying to send you a message and when you just cover up that message with a band-aid, the problem not only persists but it can get worse and worse (*take it from me!*) ๐Ÿ”ฅ Those yawns and sleepy eyes are the body's way of screaming at you, telling you something is not A-OK and coffee just closes the door on that conversation so you forget about it until it comes back screaming even louder the next time. ### There are some ways to give yourself more pep in your step without relying so heavily on caffeine! ✨ Exercise ✨ Lemon water ✨ Healthy sleep habits (regulated bed times, turning off electronics an hour before bed etc) ✨ Cold water therapy (either cold showers or a shock of cold water at the end) ✨ Intermittent fasting and/or detoxes ✨ Energy work/meditation And the list goes on if you feel like you need an extra boost. I love the taste of coffee and I used to drink coffee ALL DAY when I worked in the service industry. I felt like I could not get by without it so I had to psychologically prepare myself to start to remove it! **So many of us are tired, lethargic, drained and unmotivated because the body has something going on with it!** ## What if we removed the cover up and listened? **What would our body tell us it needs to begin producing more energy again?** I invite you to ask yourself and see what the body has to tell you. I'm not telling you to stop drinking coffee, I'm simply asking you to make sure your relationship with it is serving you and not just ending up taking all of your work breaks and pocket change!
Love and Light ✨ Cece ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿง™


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**What did you miss from me? Here's what I've been up to lately:** [Nuggtastic Niggets]( [Guiltless Brownies]( [Green Protein Fiend]( [Balinese Rendang]( [Loaded Jicama Fries]( [Cookies and Cream]( [CocoNutty Dream Cream Curry]( [Spinach and Quinoa Bathing in Tahini]( [Deliciously Unsuspecting Cabbage Fry]( [Pesto Impresso]( [Oriental Tacos]( [Delicious Treat You Right Granola]( [Communication 101 (for Angry Lions)]( [Breakfast Cupcakes]( [I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T Bread]( [Spaghetti Vibes Salad]( [Rainbow Rice]( [Mas-A-Better-Man-Curry]( [Unsuspecting Veggie Drool Inducer]( [Thai Squoodles]( [Handheld Avos]( [Pumpkin Spice "Latte" Nibbles]( [Jicama Hash Mash Bash]( [Rad Rainbow Coleslaw! (Rainbows are ALWAYS DELICIOUS!)]( [Something Like Ratatouille]( [Not Your Plain Ol' Veggie Tray](
Originally posted here:

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