Saturday, August 10, 2019

Five Perfect Breakfast Recommendations for Runners
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially as a runner, it is more important, because the food we eat will have a great impact on sports performance. Today we introduce five energy breakfast methods, which are delicious and nutritious, and can greatly improve your performance in sports. **1.Nut Muffins** Iron should be an important part of every runner's diet because it helps to produce red blood cells (responsible for carrying oxygen) in the blood. If the body does not get enough oxygen during exercise, it will feel exhausted. When running, a lot of sweat can cause runners to lose this important mineral, so in order to prevent this situation, it is recommended to start your day with nut muffins, because nuts are a very good source of iron. It usually contains two kinds of nuts, such as almond and walnut muffins, or walnut muffins made from almond powder. Muffins containing apricots, pumpkin seeds or plums are great. If you want to increase your iron intake, bran muffins (muffins made from wheat bran) are also a good choice. At home, try making these muffins yourself in the oven so that they are as healthy and nutritious as possible.


**2. Smoked salmon and scrambled eggs** Salmon and scrambled eggs breakfast is one of the best after-run breakfasts we can enjoy. It not only tastes delicious, but also proteins from eggs and salmon help to repair muscle after running.


**3. Banana oatmeal** As far as nutrition is concerned, banana oatmeal is a well-tested breakfast, one of the main reasons is that it provi des rich carbohydrates. Each cup of oats contains 28 grams of carbohydrates, while each banana contains up to 26 grams of carbohydrates.


**4. Strawberry Ice Sand** Drinking a glass of refreshing ice sand after running is a very nutritious breakfast. Why? Because strawberries are an important source of vitamin C (a cup of strawberries contains 84 mg of vitamin C), vitamin C can help strengthen the immune system against unnecessary infections.


**5. Greek Yogurt + Oatmeal + Cherry Bread** Although this breakfast is simple, it is rich in nutrition. Greek yogurt provides enough calcium (about a third of the recommended daily calcium supplement in a glass), which is essential for runners'bone and heart health. It also contains probiotics, which are important for digestive tract health. In addition to eating carbohydrates from oats, a study by researchers at the University of Northumbia found that cherry juice can reduce muscle damage and help rowers recover. So adding cherry crumbs to this breakfast will help runners recover quickly after intensive training.


Originally posted here:

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