Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Slow metabolism debunked here😉
I see question of “slow metabolism” almost everywhere these days and it is horrible to read comments like this: “ you will damage your metabolism” “You need to eat more, your metabolism will slow down” “ I have slow metabolism I gain weight easily” ...There is slow metabolism but slow metabolism is rare, and it's usually not what's behind being overweight or obese! Obese or overweight comes from diet,physical activity and other factors.


photo from: When we are in calorie deficit for long period of time our metabolism can slow down but it’s kind of “natural respond “ some like to call it “ metabolic adaptation”. That will definitely not stop you from losing fat! Rather than slow metabolism, factors more likely to contribute to weight gain include: 📍Eating too many calories 📍Getting too little physical activity 📍Certain medications 📍Unhealthy habits, such as routinely not getting enough sleep! Slow metabolism shouldn’t be a worry or something to be scared of because it isn’t permanent! With the right diet and healthy lifestyle it’s easy to bring it back to life 😄 Examples: ✅Eat more protein.This is because it reduces muscle loss, which is a common side effect of dieting. Eating plenty of protein can reduce muscle loss, which should help keep our metabolic rate higher as we lose body fat. Evidence: ✅Lift weights. As per above -Higher amounts of muscle will result in a higher metabolism. Evidence: ✅ Get at least good 7-8h sleep. Lack of sleep boost the hunger hormone ghrelin and decrease the fullness hormone Leptin. Sleeping helps to regulate our hormones which can help control our appetite easier. Evidence: ✅ Increase your NEAT- non exercise activity. More walking and standing rather than seating. ✅ Drink more water! Studies have shown that drinking 17 ounces (0.5 liters) of water increases resting metabolism by 10–30% for about an hour. Evidence: ✅ Eat more if you can. It’s important to get your calories calculated correctly before you start your weight loss program, so you know you are eating enough of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy and creating small calorie deficit will take care of your fat loss. If that’s not convincing for you 😉Have a look at this Interesting article about metabolism here👇 And one more here👇 Thank you for reading😉👍
Originally posted here:

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