Thursday, August 1, 2019

Why Can't I Quit You...[Video Games?!]'t%20I%20quit%20you..%20video%20games.png
*Some times life seems to be sailing along on smooth waters.. you forge ahead hair in the wind, and then turbulent waves come knocking and derail you.* *Those waves are habits you know you *should avoid*.. life would be so much better without them.. but.. you just can't seem to let them go*

*Why Can't I Quit You..?!*

Why can't I quit you.. video games.png


~Video Games ~

Video games are fun! Video games are amazing. They take us on an adventure that is unparalleled in other venues of entertainment. A respite, a challenge, a skill, a social event, a learning experience. Video games can be all of these things and more.. unfortunately... Spending hours a day, and plenty a sleepless night conquering the latest Final Fantasy game, or unlocking another Goldeneye007 challenge was acceptable behavior for a teenager.. but double the age, and it borders on an unhealthy addiction.. Indeed my life seems so much healthier *without video games*.. I was on the straight and narrow.. up every morning, exercising, eating healthy.. *getting adequate sleep!!* and for some reason, in a flurry of nostaglia induced fuzzy feelings, I thought it would be nice to purchase a Nintendo Switch.. *"It could be a reward system.. a motivator for good behavior!"* *"It's a family bonding device, we can play socially."* *"Video games improve intelligence, motor and communication skills."* Blah, Blah,..The truth is, I was feeling nostalgic and desperately wanted to try out the latest Zelda: Breath of the Wild game. [src](
Well, im one of those obsessive impulsive buyers.. Once I've got it in my brain that I want.. no... *need* something.. I can't shake it.. it crawls up my skin and short circuits my brain.. I get synapses sparking on overdrive until I break down and scratch the itch.. make the purchase. I did, I bought a Nintendo switch.. and dove head first into Zelda.. playing hours into the night.. I started to skip out on my runs in the morning because I hadn't gotten enough sleep the night before.. then I started to snack on junk to spike my failing energy throughout the day.. in the evening I would need a drink after the rough and tumble daily drag.. something to accompany me as I *unwound* with my new favorite past time. It's amazing how tenuous it all is.. once on brick falls, others tumble in rapid succession. And I let it.. because I was hooked.. I picked up **Splatoon 2** and *needed* to master it.. Then I *immersed* myself in the **Xenoblade Chronicles* epic RPG saga. I'd never finish a game.. just get to a point were I was really good, and then get intrigued by a *New Release* I had to have.. ..wash, rinse, repeat.. Video Games has perfected the mind hack.. build in reward systems and the perfect challenge to learning and leveling up that will hijack our dopamine output and keep up hooked! [src](
Yes, my life would be so much better off without video games.. I could get a decent nights sleep for once, if I started getting enough of those, and with nothing better to do, I could start running in the mornings again.. which would kick my health conscientiousness to the forefront again, and have a positive impact on my diet and overall health in general. Of course that would exponentially increase endorphins, and energy throughout the day.. Yes, life would be grand.. but.. **Fire Emblem: Three Houses** just game out and that game's addicting as hell! I promise.. just one more game... this is the last one.. honestly!...
Originally posted here:

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