Thursday, October 31, 2019

Benefits of Eating Sprouts That You Must Surely Know


▶️ [Watch on 3Speak](
--- Hello Freinds, Are you looking for a Healthy and easy to make food item - which is fully packed with Nutritions? If you have not yet started eating sprouted grains or have not included it in your children's diet, then you must surely do so. There are many wonderful benefits. Consuming sprouted grains improves your digestive power as well as strengthens your immune system. Not only this, but sprouted grains are also very beneficial for removing problems like heart disease and stroke. In the past, people have started adding sprouts to their breakfasts instead of bread butter and parathas. Many people also call it a super food, not only that in Naturopathy it is called Medicinal Food which is full of Miracles. But it is not that it works as a superfood for everyone, many people also get health-related problems due to eating it, more to discuss in the Video. Let us know in today's video how much quantity of sprouts we should eat. Which people should not consume it and then you will see some amazing benefits of eating sprouted grains. # Health Benefits of Eating Sprouts... ### Boosts Immunity ### Regulates Bood Pressure ### Great Source of Iron ### Helps Fight Hair Fall ### Protects Body Against Cancer ### Helps Reduces Risk of Hear Ailments ### Prevents Erectile Dysfunction ### High in Fiber & Nutrients ### Helps in Weight Control ### Remedy for Anemia ### Helps in Digestion ### Super Food For Pregant Women ### Rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids ### Rich in Selenium If you found this information useful, then PLEASE don't forget to share it with your friends and family, too! #Health, #sprouts, #sprouted, #sproutedgrain, #HealthDear Please like, share and subscribe to my Channel. Disclaimer: We thrive our best to provide you with accurate and genuine home remedies. However, any advice contained or specified on the 3Speak Healthdear channel should not be treated as a piece of medical advice. Stay Happy & Healthy.. HealthDear Your Friend To Good Health... Image Courtesy:pixabay, pexels & shutterstock --- ▶️ [3Speak](
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My Actifit Report Card: Daily and Poor Health

*ENG Text*
Hello Friends!
I would like to share with you my daily report.
In the morning I went to the industrial zone to help the workers in a screen print. The rest of the morning, I spent almost everything on my feet: this isn't a very sedentary work.
I returned home and I had lunch. I didn't feel very healthy so I stayed home. In the afternoon I went out for a short walk and came back.
I had dinner with *Piadine*, *Ham* and *Finocchiona*, typical of my region.
Now I'm watching a tv film, then I'll go to bed.
Goodnight and see you tomorrow friends!

*ITA Text*
Ciao Amici!
Mi piacerebbe condividere con voi il mio report giornaliero.
In mattinata sono andato in bici nella zona Industriale per aiutare gli operai in una serigrafia. Il resto della mattina l'ho passato quasi tutto in piedi: questo non è un lavoro molto sedentario.
Sono ritornato a casa e ho pranzato. Non mi sentivo molto bene così sono rimasto a casa. Nel pomeriggio sono uscito per una breve passeggiata e sono tornato indietro.
Ho cenato con *Piadine*, *prosciutto* e *Finocchiona*, tipica della mia regione.
Adesso sto guardando un film in TV, poi andrò a letto.
Buonanotte e ci vediamo domani amici!

_This actifitter chose to donate this report's original AFIT token earnings to @schoolforsdg4_ charity

Cycling, Daily Activity, Moving Around Office, Photowalking, Walking, Yard Work

Originally posted here:

A Very Special Tree
My dad grew up in Puerto Rico. He came to the states when he was around 16 years old. Since then he has gone back and forth to visit, taking me with him a few times. As I got older I would go on my own to visit. We still have family out there and for the first time this year, I got to take my now 8-year-old daughter there to meet her family and see the island. It was such a beautiful experience. My father came with us which made it even more special. He was so excited to show his grandaughter around the island. We had her taste all kinds of tropical fruits, pick fresh coconuts from the tree, swim in the Atlantic Ocean, listen to music, and see all the sites Puerto Rico had to offer. We are from the far west side of the island from a small area called Aguadilla. It's quite different from the east side of the island, near San Juan, where tourists tend to visit. I often suggest to people who say they are going to visit PR to check out the west because it is Puerto Rico's best-kept secret. During our visit, Kaliah, my 8-year-old, tasted many foods from all over the island but the food she liked the best was the food cooked right at home from my cousin Yari, and my Aunt Maria. We ate good ol' homemade Arroz Con Gandules (rice with pigeon peas), tostones (fried plantains), and some chicken) pasteles (a traditional's a mash of green banana and root veggies which is turned into a pate then stuffed with chopped chicken, olives, peppers, onions, spices, and other goodies, all wrapped in a banana leaf then cooked - they are similar to a tamale). She gobbled it down so fast I don't think she even breathed between bites! Haha. My Aunt cooks with very fresh ingredients. So fresh, she had picked and shelled the gandules (pigeon peas - Cajanus cajan) that same morning from a tree growing right in her front yard. She mashed the yucca, she created her own spice mix. It was all so so delicious and fresh. We stopped at several markets just to show Kaliah the different types of foods that grow on the island. Our family is blessed with many of these fruit trees so we only purchased a few items from the market since we picked a lot of fresh food from the trees on their properties.








It was really hard to say goodbye when it was time to go. We enjoyed visiting the family so much, touring the island, eating all the delicious foods, and of course the beaches. When we got home, I wanted so badly to see that special smile on my dad's face more often. I wanted him to feel a piece of the island here at home. I decided to try sprouting some gandules myself! We are in a subtropical area after all. I knew they likely would not overwinter and I would have to grow them as a perennial but I figured once we get a good crop of them it would be easy to save seeds and start again the next year.


The tree grew and grew all spring and summer. It had absolutely no pest or disease issues. It was a very happy tree. Coming into fall, it finally started to bud with the most beautiful flowers donning the tops of the branches. We watched these beautiful flowers grow, open, and then just fall off. I was concerned they would not produce and here we are coming to the end of October, and the frost is not far away, and yet no gandules....well...until today. We checked the trees and guess what!? We have gandules!! This is so very exciting for us and my dad is acting like a young boy on Christmas day. It's so wonderful to see that smile and energy in him. We are hopeful we get a decent enough harvest to make Christmas dinner with, which is traditional in Puerto Rico. The gandules in Puerto Rico tend to be ready to shell in December, given their seasons are a little different than ours. Once the pods start forming they only take about a week or two to be mature enough to pick. They have been growing for a few days now and we still have about a week left before a light frost so I think we will make it in time!


We have a few trees planted, some at my parents house and some here at my Kindred Acres Homestead. Only one is producing so far. The second of the large trees is flowering abundantly so it too may produce some. The third tree was quite a bit stunted, I assume from where it was positioned. I uprooted that one given it was small enough to bring inside, potted it, and will continue to grow it overwinter inside. I also took some clippings from the good trees to root and of course, we might have some peas to harvest for seed so next year for sure, we will be prepared and start everything much earlier than this year.


While eating healthful foods, getting sun, and all those other things you can do to ensure a healthy body are important.... sometimes the most important thing to do are the things that make your soul leap for joy. Seeing my dad leap for joy at the sight of these beautiful flowers and pea pods growing in our own back yard really touched my heart so deeply. It's the best kind of medicine.


With OODLES of love ~Bren -Kindred Acres If you find our blog posts and videos helpful or inspiring and would like to provide a love offering to Kindred Acres for all we do here, you can give us an upvote/comment here on steemit, give us a thumbs up on Youtube, or you can gift us an item from our Amazon wishlist! :) Another option is to send any financial contribution ($1, $5, or whatever you are compelled to leave) via We greatly appreciate your help and contributions! Check out our Etsy shop for live plants, seeds, homestead goodies, crafts, and other options! Follow us on Facebook to get notified of any upcoming events Upvote us on Steemit to show us some love and support!! Give us a thumbs up, subscribe, and hit that bell on our YouTube channel!! And finally, Follow us on Instagram![Being in Charge of Our Own Health: A Little Disclaimer | SteemPeak]( @HCSO [Website]( | @homesteaderscoop | [Discord Community](






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The Exit Drug

For an individual to understand were the gateway drug lies came from you need to grab what substance addiction is: What is Addiction In Regards To Substance Use? Addiction is the physical and psychological difficulty to stop ingesting a substance or drug even when it is causing harm to the individual. The addictive substance takes over the limbic system by imitating or generating excess production of dopamine, a neurochemical that send signals to the brain. This dopamine impale is what differentiate doing drugs from having sex or engaging in a healthy activity. Over time the brain loses control of normal production of neurochemical only the addictive substance will be able to activate the reward system, at that time the patient is addicted to the substance. HISTORY OF CANNABIS AS A GATEWAY DRUG HYPOTHESIS In 1930 during the “reefer madness” era, cannabis had a negative notion that it is a gateway drug. The theory is the idea that one drug use(cannabis) can increase the probability of several harmful substances uses with a deliberate focus on cannabis. these days the wrong impression has changed completely as several scientists have evidence pointing that cannabis isn’t a gateway drug rather an exit drug, which means that cannabis is an end to dependency on the harmful substance. A recent study by Harm Reduction Journal surveyed 2,000 individuals on the effect of cannabis consumption on their use of other drugs. The individuals were all licensed medical users in Canada. The result shows that about 70 per cent replaced cannabis for pharmaceutical drugs. Such medicinal drugs include antipsychotic drugs as well as opioids; opioids totalled for 35 per cent of prescription drugs. 59% totally halted their opioid use for cannabis. Further study showed that some participants disclosed “exiting” alcohol (45 per cent) and cigarette use (30 per cent). Additionally, In 1970, Dr Tod Mikuriya published research in the Psychedelic Review that looked at the role of cannabis use in the recovery of patients with alcoholism. “It would appear that for selected alcoholics the substitution of smoked cannabis for alcohol may be of marked rehabilitative value,” he reported. In a review article published in 1973, Mikuriya acknowledges several physicians who used cannabis to treat opiate addiction, even penning that some feel cannabis is safest unlike opiates, cannabis use didn’t lead to physical dependency. Collectively he quoted 56 research published between 1857 and 1972 that shows that marijuana has healthful potential as an anti-withdrawal agent for opiates and alcohol, which can also serve as an alternative to other addictive substance. While we could argue about the use of cannabis for the treatment of addiction, a specialized treatment centre in Los, Angeles, is on fire with a new method debunking the 12 step program that is been used to treat addiction. High sobriety allows occupants to consume cannabis, Unlike the traditional treatment where victims are prescribed drugs to help manage the withdrawal, psychiatrists at High Sobriety work with residents to determine how much cannabis is appropriate. It is given in the morning, afternoon, and evening, and occupants consume it in any way they want, whether that’s by smoking, vaporizing, or ingesting it through food or in capsule form. This treatment centre is proof that cannabis is a “gateway drug” towards “less use of other drugs”. If in case you need a writer for your blog or website I offer cheap and affordable service on fiver for Marijuana and Cryptocurrency content development. Marijuana content package for as low as $10 My cryptocurrency package for as low as $5
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Study: While soda taxes reduce consumption, they may not deliver intended results
### [Study: While soda taxes reduce consumption, they may not deliver intended results (FoodDive)]( * According to a new study, sweetened beverage purchases fell in Philadelphia and Oakland, California following the adoption of taxes on sugary drinks – **however, some customers apparently travelled outside those cities to shop sugar-tax-free.** * The study gives mixed results on the effectiveness of the sugar taxes in Philadelphia and Oakland, but did show that more than 40% of interviews retailers reported reducing the availability of taxed beverages in their stores. * A full brief of the study can be downloaded [here]( ### Analysis and Comments * Quite a bit of interesting news out this week relating to sugar/diabetes: **Kellogg has agreed to a US$20M settlement of the 2016 'healthy' sugary cereal lawsuit, Cargill has developed a more sugar-like stevia ingredient** * In a way the above article underlines an important point; where there is a will, there is a way (around sugar taxes as much as any other measure intended to promote healthier consumer choices). However, sugar taxes are only part of the picture. A lot is up to the food and beverage industry to change/reformulate their products to include less sugar and fat – thus encouraging a lower overall sugar intake by reducing the available unhealthy options and giving people a broader variety of healthy(/healthier) alternatives. * The main issue remains however: **while these measures will likely result in a peaking of obesity rates globally, diabetes will continue to rise over the next decade**. **This is because research shows that there is a 12-year time lag between obesity incidence and diabetes prevalence, meaning that the level of diabetes for the next decade will be dependent on the obesity evolution over 2006-15.**
Originally posted here:

My Actifit Report Card: October 31 2019
Walking 8k steps a day but it is hard to get into healthy routine. Some of the time walking becomes harder. I hope to get into shape. Last pregnancy kind of contributed to weight. whats your tip of weight loss?

174 cm
124 kg
Body Fat

Originally posted here:

Make your life healthy with Desi Foods.
# Hello Food Lovers! Winter season is feeling well in our midst, but its warmth feels great in the morning. And in the winter, traditional dishes of Pakistan are in high demand in the nights. Because the best way to enjoy the warmth of winter is to eat hot foods in the winter nights.

## The majority of the most Pakistani are quite basic. Lahore city is also citadel for foodies. As the says > you haven't been born yet if you haven't seen Lahore. **Moving to the BBQ is there anything like a perfect balanced Biryani or Karahi.**

**Breakfast with the Halwa Puri and Shahi Turka make you healthy.** ## Benefits of Desi Foods. There are many benefits of desi foods like Desi foods cooking methods is so simple and slowly that helps to retained all nutrition. Some foods are very spices used to make dishes so tasteful.

> **If you have any question about this post, I will pleased to see it in the comment box.** ### We are the self reliant steem community that always focus on every individual. Let encourage each other as we share our work, learn more skills and meet new friends. ## May Allah bless you # Pakistan Zindabad # Thanks Posted using [Partiko Android](
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Lebanese traditional and popular dishes


Lebanese cuisine occupies a special place in the minds of foodies around the world. Serve extraordinary flavors, aromatic aromas and eyeshadow; Lebanese cuisine is a unique example. Country of rich history Lebanon has been exposed to different cultures of civilization at different times. As a result, the country's cuisine and diet have diversified. If you look at these foods made with a combination of fresh vegetables, lamb, spices and olive oil, you will be consumed with water or not. The cuisine of this country, especially in the Middle East, which is especially culinary, is also healthy. Today's article is arranged with some of Lebanon's popular and most delicious dishes. Kibe? Lebanese national cuisine. Its popularity can easily be estimated in Lebanon from the 'national food' Takama. Kibe is basically a kind of spicy meatball. This meal is made by mixing dough flour, onion kuchi, mint leaves with minced cows, sheep, khasi or camel meat. Used in Middle Eastern spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg or cloves.


Spicy kibbe of soft meat inside the outer casing After baking or baking submerged in vegetable oil, it is served with home-made yogurt or tahini. However, Lebanon is not eaten as a staple food, but it is eaten as a side effect with other foods. In the Middle East, there is a tradition of serving before the main meal as a flavoring or appetizer. Kibe is also used for this purpose. Kofta Kofta is a kind of grilled kebab, much like the shik kebab in our country. It takes cows and lambs and lots of spices to make kofta. First, the meat is cut into thin slices with a knife or meat grinder, then mixed with spices and grind to a high heat.


Grill well until the pink color of the meat is gone, to make sure the meat is properly boiled. At the end of the cooking, serve with yogurt or sauce to taste the tempting taste. Kofta Lebanese bread is eaten with Peter or as a flavoring. Many do not grill and eat raw kofta! Kunafay Not only in Lebanon, this food is popularly known in the Middle East as 'kunafay', 'kunafa', 'kunafay' and so on. Similar to the region-wide accent, there are variations in its cooking style, taste and flavor. What the hell?


Canafé is a kind of pastry dessert The portion is quite crunchy on a kanaf made with a mixture of specially fried noodles, cheese and cream called kadayef. After cooking it is dipped in sugar syrup. A small amount of rose water is added to it for flavoring during cooking. However, in the kanaf available in the market, the color of the food is mixed with orange. Eating breakfast in Lebanon in Lebanon as part of a banquet with tea or coffee as a simple breakfast or as part of a festive meal. Fetish Fettush is a type of salad that is well known in the Middle East. It is eaten with pita bread. Spicy fried Peter slices, cucumbers, tomatoes, onion cucumbers, mint leaves, garlic, salt and black pepper powder can be made very easily by making fetishes.


It also uses a red spice piece called Somak. It looks as colorful and enchanting as the variety of vegetables used, but it is also delicious to eat. Fetish must be called unique as a salad for its extraordinary taste and flavor. Hamas Hamas is basically a type of thick sauce. It is quite popular in the Middle East. This special sauce is made with Chola Bata, Sesame Bata, Tahini, Olive Well, Lemon Juice, Garlic and Salt.


Various vegetables are also mixed in it. Hamas has a reputation for being a healthy food. It is also quite nutritious due to the use of starch. Although available in the market, it can be easily made at home. Manakesh If you are a pizza enthusiast, then you have to love Manakesh. Because the Lebanese version of pizza is Manakesh. Flat bread is baked in a variety of ingredients, including cheese, onions, tomatoes, and varieties (aromatic spices).


Then slices are cut or eaten as bread. Manasseh is very popular in Lebanon for breakfast, and even for lunch. Falafel Falafel is a type of batter whose main ingredient is ghee. To make the falafel, make the kai by blending it in a blender with soaked water. Then mix various vegetables with coriander leaves and fry in oil.


Sesame is also used in it. Many like to bake and eat. Falafel is always available at Lebanon's side streets. Its origin is believed to have originated in Egypt. It is also very popular in Egypt. However, its taste has spread beyond the borders of Egypt to West Asia. If you want to eat your food by reading the article then there is nothing wrong with being unable to go to the Middle East. There is a recipe for making these dishes on the internet. You can cook and eat yourself if you want. Don't forget to tell us how it felt! Post and image source :
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