Saturday, August 3, 2019

The One Book I Will Not Let Leave My House...
Actually it isn't one book but a series of books by Robert Dale Rogers - "Sundew Moonwort". #### Book Series Sundew Moonwort Medicinal Plants of the Prairies

set of 4 books Sundew Moonwort.JPG

I will let people check it out and copy down information from it but it is so precious to me, I can not risk lending it out and not having it returned. And even more so now, when I found out it is no longer in publication and the author has no desire to bring it back into publication. He has put his information into different formats with more pictures and broken into different categories, instead of having all the information condensed into four volumes. But that is what I love about these reference books for Medicinal Plants of the Prairies - it contains so much information on native plants from my area. Volumes three and four also include medicinal cultivated plants of the prairies. Here! Let me list the categories of information given on almost every plant. Lots of information on each plant and there are hundreds of plants talked about. 1)Parts used - with an emphasis on Indigenous uses. It's historical uses and also where the name of the plant originated - some wonderful information here! 2)Medicinal constituents - giving a break down on what in that plant gives the medicinal qualities with more of how it is used. 3)Homeopathy again giving uses. He give a description of homeopathy at the beginning of each volume >Homeopathy is based on the principle of Similar cures similar. That is, any substance that will create symptoms in the healthy individual, will alleviate those same symptoms in a lower potency. The symptoms are those changes either felt by the patient or observed by the practitioner. Many of these symptom pictures are based on the extensive work of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the 19th century. All homeopathic medicines are produced ultimately from a mother tincture. The various potenciecies are either the decimal scale (X), or the centesimal (C). In the decimal, one tenth of the tincture in added to nine-tenths of alcohol, and shaken or succused vigorously. This produces a 1X potency. In the centesimal scale, one part is added to one hundred parts, producing 1C. As the medicines are further diluted, they increase in number, and ironically in potency. 4)Gemmotherapy. Also described at the front of each volume as: >In certain schools in homeopathy in France and Germany, particular attention is given to drainage remedies. Gemmotherapy is a fresh bud glycerine (one part plant material to then parts glycerine) that produces a 1D or 1X potency. these are used to stimulate one or more excretory functions of the body, so that toxins may be safely moved out of the body. In Germany, there is a tendency to use the fresh buds, and in France newly dried. 5)Flower Essence - Described as >Flower essence are used for mental and emotional issue, and act as a sort of spiritual tincture. they are made by placing the flower, or berry, on spring or distilled water in a crystal bowl. This is set in full sun for at least four hours, after which time the plant material is removed. The top, vibrationally-charged water is removed from the surface and preserved with an equal part of brandy, or vegetable glycerin. this is called a mother essence, or tincture. Seven drops of this essence is then added to a half ounce bottle, with two-thirds brandy and one third distilled water. This is called a stock bottle, and is the form in which most flower essences are sold. When used for personal use they are diluted one more time - usually four drops to one ounce of water; and then well shaken. These drops are placed under the tongue, where they can act as catalysts for psychological change. Everyone can benefit from the flower essences, although it is probably true that only the highest psychic or sensitive individuals are fully aware of their effect. Often there is a section with some recipes in it for things like tinctures, ointments, extracts and oils. Right on the first page after the title page, in each volume, they go into making your own tinctures. >For those of you desiring to make your own tinctures, there are several things to keep in mind. With fresh plant material, use one part by weight to two parts pure grain alcohol by volume. Let sit 7-10 days. the plant material should be well cleaned, and in the case of roots and bark, be well chopped or crushed. The % of water to alcohol is best determined whether you want the alkaloids or sugars from the plants. If you only have commercial alcohol like vodka (40% alcohol by volume), then you would best start with newly dried plant material. Many dry tinctures are one part of dried plant material by weight to five parts of alcohol/water by volume. Percolation, is a low tech and efficient way to make 1:5 dry plant tinctures in 24 hours. for more information ask yur local pharmacy for a copy of "Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences" for specifications. You can also make extracts with apple cider vinegar; they are called acetums. In either case, the efficiency of your final press and extraction of the good constituients will help determine strenghth and volume of end product. A good, inexpensive press can be made with a hydraulic jack and ingenuity. They are also available commercially. Now that is on the first pages of the book then it branches into specifics for each plant. Here's an example from the first plant listed in volume one - #### Information on the Green Alder Found in "Sundew Moonwort"

info on the Green Alder found in Sundew Moonwort.jpg

So much Information and I consider these volumes of "Sundew Moonwort Medicinal Plants of the Prairies" as part of my security for the future. I have studied many of the native plants in my area and I cultivate a lot of different plants too, developing the skill to be able to gather food and medicine from the wild or my gardens. These books, in combination with the other plant identification books, gives me a tremendous amount of knowledge for self sufficiency. I got these books after attending the International Herb Conference where Robert Rogers had a workshop on medicinal plants of the prairies, sharing a lot of knowledge he had gained from the Indigenous peoples and he spoke of how he would be doing more research and gathering more knowledge of the native plants and their uses from them, always respecting what they are willing to share, for they do not want that knowledge to be exploited by big pharma and such for profits. He had his then four volumes of "Sundew Moonwort" available right at the conference and I picked them up. They are my main reference books and I love the knowledge he shares in there. I particularly love the aboriginal uses he supplies and when I heard of a new book that came out "A Cree Healer and His Medicine Bundle. Revelations of Indigenous Wisdom" in which he co-authored, I went looking for it and realized there was two more volumes of "Sundew Moonwort". But try as I might I could not find them anywhere to purchase. #### A Cree Healer and His Medicine Bundle. Revelations of Indigenous Wisdom - Co-authored by Robert Rogers

cover A Cree Healer and His Medicine Bundle.JPG

NOTE: If anyone knows of where I can buy volumes five and six of "Sundew Moonwort." I would love to add them to my library! I even found a phone number for Robert Rogers through his website and was able to talk to him, but he was right out of those books and he let me know there was even a volume seven! So please please if anyone finds any copies of the last three volumes, let me know! He is a very interesting man to talk with and we knew some of the same folks from around here. He really likes this area and had been up for visits and to the Ness Creek festival. We ended the conversation with him having me say hello to his old friends and if I knew what plants I wanted more information on he would direct me to the books they would be in. Well the thing is, I don't know what he has written on after the first four volumes. I really like the information he provides and I'm very curious to what is in volume five, six and seven! My search online has been futile but maybe I'll have to try more second hand stores, or social media or right here on Steem putting the tentacles out in search of volume five, six and seven of "Sundew Moonwort" - such a valuable resource to have! This is an entry to the Natural Medicine Book Challenge. Learn more about it [here]( All photos were taken with my Canon Powershot A495. They were taken from the books I own.
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