Thursday, September 23, 2021

Diabetes mellitus un problema para la salud/ Diabetes mellitus a health problem [ESP]--[ENG]


Hola amigos hoy les comparto una valiosa información,dedicado a la diabetes una enfermedad que afecta a millones de personas en el mundo.

Hello friends, today I share valuable information, dedicated to diabetes, a disease that affects millions of people in the world


¿Que es la diabetes mellitus?
El término diabetes mellitus (DM)
se describe como un desorden metabolico de múltiples etiología,caracterizado por hiperglucemia crónica con disturbios en el metabolismo de los carbohidratos,grasas y proteínas y que resulta de los defectos de la secreción y/o en la acción de la insulina.

What is diabetes mellitus?
The term diabetes mellitus (DM)
they are described as a metabolic disorder of multiple etiology, characterized by chronic hyperglycemia with disturbances in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and resulting from defects in insulin secretion and / or action.



Cómo se clasifican.

DM tipo I:

*IA: es una destrucción autoinmune selectiva de las células betas dado por factores genéticos y ambientales que conducen a un déficit absoluto de la insulina y aumento del glucagón.
Es decir mayoritamente estos pacientes nacen con esta respuesta autoinmune Incluso forma parte del sistema inmunológico destruir sus propias células,igual se relaciona con personas que sufran de Lupos, linfomano de hodgkin.cabe destacar que este tipo de diabetes se presenta de un 5 a 10% no es tan comú conocida también como diabetes de la juventud pues los niños nacen con todas sus células betas y al pasar del tiempo se van destruyendo hasta el punto de haber insuficiencia de la insulina y por lo general debutan con una cetoacidosis diabetica.

*IB: destrucción de las células betas no inmunes de causa desconocida que prevalen en ciertas regiones (África y Asia).

*LADA diabetes autoinmune latente del adulto.
Está no se presenta en la pubertad si no que el proceso de destrucción de la células betas se retrasa y queda de manera latente y por alguna infección,estrés se desencadena.

  • IA: it is a selective autoimmune destruction of beta cells caused by genetic and environmental factors that lead to an absolute deficit of insulin and an increase in glucagon.
    That is, most of these patients are born with this autoimmune response. It is even part of the immune system to destroy their own cells, it is also related to people who suffer from Lupos, Hodgkin's lymphomaniac. It should be noted that this type of diabetes occurs in 5 to 10% It is not so common. It is also known as youth diabetes because children are born with all their beta cells and over time they are destroyed to the point of insulin insufficiency and usually they debut with diabetic ketoacidosis.
  • IB: destruction of non-immune beta cells of unknown cause that are prevalent in certain regions (Africa and Asia).
  • LADA latent autoimmune diabetes in adults.
    This does not appear at puberty but the process of destruction of beta cells is delayed and remains latent and due to an infection, stress is triggered.



Manifestaciones clínicas

Esto depende de cuánto tiempo lleva la persona padeciendo déficit absoluta se la insulina o déficit de la secreción de la insulina.

Pero generalmente se presenta con orinar frecuentemente,perdida de peso, sec excesiva, aumento del apetito,más propenso a infecciónes, cansancio,sueño exceso y alteración en la vista.

Clinical manifestations
This depends on how long the person has been suffering from an absolute insulin deficiency or insulin secretion deficit.
But it usually presents with frequent urination, weight loss, excessive drying, increased appetite, more prone to infection, fatigue, excessive sleep and vision impairment.



Examen de sangre, glicemia en diagnóstica diabetes si el nivel de glucosa en ayunas es de 126mg/dl [7.0 mmol/L] O Superior en dos exámenes diferentes.los niveles entre 100 y 125 MG/dl se denomina alteración de la glucosa en ayunas o prediabetes.
Un nivel de glucosa normal en sangre se considera 140 MG/dl (7,8)

La mejor forma de evitar la diabetes

Perder pesó.
Seguir un paso de alimentación saludable
Hacer ejercicio regularmente
No fumar
Hablé con su médico de cabezara para que le dé las indicaciones de como llevar una vida sana y si sufre de diabetes le dará las indicaciones de como llevar una vida más sanas y los mejores métodos para evitar complicaciones mayores.

Blood test, fasting glycemia. Diabetes is diagnosed if the fasting glucose level is 126mg / dl [7.0 mmol / L] or higher in two different tests. Levels between 100 and 125 MG / dl are called impaired blood glucose levels. fasting glucose or prediabetes.
A normal blood glucose level is considered 140 MG / dl (7,8)
The best way to avoid diabetes
Lose weight.
Follow a healthy eating step
Exercise regularly
No Smoking
I spoke with your head doctor to give you instructions on how to lead a healthy life and if you suffer from diabetes, he will give you instructions on how to lead a healthier life and the best methods to avoid major complications


Gracias por didicar tu tiempo a leer este post es una breve introducción de la gran cantidad de información que se tiene de este desorden metabolico.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, it is a brief introduction to the large amount of information you have on this metabolic disorder.



Originally posted here:


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Micro greens and salad sprouts are a craze picking up popularity around the world. Because a few day old sprout has maximum energy and nutrition it is an incredible food to include in your diet. In fact the best form of food is living food!! You can sprout pretty much any seed, grain or legume. It makes a nutrient dense snack and healthy, living part of a meal. Although the sprouts I'm referring to are not found in neat packaging in the veggie aisles of a supermarket or matching bottles on the kitchen windowsill. These trays of living green are grown specifically for animals.

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Farmer Buckaroo has often commented that our animals eat better than him. In the case of our investment in the Bio-Boost Grow Box this may have been the case - if it weren't for the fact that we were desperate to produce food for our starving animals. It was early in the drought but along with other farmers, we were desperate to save the lives of our homesteads - and provide food for our hungry livestock. When we first discovered this incredible Grow Box we were very excited at the concept and the simplicity.

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Of course simplicity and ease are not necessarily the same. Running the Grow Box was extremely time consuming and a huge responsiblity. Every day the bathtub (an actual retired human bathtub) is filled with grains and water. Our preference was barley, oats and rye although we sometimes could only get corn in bulk. In the morning the soaked grains are rinsed and then layered in the clean trays. The misters are set on a timer to lightly but thoroughly spray water over the sprouts every 45 minutes day and night. Within two days a thick carpet has formed. By the fourth day the sprouted mat has to be cut with knives for breakfast or supper.

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The Bio-Boost Grow Box works exactly as homegrown kitchen sprouts. Just on a very very large scale. Enough to feed 300 sheep. In our case, at the time we needed to feed about 100 sheep with lambs, my 60 goats and our one milk cow, Molly. The Grow Box is divided down the left and right into sets of shelves that are vertically divided into 7. So you can run two weeks altogether.

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What this meant for us was that from overnight soaking to feeding the animals it was 4 days in summer (6 in winter) and our animals had a nutrient dense food. 50kg of grains converted into 300kg of living food. At 6 days the sprouted grains are at their maximum nutritional value (after that they devalue). Of course we would rotate the shelving to prevent mold as we mostly grew in 4 day cycles before feeding the sprouts to the livestock.

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Because of our extreme temperatures the Grow Box has both infra-red lighting as well as a cooling system. It is a fine balance regulating the temperature and the humidity. The trays as well as the shelving has to be kept very well clean, almost sterile, to prevent bad bacteria which would inhibit growth. Rot sets in very quickly if one is not attentive. This is the only downside; that while the Grow Box is perfect for sprouting grains, it is also the ideal condition for fungal growth. However managed correctly this should not be a problem.


In an article explaining the advantages versus disadvantages of closed system fodder, Professor Brand (Directorate of Animal Sciences at the Western Cape agriculture department at Elsenburg and the Department of Animal Sciences at Stellenbosch University) explains the value of the sprout: "The total amount of protein in the seed before germination equals the total amount of protein after germination. Changes in the nutrients in the grains do occur..."


"...Starches are converted into sugars and fibres (in the cell walls) during the germination process and specific vitamins accumulate during the growth process. Moisture and enzyme activity increases. The enzymes then break starches down into sugars, proteins into amino acids and fats into fatty acids. The relevant amount of fibre in cell walls – cellulose and hemicellulose – also increases, vitamins are synthesised, and certain anti-nutrient factors are destroyed."


It didn't take long for our sheep and goats to realize that instead of going hungry they were now being fed green chocolate! They would line up at the same time every day waiting for their buffet. Immediately following the flood we had a crisis with lambing ewes rejecting their babies.


Suddenly there was bountiful food again and our animals flourished. Running the Grow Box took commitment and extra work but the benefits were incredible. Seeing the excellent condition of our livestock despite the drought, the farmers in our valley started researching the Bio-Boost Grow Box.


Sadly many farms and their animals did not survive the long drought. But now with the blessing of returned rain the Grow Box has been retired. Although we still grow our amazing nutrient-dense sprouts for the humans. Living food truly is the best form of food to eat - whether you are two or four legged creature.


Originally posted here:



I thought to myself full of excitement.


I said even more excitedly than before. What was my rush of enthusiasm about this time? It was the great direct message that I had just received from an influencer on LinkedIn telling me they wanted to do a Rhino Walk-N-Talk with me. Now this is not just any message, but one that looks to be filled with possibilities. Realizing the lizard brain in the back on my mind was hard at work asking;

What is this person wanting to do with little ole’ me?

I started walking a while back to get back in shape after some health challenges. As part of that, I spend the walks talking with my kids and friends on the phone. The other day, after my usual Tuesday walk and talk call with @cynshineonline, I had the epiphany that ended up becoming the Rhino Walk-n-Talk initiative.

Basically, the initiative is just me giving away my time and expertise in exchange for someone else’s time and conversation to keep me company on my walks while I get back in shape and healthy and using Actifit as part of it.

Back to my lizard brain. What did he want from little ole’ me? Well, he just wants to talk about #cybersecurity #itsm #business #management and other topics that might sprout from those conversations. He just wants to accept my gift and give his own. It is that simple. No nefarious quid pro quo or anything like that.

Our call is Friday morning, and I am really looking forward to it. I have followed this person on LinkedIn for a very long time. So, it will be a real treat for me to pick his brain and I plan to make it a treat for him as well to pick my beat-up grey matter.


Sleepless in Sellersburg

I have just not been able to sleep well the last week. If I try counting anymore sheep, I may have the animal po-po called on me for animal cruelty making them constantly jump those fences.

The good thing about not sleeping though is that I am able to spend a lot of time brainstorming ideas, writing, coordinating the launch of ITSM RHINO, and other chores.

This does not blend well with my ongoing issues I struggle with regards to my slowed cognitive (thinking is slowed) and memory challenges from my health issues. These are significantly impacted by lack of sleep and are amplified and very apparent when I am tired.

The concern here is if I will crash and burn. Well, that is a concern, but I am confident and taking action to prevent it. Rhino’s need naps and take them, so I do. I try to make sure I am eating and drinking correctly, taking my medicine like I am supposed to, and will be adding a multi-vitamin to my diet. I also plan to TRY and shut off the use of all electronic devices at least 1 hour before I would like to go to bed. I then plan to pick up a book and read.

If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them in the comments, so feel free to leave them.


Slave to the Grind or Freestyle My Life

Being someone who served in the military for 20 years, then worked for government a few more years, then for commercial America some more, I am used to working on a schedule. Something like; “Get up at this time, be to work at this time, meeting at this time, lunch at this time, do this at this time, do that at this time”…you get the point, I hope.

When I am not working by a schedule something in my lizard brain tells me I am being unproductive. Early this week I started working on writing out a schedule, I finished it and then suddenly something happened. I recognized that my most productive days so far, the last couple months had been this last couple weeks and they had been unscheduled, unscripted, and unplanned for the most part. Other than the schedule meetings with other people, everything else I did when I felt like doing it and when it felt fun to do.

I realized that schedules had restricted my thinking, kept me inside the box, just like a JOB, made things just like…WORK!

Well fuck, I didn’t want that shit. I love the freestyle feel of not having a schedule. I seem to be more productive, think more creatively, and just have more fun. Oh, and it doesn’t feel like a damn job.

Do you have a daily schedule, or do you play loose and free?


Mush Mind Meld

Yeah, I have some issues with short-term memory loss. That is convenient when it comes to the honey-do list the wife has, but not so much when it comes to business. I also have issues with cognitive function, mostly my thinking becomes sluggish my reflexes slow down. I often tell people it is like my mind is tracking through mud trying to find my thoughts and then communicate them. This also does not go well when it comes to doing business at the top of my game.

These are real challenges, but I will not let them stop me. I understand I need lots of rest, need naps when I get tired, especially lately with the lack of sleep, and I need to be more cautious in scheduling my meetings to ensure they are at times when I know my mind will be at its most fresh and lively state. That is why the Rhino Walk-N-Talks I truly believe are going to work out so well for many. People will get me when my mind is churning and burning, my entire body and mind is working as one and ready for action.

Yes, initially when these health challenges hit me, my confidence took a hit. However, now I am as confident as ever, I understand my mind is just as sharp as it always has been. I just need to treat my mind, and body, differently than in the past and respect it, be in tune with it more than ever before. In doing so, this has paid even more dividends. I have become much more self-aware because of this. It is great!


Resistance Can Eat a Fat Baby’s D—k

Resistance sucks. As @ryzeonline will tell anyone, you are lying if you say you don’t have resistance. We all have it in some form. My biggest hurdle the last few months was my confidence around others with my speech. Since my recent health challenges, I have developed a stutter and speak slower. This made me very self-conscious and embarrassed to be in a public setting, speak in meetings, or meet new people.

I struggled with this until recently. You see, I have doing mirror work every day, which was suggested by @cynshineonline during one of our weekly walk-n-talk calls. Mirror work is basically just anytime I am in front of my bathroom mirror I am saying positive things to myself. For me a lot of this was telling myself that I was talking fine, I was thinking fine, and that I was not embarrassed of it anymore. It took some time, but I believe this worked for me.

A few days ago, I made what was a very insignificant animated whiteboard video to many. However, for me this was a very big deal for me. You see, I used my voice for the video. I had to do several takes to get it to where I was at least willing to post it, but…I DID IT!

The damn had busted, because after that I posted on Linkedin about my Rhino Walk-n-Talk initiative and people took me up on it. I had two calls last week and they went well. Loved it! Even more calls are schedule for this week too.

Then at my regular JOB that I still work, we had a call with some advisors at Gartner Inc. During the call we were discussing IT Portfolio Management and Service Catalog Management. Usually during these calls, I would not say much, but something came over me. My confidence was back. I started dropping some knowledge on these “consultants” who thought they might know more than their client’s employee (me). They were wrong! The Rhino knows his shit when it comes to ITSM processes peeps. Anyway, I was full of myself after that.

I have ordered some ITSM Rhino swag (see example image of some further below) and will be doing more recorded videos with me personally appearing in them after the 1st of October. I have also been challenged to do some live streams, so that will be in the works as well. Man, I am looking forward to the future!

Example of "Swag" I ordered. Snapshot courtesy of

The Virtual Pitch with Rabona

So, I must live under a rock when it comes to things that exists and take place on Hive. It seems we have our very own soccer manager game in Rabona. I stumbled across it this last week as well. I never even hear of it but looks like it has been around a while now.

First, let me be very clear. I AM NOT A GAMER! I don’t play video games, I don’t do role playing games, I don’t even play board games. Hell, I don’t even play card games like poker anymore. But I am a sports fan.

I love the game of soccer since my oldest son started playing when he was a kid. He ended up playing in college and we talk about the game often over the phone. We will sit and text back and forth while watching the same soccer game doing our own commentary. You can imagine my enjoyment when he said he may be interested in playing Rabona with me after I told him about it.

My oldest son is not interested in block chain, crypto, or knows jack-shit about Hive. However, he loves soccer and games and is willing to play this one on the Hive blockchain. This just goes to show you how dApps like this can bridge the gap for Hive. We just must get them out there.

So now I am building stadiums, singing contracts, training players and honestly, I don’t know what the hell I am doing, but it is fun. Of course, my team is…the RHINOs!

My first season begins in a couple of days, and this should be fun, even if I do get my virtual ass kicked.

Well, until next time…Keep Charging Horn Down!

Note: All graphics within this post, including their images and elements, were sourced and generated from, except when otherwise identified on the graphic.

Originally posted here:

How to Safely Get On/Off A Bicycle with Tight Painful Hips or After Hip Replacement

▶️ Watch on 3Speak

How to Safely Get On/Off A Bicycle with Tight Painful Hips or After Hip Replacement

Youtube Channel:
Bob and Brad Amazon Store:

Bob and Brad demonstrate how to get on and off a bicycle if you have tight or painful hips.

This Week's Giveaway:
We are giving away a Bob and Brad X6 Massage Gun!

This giveaway is open to USA fans only.
Giveaway link:
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Some of our astute followers have noticed me slurring my words. I am not drunk but working with Brad it would be justifiable. I had 6 infected cysts removed from my mouth (noncancerous) and I have residual scar tissue and numbness. I will try to do better. Thanks Bob.

Our videos offer the best "get fit , stay healthy, and pain-free" information directed toward people 0 to 101 years old. Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck have over 50 years of combined experience. We try to add a twist of our humor into each video in our quest to be the "Most Famous Physical Therapists on the Internet" In our opinion of course!!! Subscribe to us now and join the fun. Not only will these videos provide outstanding health information on treating yourself at home, we also do product reviews. For our favorite products on Amazon click on this link:

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Pain Management:
C2 Massage Gun:
Q2 Mini Massage Gun US:
X6 PRO Massage Gun with Stainless Steel Head:
Handheld Massager:
T2 Massage Gun: COMING SOON!

C2 Massage Gun:
Q2 Mini Massage Gun:

C2 Massage Gun:
Q2 Mini Massage Gun:

C2 Massage Gun:
Q2 Mini Massage Gun:

C2 Massage Gun:
Q2 Mini Massage Gun:

Knee Glide:
Fit Glide:
Foot Massager:

Blood Pressure Monitor:

Resistance Bands:
Pull Up Bands:
Resistance Bands for Legs and Butt:
Hanging Handles:
Grip and Forearm Strengthener:
Wall Anchor:
Exercise Ball:
Pull-Up System:

Booyah Stik:
Stretch Strap:

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All information, content, and material of this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

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Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We are highly selective in our products and try our best to keep things fair and balanced in order to help you make the best choice for you.

▶️ 3Speak

Originally posted here:

THIS is causing your Sciatica/Back Pain! How to Stop

THIS is causing your Sciatica/Back Pain! How to Stop

What is causing the pain in your back, buttock, thighs, calves, or feet? What is the movement, position, injury, or thing causing the pain to occur? We refer to the cause of your sciatica/back pain as a “pain maker”.

Your job will be to figure out what the pain makers are in your life. We will show you how to avoid them. We estimate your pain levels can improve by 50% or more just by eliminating the pain makers in your world.

Common pain makers for back pain and sciatica:

Most cases of sciatica are caused by a herniated or bulging disc. But what caused the herniated or bulging disc?

We provide this simple demonstration to our patients. We use two coffee cups shaped like back bones (vertebra) to represent two bones from your low back. We use a gel filled ball to represent the disc that is located in between the bones of the low back. The discs act as cushions between the bones in your spine.

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With a healthy disc you can bend forward as demonstrated in photo A or sit as portrayed in photo B and initially nothing happens to the disc.

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However, in both positions you are putting stress on the back part of the discs. The back part of the discs may start to weaken with repeated stress due to poor lifting techniques and poor posture as well as when you age. See photo C.

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The repeated stress may eventually cause a crack in the disc to occur. With more time and more stress, the gel in the disc may even seep through the wall of the disc. Some people refer to this as a slipped disc or ruptured disc, although the whole disc does not slip or rupture.

Once the disc herniates, it may press or irritate one of the nerve roots coming off of your spinal cord. The pressure on the nerve root can cause pain, numbness, tingling, and burning sensations down your leg.

In our opinion, the main contributing factor causing a herniated or bulging disc is repeated poor positioning of your back. This is your pain maker.

Repeated and prolonged poor positioning of your back will almost always result in some sort of back pain or sciatica. In addition, your disc may not heal if you continue to put your back in poor positions.

The most common position culprits are slumping, slouching, or curved postures of the spine. Poor positioning of your back can occur when you are picking up keys from the floor, getting out of bed, making the bed, vacuuming, picking up laundry, or when you are sitting at your computer. All these activities can be pain makers if performed with incorrect technique.

Below are examples of pain makers:

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Picking up small objects from the floor incorrectly

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Getting out of bed incorrectly

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Making a bed incorrectly

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Vacuuming incorrectly

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Picking up a laundry basket incorrectly

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**Staring at a screen with head forward posture and rounded back **

Examine each photo carefully. You will note the common denominator. Each of the images shares one trait: a back that is in a slumped, slouched, or curved position. Sadly, this is a common position for most of us when standing, carrying, lifting, and sitting. It is often referred to as the C position because the back

Placing your back in the C position can cause, increase, and/or perpetuate back pain and sciatica. The C position is stressful and harmful to many parts of your back. The stress becomes most evident when the C position is repeated frequently or held over a prolonged period. If you are recovering from sciatica, the C position can delay your healing.

The C position held over a prolonged period can also cause the ligaments holding the vertebra together to slowly stretch out. As they stretch out, the spine becomes less stable.

Furthermore, your back parts are more apt to move out of proper position when your back is in the C position. In general, your back is more likely to “go out” when your back is frequently in the C position. When your back parts “go out” of position, you are likely to experience increased pain and discomfort.

The reverse is also true. Keep your back in the correct position and posture and it is very difficult for the ligaments to stretch out or the back parts to move out of place. We refer to the correct position of the spine as “a locked in spine”. The spine is locked in the correct, safe position.

The critics will say “I have been placing my back in the C position for years and have not experienced any problems”. Bravo for you, but beware. You are not Gumby and you are not Pokey.

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** Gumby and Pokey **
For those of you too young to remember, Gumby and Pokey are toys known for their flexible arms, legs, and bodies.

You can get away with C positions for a while, but the stresses on the ligaments, muscles, and discs of the spine can be cumulative. Eventually these parts in your back can be injured. Initially, you may not be aware of micro injuries (minor tears) that are beginning to form in the structures of your back because they are too small to give off noticeable pain.

Back pain and sciatica are rarely the result of a single, unsafe act. Rather they are often an accumulation of many factors that have deteriorated the back over a long period of time. Most of those factors occur in the C position. Continue to perform the activities of your daily life in the C position and eventually an “event” will occur. An “event” is a highly undesirable presentation of acute pain and agony.

Whenever you put your back into the C position, you are placing undue stress on many of the structures of the back. This stress can cause the discs to deform (as we already demonstrated with the ball and vertebra example). But it can also cause the ligaments to stretch out and lose their stability. Ligaments are tough bands that connect bone to bone. When you are in the C position you are placing a continuous stress on ligaments.

Here is a simple demonstration used by physical therapists to illustrate how that stress feels. Grab your ring finger and stretch it back. The discomfort increases if you bring the finger back further and further and if you keep the pressure continuous. Eventually over time the ligaments holding the bones in your finger together may stretch out and lose the ability to hold the hand bones in a stabile
manner. This occurs occasionally in massage therapists who overwork their fingers and hands. The result of this is more instability and more pain.

The cautionary tale continues: As already stated, if you ALREADY have back pain and you continue to place your back in the harmful C position, your back pain WILL CONTINUE- indefinitely. Keep pounding your finger with a hammer, and it will continue to hurt. Keep poking your eye with a needle, and it will continue to bleed. Continue to place your back in the C position and your pain can go on and on. It is just not a smart move.

The better you understand the problem with your back being in the C position, the sooner you can put an end to it and allow your back to heal. Stop just this one thing and you will help yourself along the road to recovery.

As physical therapists, we can watch a person as they move about their daily life and predict with a fair amount of accuracy whether they will develop back pain soon. The C posture is not a forgiving position.

Our goal is to help you understand that it is the “C” position (slumping, slouching, and a curved posture) that contributes to most forms of back pain. It has been our experience that the “C” position (when repeated frequently or held for a prolonged period) can cause, increase, and perpetuate back pain and pain from sciatica. It is a problem that is common among all humans. You will have a much better chance of healing your back if you can recognize, address, and avoid this cause.

This video is a part of a series of videos on how to treat Sciatica/Back Pain on your own. Check out the full series of videos along with downloadable guide sheets for each video on our website here:

Originally posted here:

[ESP] Fortaleza dinamica de brazos y abdomen. [ENG] Dynamic strength of arms and abdomen.

Continuamos familia #hive con ejercicios dinamicos para seguir generando una buena alimentacion y oxigenacion de musculos, prepararnos para desarrollar nuestro dia con actitud positiva, por supuesto cada dia te alentare para practicar juntos las rutinas, tambien agradecerte por cuidar de ti y dar valor a mis publicaciones, siempre estoy feliz y agradecido de compartir lo que aprendemos cada dia, asi que vamos a practicar gente.

We continue #hive family with dynamic exercises to continue generating good nutrition and oxygenation of muscles, prepare to develop our day with a positive attitude, of course every day I will encourage you to practice the routines together, also thank you for taking care of you and giving value to my publications, I am always happy and grateful to share what we learn every day, so let's practice people.


Realizaremos 3 series de 10 repeticiones.

We will do 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Nos colocamos en posicion de flexiones y empezamos a recoger las piernas juntas hacia el torax y luego vuelven hacia atras, seguido realizamos una flexion, seguido abrimos las piernas y volvemos a la posicion inicial a repetir el ejercicio, mantenemos el abdomen fuerte y oxigenado.





We place ourselves in push-up position and begin to gather our legs together towards the thorax and then return backwards, followed by a push-up, followed by opening our legs and returning to the initial position to repeat the exercise, we keep the abdomen strong and oxygenated.




Nos ubicamos en posicion de flexiones, con las piernas flexionadas, comenzamos sentando nuestro cuerpo en las piernas flexionadas y seguido llevamos una pierna hacia adelante extendida, elevando el torax y el brazo flexionandolo a la altura del hombro, la respiracion fluida y el abdomen fuerte lo mantenemos.






We place ourselves in a push-up position, with the legs bent, we begin by sitting our body on the bent legs and then we carry one leg forward extended, raising the thorax and the arm bending it at shoulder height, fluid breathing and a strong abdomen. we keep.




Para tener un deslizamiento de extremidades apropiado es importante mantener la respiracion profunda y consistente. Bebamos agua regularmente y estiremos una vez terminado la rutina diaria, alimentemonos saludable y mantengamos una actitud positiva, que disfrutes tu dia y los ejercicios vitalizen tu dia, abrazos infinitos mi gente #fulldeporte.

To have a proper limb glide it is important to keep the breath deep and consistent. Let's drink water regularly and stretch once the daily routine is finished, let's eat healthy and maintain a positive attitude, that you enjoy your day and the exercises vitalize your day, infinite hugs my people #fulldeporte.

Originally posted here: