Thursday, August 8, 2019

Adaptogenic Mushrooms Part 8
Hey everyone. This will be an educational posts about some of the benefits of adaptogenic mushrooms. What are adaptogenic mushrooms you ask? Well, you will have to read the post to find out more. You can also read my prior post to learn about some other adaptogenic mushrooms. Lets get to it...

Adaptogenic mushroom extracts are a natural way to improve the health and wellness of an individual. Mushrooms have been around since the ancient times. We have evolved naturally by eating mushrooms. There are plenty of health benefits to eating the right types of mushrooms. Many of these ancient mushrooms are highly sort after for the their traditional healing properties. You could even consider some of these mushrooms as "superfoods." When taken with other healthy foods in a whole food, all natural diet, these adapotgenic mushrooms have a supercharging synergistic effect to boost one's health.

Today's adaptogenic mushroom is Oyster mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms have been studied recently due to its effects on modulating blood cholesterol levels. Evidence is now showing that Oyster Mushrooms have the ability to reduce triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. Oyster mushrooms are also highly antibacterial due to the active compound "benzaldehyde," which can reduce bacteria levels in the body. When looking for Oyster mushrooms, you want to find a product that uses the procedure of multi-stage processing with hot water and alcohol known as Dual Extraction. Mushrooms contain medicinal compounds that are activated with multi-stage hot water extractions. This allows for the full spectrum of immune-stimulating phytochemicals. Also make sure that the mushrooms are naturally and organically cultivated in pristine shade houses in the countryside. GMO-free is the way to go. You also want to avoid dairy, gluten, fillers, preservatives or artificial additives. Whole food extracts are the way to go. You can find Oyster mushrooms in powder form that can easily be added to your morning coffee. Go out and experiment to find out different ways to add mushrooms to your diet. Well, that is all for today. I hope you learned something new. Thanks for reading and I will see you again soon. Be on the lookout for future posts. Take care.
Originally posted here:

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