Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Is poor diet responsible for untimely or early death? Are the urban people relying on high intake of sodium and low quality food? How is the regional variation of food intake?

View the original post on Musing.io

Yes it's possible but not the only factor for untimely death,what ever we eat reflect on us,why do people have kwashiorkor, scurvy, anaemia,ulcer...... etc,these are diseases caused by lack of one nutrient or the other,when you have a poor diet,or you eat foods not balanced,you could develop one sickness or the other,healthy meals improve our body systems,builds our blood and muscles but when you eat poor you system is weakened and anything can happen at any time.

Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/health/@toyl55/f389xvmdw

Actifit Tracking : So much walking and dancing!


Hi Friends! I’m stoked to hit over 10k steps today! 🥳 I went for two quick walks at work with co-workers to catchup, walked into town to meet some friends for dinner, then went out dancing! I help run a west coast swing venue in town - and so Tuesday nights are when we do that! It’s a great ritual I’ve been doing for years - happy hour then dancing with friends. ♥️ I’m a sucker for a good Caesar salad - and so I tried a new one tonight. It was pretty good, but I think the dressing needed a little more garlic. There is this one spot close to my house that totally nails it... and it’s only $3 I’m happy hour. Win win. 😍 I hope you’ve all had a healthy and happy day. 🥕 *Shine Bright,* Lea


Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/actifit/@shinebright/actifit-shinebright-20190501t044009518z

Kefir myths

I Lived the "Perfect" Healthy Life for a Week

Dhared From Dlike
##### Hey my friends, this week I tried following the most common health recommendations at once! There were many more but the video (and my life 😂) was overwhelming with all of them so I included just the major health guidelines here (: There are definitely some things I didn’t know and some things I’ll keep doing from now on! Hope you enjoy, #####

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Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/dlike/@chamelykhatun/i-lived-the-perfect-healthy-life-for-a-week

The L2 Fitness Summit Volume 1

Product Name: The L2 Fitness Summit Volume 1 Click here to get The L2 Fitness Summit Volume 1 at discounted

The post The L2 Fitness Summit Volume 1 appeared first on Health and Fitness Fans.

from Health and Fitness Fans https://healthandfitnessfans.com/the-l2-fitness-summit-volume-1/

Strawberry Coconut Granola


Skip the boxed cereal and make your own easily with this homemade strawberry coconut granola! 

Back when my kids were younger, I was into the couponing system. Remember those days? Where you would clip coupons for food, cleaning products, and beauty products?  Then I would go to drugstores and try and get the best deals. Remembering those days where I would walk away with $100's of dollars worth of items for mere pennies. One of my favorite coupon "scores" to this day remains to be the 20 bags of cereal and 20 bags of frozen chicken nuggets I got for FREE with coupons.  My family ate cereal and chicken nuggets for nearly a week. When I look back on that memory, I smile at the frugalness. I also shudder at the idea of the garbage I easily fed my family.  Especially with cereal. [mv_create key="100" type="list" title="Other Strawberry Recipes To Try" layout="circles"]Ugh, that store bought, bagged cereal. All that processed sugar. All the artificial food coloring and dyes. I am glad I finally learned the difference between getting something for free now, and paying the price later and paying a bigger price now with better payoffs in the end. For me, that is the deal with food. I would rather pay more for ingredients and make my own homemade cereal than get boxed cereal for free. The payoff is that we feel better, have less junk in our diets, and far less sugar crashes.
strawberry coconut granola spilling out of jar

This easy cereal can be made in just a couple of hours, with very little hands on time.

It's naturally sweetened with maple syrup and has loads of coconut flavor. For the dried fruit, I use strawberries, but you can use any dried fruit you would like.  Basic ingredients are oats, coconut, dried fruit, nuts, coconut oil, and maple syrup. 

Do I need to use store bought strawberries? 

That does make it easier, but you can also use oven dried strawberries. To make those:
  1. Take your fresh strawberries, wash, stem and cut them into small pieces.
  2. Lay in a single layer on a parchment lined baking sheet.
  3. Bake in oven at 300 degrees for 20-30 minutes, until completely dried. You don't want to leave any water in them, or the granola could spoil. You'll know they are done when the break as you try and bend them.
[socialpug_tweet tweet="Are you ready for a healthy granola recipe that you will love to make over and over again?  #granola #strawberry #homemade #cereal #coconut " display_tweet=""]

Do I need to use sunflower seeds? Can I use another nut?

Absolutely! This granola recipe is so versatile! You can change up the sunflower seeds for any nut you would prefer. Some to try:
  1. slivered almonds
  2. cashews
  3. pecans
  4. peanuts

Are you ready for a healthy granola recipe that you will love to make over and over again? 

strawberry coconut granola spilling out of jar


  • 6 cups rolled oats
  • 1 cup sunflower seeds
  • 1 cup shredded coconut
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 2 cups dried strawberries
  1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees.
  2. Mix the dry ingredients, except fruit together
  3. add oil and syrup and stir to mix well.
  4. Place on a baking sheet and put in oven for 1 hour and 15 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes.
  5. Add dried strawberries.
  6. Store in covered container.

What is your favorite dried fruit to put into granola? Will you try this homemade strawberry coconut granola? Be sure to let me know what you think!

strawberry coconut granola splling out of jar

strawberry coconut granola spilling out of jar

[mv_create key="101" type="recipe" title="Strawberry Coconut Granola" thumbnail="https://recipesfromthehomestead.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Untitled-design-2019-04-29T163912.584.png"]

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://recipesfromthehomestead.com/strawberry-coconut-granola/

Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/homesteading/@homesteadhippy/strawberrycoconutgranola-wu0ghwx5ye

Aging Young - Life is a moderately good play with a badly written third act. Truman Capote

Life is a moderately good play with a badly written third act. Truman Capote

Capture your 60 year as.JPG

## The Secret of Aging Young - by an insider. ## Who better to teach how to stay younger longer than someone doing it! ## I am a 92-year-old retired businessman living in The U.K. With my late wife, we owned and ran ‘The Marches’ a very successful health and nutrition shop and restaurant in Hereford U.K for 32 years (1972 – 2004). ## My beliefs and practices. ## "Knowledge is power. Everyone should strive to self-improve throughout life. The positive effects of exercising and educating the mind are many, providing benefits and rewards in personal, career and business life far greater than the effort expended in learning. ## Thinking and doing right pays high dividends in gains to confidence, self-esteem and overall wellbeing, whilst also adding more years to the average span, and more importantly – they are lived and enjoyed rather than endured. ## Bad news - No one wants to be old, but until they discover an elixir of youth, the ability to retain youthful looks and energy depends to a great extent on our own approach and effort. ## Good News – Aging can be slowed. You can with effort and a plan, look, act, and have the youthful health, vigour and figure at least 10 years younger than your calendar says. ## The assumption that getting old means developing a skin like a wrinkled prune, losing the ability to get around, whilst also facing the possibility of developing incontinence and dementia, is a nightmare vision of aging that need not be. If you know the formula and follow it. ## Talking about incontinence – you’ll know it’s not your day when you ring the incontinence helpline and are put on hold. ## I’ve always enjoyed a laugh. That is important in the staying young formula. ## And laughter is all around in everyday life – last week I put my purchases on the supermarket counter. The cashier said “You’re a bit late aren’t you”? Puzzled, I looked at my purchases – A pair of reading glasses (I was picking up for someone) and a bag of carrots! ## That there is a blueprint to slow down aging is self-evident. Just look around. While some people seem to be struggling to stand up straight and remember their name at age 65, others are still playing sports and writing books well into their 80s and 90s. ## Is the difference entirely genetic? No! In fact, there are numerous lifestyle changes that can make all the difference to the way you feel as you age, and many of the problems that are associated with old-age are lifestyle inflicted and can be avoided. ## In a nutshell – For most people born healthy, the way they age is almost entirely in their hands! ##
The Circle of Life
## It's crazy, but in one sense mobility starts to deteriorate from the moment we are born. The flexibility of the newborn to put toes in their mouths has gone within 2 years. ## Fortunately, such a trick is not a lifetime essential, but it is the start of what I call wearing in for the first 35 years or so and wearing out for the rest. ## In youth it is easy to keep fit and healthy without thinking or planning. Effort is easy and a pleasure. ## Running around, playing sports and doing things we enjoy will provide natural fitness until we reach our mobility peak around middle age. ## Then change starts, so thought, planning, discipline and effort should be given to slow the ‘Circle of Life’s’ reverse back to wobbling and falling like a baby again, but without the joint flexibility and ability to bounce. ## But we can do it through the things most of us love – Eating and Playing - Good Food, Sport, Socialising, Keeping Busy.(an Aerobic activity. Something that raises the breathing, but still able to converse. I chose competitive Table Tennis and Rambling or Trekking. ##
## Eat Right Be Right - Poor nutrition is responsible for a many of the problems people struggle with as they get older. Health issues associated with old age usually result from years of poor nutrition. ## A lack of nutrients can lead to problems with vision, problems with hormone production, problems with bone density and much more. ## Thus, by giving the diet the attention and planning it merits. ‘EAT TO LIVE' should be the guide, not 'LIVE TO EAT’. ## By including the right balance of protein, fruit and vegetables, the body's immune system will be better able to combat attacks on health. Building the foundation to better achieve this aspiration – ## Successful Aging is Quality of Life Enjoyed, not old age Existed. ## The earlier the decision to plan and make the most of your body and health by attention to diet and exercise the easier it will be. ## Good habits become ingrained, programmed. YOU have the choice – It’s simple - ## Do the things you love. Proper Exercise & Diet. The sooner you act, the longer you will be kicking - ##
'The tin can of aging' further and further down the road.

kicking tin can down road shutterstock_180296699.jpg

Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/aging/@ijavee/aging-young-life-is-a-moderately-good-play-with-a-badly-written-third-act-truman-capote

No bake Bounty Coconut Bars


Hello girls and boys,

These last few days were really challenging because we had many events here and you know that when it comes to "events" , it means FOOD.
And not really healthy food, but tasty, looking good unhealthy cholesterol high levels and sugary Food.
So I struggled to be reasonable and not let the guard down, if you know what I mean. Food can be tricky. So, I stayed quiet chewing my salad in the corner.
I wasn't 100% a good girl, but meehh...I think it was just fine. My eating behavior I mean.

So, I'm telling you this because at one of the events I was telling you, I had to bring some sweety food. And I wanted to be healthy, attractive for the eyes, easy to make cause I only had some minutes for this and ofc, delicious!!

And these RAW BOUNTY BARS were my salvation!! 30 minutes max to make, healthy and c'mon, WHO can resist to the Bounty's coconutty tropical refreshing taste?


All the guests were curious to taste them and compare these little healthy bars with 'original' full of sugar Bounty bars.
And I was not surprised to hear from them that they are really yummy. Because I know that right? They were "pleased" for "the raw version of bounty bars", they said.So here's the recipe, maybe you try it too!!


  • 2 cups shredded coconut
  • 1/2 cup coconut flour
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • Coconut fat from a 400ml coconut milk
  • 2 Tbsp honey
  • Chocolate chips 180g
  • 1 Tbsp cacao and 1 Tbsp coconut oil (optional)



1. Mix all ingredients, except chocolate chips, cacao and that 1 tbsp coconut oil.
I mixed them by hand into a bowl. You can use the food processor if you want.


2. Form the mixture into patties and put them in the fridge for at least one hour. This way, they will become firm, and this is what you're looking for.


3. Melt the chocolate chips. I like to use cacao to get a richest taste of chocolate and also coconut oil to have a smoother consistency.




4. Dip patties into the chocolate.


5. Keep them into the fridge.You can also keep them into the freezer and get them out 10 minutes before eating.

It took me 20 minutes to make them. Thats all you need and you'll have a great healthy energy booster desert too.
These bars are gluten free, vegan (if you use any other sweetener), raw, soy free, refined sugar free and paleo.
And they can be keto friendly if you choose to not add any sweetener and make yourself the chocolate using just coconut oil and cacao. 








Enjoy your food no matter what you have! Be greatful for everything you have in your life! 

Stay healthy dear friends!!


Miss Deli


Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/partiko/@missdeli/no-bake-bounty-coconut-bars-bainysvo

Runtastic Balance - Calorie Calculator & Food Tracker

# Runtastic Balance Calorie Calculator & Food Tracker --- ## Screenshots
View Image
| | - | | --- ## Hunter's comment ### Hello Hunters, It is very much important for all of us that how much Calories we are consuming through various food items. It becomes more essential when we are gaining or losing the body weight. Runtastic Balance is a wonderful app that calculates the food calories you are consuming in a more precise and ideal way. https://youtu.be/R2i7ZgVvRdI [Source](https://youtu.be/R2i7ZgVvRdI ) Live a healthy and accurate life with Runtastic Balance. --- ## Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.runtastic.android.balance.lite ---


This is posted on Steemhunt - A place where you can dig products and earn STEEM. [View on Steemhunt.com](https://steemhunt.com/@salmanbukhari54/runtastic-balance-calorie-calculator-and-food-tracker)

Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/steemhunt/@salmanbukhari54/runtastic-balance-calorie-calculator-and-food-tracker

Time to dinner



Always after training, I try to eat something healthy.
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/busy/@jozef230/time-to-dinner

Benefits of Napping

In my workaholic city of today, when people see a person napping in the afternoon, he or she is tagged as being lazy. Many people now adays are missing the concept and benefit of napping.


[[pixabay.com](https://pixabay.com/photos/sleep-rest-concerns-break-1521803/) CC0 Licensed]
Even animals such as cats, dogs etc practice napping because they know the benefit :) . As for we humans, so many activities that we are engaged in doesn't make us take a nap. Napping comes with so many benefits if practiced on a daily. Napping helps to make one stay alert especially during strenuous days. Instead of taking coffee to stay awake/alert during strenuous days, take a nap instead and you will be more refreshed all through the day. Another importance of taking a nap during strenuous days is that, it helps to improve learning and working memory. When you seem to lose concentration wheb handling a difficult task, just know that you are stressed and need to take a nap. Napping helps to keep one healthy. If one refuses to sleep and is always being stressed out, the body begins to release stress hormones which is very dangerous to the health. When you take a nap, anti-stress hormones are released which helps to keep the body healthy. Lastly, people who deprive their body from sleep are always moody due to build up of stress hormones. Napping helps to improve ones mood which will get them going on their various day to day activities.

Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/health/@donefezy/benefits-of-napping-a009fd87a52c9

Always enjoy healthy meals


Posted using [Partiko Android](https://partiko.app/referral/kevoc)
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/food/@kevoc/always-enjoy-healthy-meals-iyrl3cey

Is poor diet responsible for untimely or early death? Are the urban people relying on high intake of sodium and low quality food? How is the regional variation of food intake?

View the original post on Musing.io

What a very nice question by @devine-sound. I will have to take the questions one by one so that I can make my answer my explicit.

Is poor diet responsible for untimely or early death?

It is actually a "YES" and a "NO" for me with the below reasons.

A health expert stated that "we become what we eat". This implies that the type of food we consume has a vital role to play in our health lives. Good nutritional diet intake can lead to a very good and healthy lifestyle by improving the body system activities and sense organs such that they tend to be drastically active in performing their required tasks and functions. Someone with poor diet may not be able to achieve these sets of features which can lead to some health problems as a result of poor diet and this is why I actually agree by saying it's a "yes".

On the other hand, haven't you come across different scenarios than has to do with young ones dying despite the fact they eat very healthy. Some rich kids who eat healthily in terms of proper diet may also die even though they eat very healthy. I think sometimes in life we can't just go against the bitter side of life which is brought as a natural occurrence. Death is an unexpected occurrence that can happen at anytime irrespective of one's age or healthy diet consumed. This implies that sometimes nature can just play it's part such that someone who eat very healthy may also die and this is why I disagree with the point which is also a NO.

Are the urban people relying on high intake of sodium and low quality food?

Firstly, we need to recognize the fact that urban people has lots of quality foods because most of the foods consumed by the urban people are mostly transported from rural areas which are later processed in the urban areas. They also import foods from other countries for consumption.

This implies that it actually depends on the area you find yourself in an urban center. There maybe places that is highly dominant with sodium foods such that other food nutrients may tend to be scarce (it is rare for such to happen). But in most cases, urban areas will always have lots of foods with different nutrients and not only sodium.

About eating low quality food in urban area, it actually depends on the amount of money you have and you location you may find yourself. There are lots places in urban area with lot of high quality foods and I guess you might not have come across them maybe because of your location or maybe they may seem expensive.

How is the regional variation of food intake?

The regional variation of food intake seems to be moderate through out the region. This means we still have to solve more problems about how we can produce more foods. I suggest we need to increase the Agricultural practice in different regions of the world as this will help produce more foods for people.

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps.

Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/health/@hardaeborla/pkyuhftdq

Day 401 | "Day 1"


I started a challenge of taking 100 days off to mainly focus on my health and overall personal development and used this account as a personal blog. I enjoyed it and continued afterward trying to build better habits and find a good balance between health, work and my personal life...

It feels like starting all over again after a couple of weeks where I totally went back to some old unhealthy habits. The goals I have set for he first 10 days are not that high based on what I'm used to and it pretty much went exactly as expected. Somehwat on auto pilot sticking to the plan whithout really holding back.

I went for a walk and did my regular route twice instead of once making it a solid 2 hours walking witout a stop. I did feel tired when getting back home though and spend some time on my couch resting. It was the first day in long that I did not eat any thing unhealthy. I gained quite some weight the past month but it should be no effort to get it off again in no time. Long gone are the days when it would be impossible for me to lose weight let alone keep it off.


I'm going back to being much more aware about my daily basic checklist. The firt 10 days it will mostly be ablout eating really healthy whole food plant based making sure I take my supplements (Omega 3 / D2 / B12) while getting in daily activity with Actifit and staying away from distractions keeping my appartment clean all while having a tight Sleeping routine. I will build upon that in Day 10-20 Checklist|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10 -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- Eat Healthy|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- Supplements|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- Actifit|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- Sleep Routine|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- Clean Appartment|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- No Porn |v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-
This post will be upvoted by some upvote bots after 24 hours which should give everyone who showed support some extra curation rewards! This is the best way for me to convert all earned SBD into more Steem Power so I can continue to increase the support I'm able to give back on Steemit over time! Thanks !

Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/life/@byebyehamburgers/day-401-or-day-1

Monday, April 29, 2019

How to live a fun,active life with urinary incontinence

Dhared From Dlike
##### Urinary incontinence can be debilitating,but there are measures you can take to ensure a healthy,normal life.Here are some article about Urinary incontinence that can help you a lot. #####

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Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/dlike/@shemiz/how-to-live-a-funactive-life-with-urinary-incontinence

What I Eat in a Day - 2500 HEALTHY CALORIES | Lower Body Workout + Reverse Diet Update

Dhared From Dlike
##### This is what my diet is like while eating 2500 calories per day of clean, whole & unprocessed foods! I've been trying to eat as clean as possible on this reverse diet and this is a good demonstration of how I have been accomplishing that! Plus there is a little reverse diet update for all of you who are curious! AND there's even a glute focused lower body workout #####

Source of shared Link

Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/dlike/@chamelykhatun/what-i-eat-in-a-day--2500-healthy-calories-lower-body-workout-reverse-diet-update

The 'Good Health' Juice - Apple Cider Vinegar for Skin, Hair And Overall Health Improvement |

Dhared From Dlike
##### ACV Benefits: Rich in enzymes and potassium, Support a healthy immune system, Promotes digestion and ph Balance. Apple Cider Vinegar Has Been Used For A Variety Of Purpose And For Health – Promoting Properties. Whether as a tangy salad dressing swap-in, quick digestive tonic, fans grab ACV for its alkalizing potential and up-for-anything usefulness #####

Source of shared Link

Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/dlike/@chamelykhatun/the-good-health-juice--apple-cider-vinegar-for-skin-hair-and-overall-health-improvement-

V-Resourcing 022 Pedal Resistance Band Elastic Pull Rope Fitness Equipment,Bo…

V-Resourcing 022 Pedal Resistance Band Elastic Pull Rope Fitness Equipment,Bo… Price : 15.31 Ends on :

The post V-Resourcing 022 Pedal Resistance Band Elastic Pull Rope Fitness Equipment,Bo… appeared first on Health and Fitness Fans.

from Health and Fitness Fans https://healthandfitnessfans.com/v-resourcing-022-pedal-resistance-band-elastic-pull-rope-fitness-equipmentbo/

My Actifit Report Card: April 29 2019

Another good day at work today. Went for a jog after work and a nice walk with the wife after her amazing dinner. She made chicken, broccoli and asparagus w/a sweet potato. Who ever said healthy eating is bland never ate my wife's cooking.

Daily Activity, Jogging

Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/actifit/@newprepper/actifit-newprepper-20190430t003916237z