Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Health Will NEVER Be....
Working out with weights this morning, and I started thinking about what a lot of people say about health. You know, I have been in the fitness family since 2008, and for a while, people would say (out loud) to others that you were ONLY healthy when you are at a small weight and you have a smaller body frame. Their belief was that your outward appearance was a reflection of your inner health. This, my friends, is 100% NOT TRUE!! You can have a small body frame and look “healthy” on the outside, but your arteries could be so clogged up that you have a heart attack or stroke. Health will NEVER be about the way you look. Health is all about the types of food you eat, the daily exercise you get in, the quality sleep you have, and the way you release stress from your life. You have to do these things to fuel you and energize you and keep the “lifestyle diseases” at bay. I will keep on pushing real health (food, fitness, sleep, and stress relief) until the day I take my last breath, because I know how good it feels to have it, and I also know what it feels like to NOT have it. Okay, that’s all. Have a great night! 💜

Daily Activity

Originally posted here:

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