Hello girls and boys,
These last few days were really challenging because we had many events here and you know that when it comes to "events" , it means FOOD.
And not really healthy food, but tasty, looking good unhealthy cholesterol high levels and sugary Food.
So I struggled to be reasonable and not let the guard down, if you know what I mean. Food can be tricky. So, I stayed quiet chewing my salad in the corner.
I wasn't 100% a good girl, but meehh...I think it was just fine. My eating behavior I mean.
So, I'm telling you this because at one of the events I was telling you, I had to bring some sweety food. And I wanted to be healthy, attractive for the eyes, easy to make cause I only had some minutes for this and ofc, delicious!!
And these RAW BOUNTY BARS were my salvation!! 30 minutes max to make, healthy and c'mon, WHO can resist to the Bounty's coconutty tropical refreshing taste?
All the guests were curious to taste them and compare these little healthy bars with 'original' full of sugar Bounty bars.
And I was not surprised to hear from them that they are really yummy. Because I know that right? They were "pleased" for "the raw version of bounty bars", they said.So here's the recipe, maybe you try it too!!
- 2 cups shredded coconut
- 1/2 cup coconut flour
- 1/2 cup coconut oil
- Coconut fat from a 400ml coconut milk
- 2 Tbsp honey
- Chocolate chips 180g
- 1 Tbsp cacao and 1 Tbsp coconut oil (optional)
1. Mix all ingredients, except chocolate chips, cacao and that 1 tbsp coconut oil.
I mixed them by hand into a bowl. You can use the food processor if you want.
2. Form the mixture into patties and put them in the fridge for at least one hour. This way, they will become firm, and this is what you're looking for.
3. Melt the chocolate chips. I like to use cacao to get a richest taste of chocolate and also coconut oil to have a smoother consistency.
4. Dip patties into the chocolate.
5. Keep them into the fridge.You can also keep them into the freezer and get them out 10 minutes before eating.
It took me 20 minutes to make them. Thats all you need and you'll have a great healthy energy booster desert too.
These bars are gluten free, vegan (if you use any other sweetener), raw, soy free, refined sugar free and paleo.
And they can be keto friendly if you choose to not add any sweetener and make yourself the chocolate using just coconut oil and cacao.
Enjoy your food no matter what you have! Be greatful for everything you have in your life!
Stay healthy dear friends!!
Miss Deli

Originally posted here: