Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Perimenopause is Real! 😩 Ladies Can We Talk?



Ladies, why didn’t you warn me? I heard the term pre-menopause floating around while growing up. I remember my mother mentioning it to me in my early 20’s and how she had reached her time. I thought to myself >I look forward to not having a monthly cycle. Haha I had no clue what all this entailed. I haven’t even reached 40 yet! I’ll be 38 next month so why am I having these symptoms? 😟 It is really starting to hit me that **1) I’m getting older.** 😦 **2) My body is changing.** 🀭 **3) It takes more effort doing the things I used to do easily just a few years back.** πŸ˜‘ **4) This is just the beginning of a new journey.** 😬 No I haven’t reached midlife crisis yet I’m just trying to take this reality in. I was reading about perimenopause and menopause and how every woman is different and will start at different times with different symptoms. They say one can start perimenopause in their 30’s! Yep that’s me! πŸ–πŸ½πŸ€·πŸ½‍♀️ My mother didn’t go through a *pre* anything! She just hit menopause right at age 50 and that was that! Honestly it would have been great if that would have happened for me, just skip all this other craziness and get right to it at 50. πŸ‘ŒπŸ½


My Symptoms



*Crying Spells*
It gets a little scary and nerve wrecking when you can’t control things that your body is doing. It’s like you have no choice but to go along with it. The only time I have ever had crying spells is when I was pregnant. Just last week I had the strongest urges to cry for no reason. It was so strong that I tried to think of reasons I would want to cry but there were none. Just out the blue these feelings of sadness overtook me and out came the tears. This happened twice and it freaked me out. I’m like what in the world!
*Heart Palpitations*
I usually get these very seldom but lately they’ve been showing up more regularly. I admit I haven’t been keeping up with my workout schedule because I’ve been so busy trying to wrap up Summer homeschool and with a few needlework projects. I mainly workout to keep my heart rate up and post pregnant belly down. With these new changes going on I really need to stay committed to my workouts. I read that heart palpitations are one of the normal symptoms women experience while going through this pre stage. I am not a fan of it at all. It’s hard to get my breathing back to normal and it feels like my heart will stop at times. Nope not a fan at all. πŸ‘ŽπŸ½
*Irregular Cycle*
Say what? Oh no please stop this. My cycles have been regular since they began and now you wanna tell me I won’t know when they will start, how long they will last or the type of flow they will be? Awwww heck! 🀦🏽‍♀️ Last month it was this way but this month it was on track according to the new schedule. So I’m not too sure how this will play out or if they will get back to normal. Geez, come on hormones work with me not against me!
*Hot Flashes*
Cold one minute and hot the next. I’m the type that throws on her robe and puts on thick sock in the Summertime. I get so cold especially at nighttime. Lately I become so hot within a matter of seconds and have to quickly toss off my robe and socks. These hot flashes come in spurts, they just show up unannounced messing with my emotions. My poor husband can’t keep up. One minute I’m yelling at him >please turn down that fan it’s freezing in here! ...10 minutes later I yell again >hey please turn that fan on high I’m burning up! He’s like woman I don’t know what you want lol! 🀷🏽‍♂️
*Mood Swings*
I’m talking about those ‘***Who is This Woman***?’ type of mood swings... >Quiet down it’s too loud in here! >Why are you making that irritating noise? >Everybody just leave me alone! >Aghhhh the world sucks! Yes it’s pretty real. My poor kids have experienced my changes firsthand. I get so irritable, frustrated and annoyed very easily. I have to catch myself because my temper is shorter and I tend to yell more than talk when I’m angry. I don’t like this new me, I like the gentle me better. πŸ™ I find myself out of the mood to do a lot of things and I like being alone more. I don’t like pushing my kids away but while these things are happening I feel it’s best...especially for their safety. πŸ˜… I’m like kids mommy needs a minute, everyone stay away. 🚷
I had fatigue so bad two weeks ago that I took a pregnancy test. I didn’t have any other explanation as to what I was going through other than maybe I’m pregnant. Thank goodness that wasn’t the case. We are happy with our five and want to keep it at five. This was before I discovered I was going through perimenopause. There were times right after I just finished dinner that it felt as if I was going to just drop where I was. I was so weak and tired and it was miserable. I’m too busy for fatigue, no mother has time for that. I’m so glad I called my sister who is 42 and found out we have some of the exact same symptoms. She’s been going through hers for a few months now. Really? I’m going through this with my older sister? I shouldn’t be going through this the same time as her, she’s older. πŸ˜’ Oh yes I forgot, >every woman is different and starts at different times. Yeah thanks for the reminder.




Ladies we shouldn’t be ashamed of a natural process. Every woman will face it one day and it’s a normality of life. I think one of the best ways to get through this and survive it is talking about it. Maybe someone reading this has been going through some of the same things I mentioned and you too thought you were pregnant or crazy. Well now you know it could be this pre thang. Raising awareness is so important. There’s no need to be ashamed in talking about it. So with that said ladies, don’t be all shy about commenting. I cold really use some advice about this stuff and more clarity about what’s going on. Has any of my @naturalmedicine ladies found a healthy antidote to help ease this madness? Has any of my @steemitmamas found ways to help with not scaring your kids and making them want a new mommy? πŸ˜…πŸ€ͺ Please help a sista out! Lol I hope that with the Keto lifestyle I live and getting back into my regular workout regimen it will make these symptoms easier to cope with. I am thankful I don’t experience them daily but only occasionally. I can be fine for a few days in a row and then I will experience one of the symptoms. So I do appreciate the *break* I get in between. #
Talk To Me Ladies πŸ’—



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