Tuesday, August 20, 2019


Now the society decides what you and your kids will eat. Now parents are biological machines which give birth to kids. That's all. All the rest depends on CPS, the state and tge the society. Sounds not real? This poor woman had thought the same until she was threatened to lose her son.


She is 24. She is not an ordinary woman. She has a unique outlook and a special diet. She eats only fruits and vegetables. A healthy raw diet, one of its kinds. And her small 2-year old boy eats the same for about 6 months. He is absolutely healthy. He develops perfectly well and looks nice and happy. But soon he can lose his native mom! The society has decided to deprive his mom parental rights because of their diet!


Yes, it's unusual for most of people. But the vegan diet is crazy for most Russians, nevertheless, the number of vegans grows from year to year. So now they all are in danger?? There can be different point of views, and people can not accept such way of life,but is it a reason to break a family?? If the boy is not ok, he feels bad but the mom is too stubborn and continues her experiments, then maybe it is a reason to worry, but the boy is fine.


So now parents have no chance to choose neither a diet, nor a way of outlook and life? So in general nothing? No rights and freedom at all? We know many cases when loud stories were saved from the CPS by the society. Now it's the opposite, people make the CPS pay attention on a family... Now they are in danger. They are like sheep among wolves of the system that doesn't let anybody to be different. The system doesn't need free and healthy people.
Originally posted here: https://steemit.com/familyprotection/@taliakerch/a-mother-can-lose-her-son-because-of-a-diet

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