Thursday, August 15, 2019

Beet and its beneficial properties.
Beet is an annual plant of the Haze family. In its wild form, beets grow in hot climates, mainly in the Mediterranean. This vegetable crop contains many useful substances, and has long been used as a tasty and healthy root crop, and some beet varieties as raw material for sugar. [source](


The useful properties of beets have been appreciated by former culinary specialists and healers. It is believed that the cultivation of this root crop began at the dawn of agricultural development in ancient India, from where this crop spread throughout the northern hemisphere. Beets contain a large amount of vitamins, pectins and mineral elements. Vitamins B, vitamin PP, betaine, iodine, chromium, calcium and potassium salts, magnesium, fiber, phosphorus, copper, ascorbic acid, folic acid, bioflavonoids: this chemical composition of this root crop makes it an indispensable product for our table. Beets are nutritious and low in calories. Due to the abundance of dietary fiber and fiber, beets can be used for diet and the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Beet fruits contain gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is important in the metabolism and blood supply to the brain. Beet has many medicinal properties, the main of which is body cleansing. The presence of pectin substances gives beet cleaning and protection properties against exposure to radioactive and heavy metals. Beet removes toxic substances from the body, lowers blood cholesterol and inhibits the growth of harmful microorganisms in the intestines, cleanses and repairs liver cells, cleanses the kidneys and improves blood quality. Fresh beet juice is used as a mild laxative and diuretic. Beet juice helps with edema and removes excess water from the body. To clean the body, a complete cycle is usually performed based on freshly squeezed beet juice, often mixed with other vegetable juices, such as carrots and celery. Freshly squeezed beet juice is drunk on an empty stomach in half a glass, gradually increasing the volume and bringing it to a full glass. During cleaning, you should follow a light diet and not eat fatty and spicy foods. It is believed that regular beet consumption reduces the risk of malignant tumors. Beet is used for food mainly in boiled and baked form; Several hot and cold soups are prepared on the basis of this. For cooking, not only the root crop itself is used, but also beets, which also contain many vitamins and minerals. The first beets are prepared from beet tops, and are also added to green salads.  

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