Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Green Honey : A Blend of Pure Honey and Herbs For Boosting Your Immunity



The strength of the body's immunity is the main thing that must be owned and maintained by everyone today. Various methods are used to enhance immunity, from starting to consume healthy foods, taking vitamin supplements, exercising regularly and also consuming herbal ingredients. In a previous post I also wrote about[Citrus As The Best Herbs To Ward Off Betacoronavirus](https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@dwiitavita/citrus-as-the-best-herbs-to-ward-off-betacoronavirus). Every day I try to routinely consume lemon in my infused water as an alternative to maintaining body immunity, consuming kimchi in every daily meal menu, drinking boiled turmeric, ginger, honey and lime water once a day. Of course everyone, from various countries have different herbal methods and recipes. Natural Medicine is a bridge for people to start returning to nature, maintaining a healthy body from the materials that nature has provided. **Green Honey** https://youtu.be/5v1RUZ9zx4o >*I make video about Green Honey on my YouTube channel. I build my YouTube and Dtube chanel for Natural content, about herbal and how to tips from the nature. The goal is to share about nature and invite people to love and back to nature as their choice.* Green Honey, is an herbal product innovation created by pharmaceutical students at a university in West Java, Indonesia. Their activities are supported by lecturers, nutritionists and directly supervised by pharmacy and have received official certification of herbal honey processing in Indonesia. Green honey, is a combination of **pure honey** with **herbs** such as *African leaves, saga leaves, Moringa leaves, betel leaves and spirullina superfood.* Here are the benefits of each herbal leaf used: 1. ***African leaves***


Known by the Latin name *Vernonia amygdalina* is a plant originated from Africa. Contains **protein, fat, minerals, phytate, tannins and various vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2**. Active substances in African leaves such as **saponins, tannins, polyphenols, alkaloids, to flavonoids** are some of the ingredients that are useful for the body. The benefits of these bitter-flavored leaves in addition to beauty can also be used as medicine. **Flavonoid** compounds are able to eradicate the flu as found in oranges. According to research published by **the Journal of Vascular Health Risk Management**, *African leaves can reduce bad fat by up to 50 percent*. African leaves can also treat digestive problems, gastric acid and also control blood sugar levels. 2. **Saga Leaves**


Saga leaf or Latin name *Abrus precatorius* with odd finned compound leaf shape. Purple saga flowers and red saga seeds with black spots. Common people believe that the benefits of Saga leaves are able to treat coughs, colds, fevers and stomach aches. This plant grows in wild, and in almost every Asian country there is this Saga plant. The contents in Saga leaves include: **protein, vitamins (A, C, B1, B6), Saponins, Flavonoids, Tannins, Alkaloids, Calcium Oxalates, Glisirizin, Flisirizinat, Polygalacturomic acid, and various natural chemical contents**. Saga leaves are commonly called *Lucky bean creeper, Precatory pea, Rosary pea, Rosary bean, etc*. In addition to the above functions to treat colds, coughs, fevers and colic. In the treatment of Ayurveda, Saga leaves are used for the treatment of eyes, and for treating asthma. Saga seeds contain a chemical called **Abrin** and are included in the category of *toxic chemicals*. So that Saga seeds if consumed can be an instant killer for humans. This poison will work in 3-4 days accompanied by symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, etc. *Abrin also contains Saga leaves, so its use must also be within limits.*   3. **Moringa leaves**


Known as Moringa it has *high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory* properties. Moringa leaves contain various **vitamins such as A, C, B1, B2, B3 and various other important minerals**. The content of **vitamin A** in moringa leaves is *4 times* greater than vitamin A found in carrots. And the **vitamin C** is also *7 times* greater than that found in Oranges. **Protein and Calcium** content is also *2-4 times* more than that contained in milk. The **potassium** content is *3 times* greater than bananas. The exceptional uniqueness and benefits of moringa leaves have also made the **World Health Organization (WHO)** message for massive planting of this tree in Africa for consumption. This is because these leaves are proven to be effective as 'inexpensive natural medicines' for the public. The benefits of Moringa leaves are greater than spinach or other green vegetables. Eating Moringa leaves will increase energy and endurance, and meet the body's nutritional needs. Moringa leaves are also effective for dealing with various diseases such as anemia, dry and cracked skin, dermatitis, osteoporosis, fat accumulation in the liver, improving liver and kidney function, maintaining heart health, controlling blood sugar levels, smoothing the circulation system, prevent premature aging, maintain skin health, improve fitness and the most important thing to take advantage of now is to increase body immunity. In ancient times, local residents in Indonesia believed that Moringa leaves were very good for breastfeeding mothers, after going through various scientific studies this is indeed proven. That Moringa leaves can increase milk production and quality of milk through its flavonoid compounds.   4. **Betel Leaves**


Betel leaf is included in the *Piperaceae* family of plants. Many grew in Asia. These vines have a pungent taste and distinctive aroma. Betel leaf has a variety of vitamins such as **vitamin C, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, and carotene** used for healing and health maintenance. The content of **essential oils and chemical components such as chavicol, betelphenol, eugenol, terpene, campene** is functions as medicine, treatment and healing in various diseases. Betel leaf also functions as an antioxidant that is able to ward off free radicals, and inhibits the growth of cancer cells through substances called **phytochemicals** (*chemicals in plants to improve health*). Other benefits of Betel leaf are as a cure for diabetes, asthma, relieve back pain and muscle tension, as an antiseptic, maintain oral health, treat stomach acid, treat acne and skin problems, etc. 5. **Spirullina**


Spirullina is also called *superfood*, because it has a high nutritional content. Can be found in powder or solid form, it is recommended to consume it by adding it to our diet. Spirullina is made from blue green sea algae. Spirullina is safe for consumption for adherents of the vegan diet. The benefits of spirullina can be to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics, be anti-toxic to the body, prevent heart disease, lower cholesterol, ward off free radicals, and act as an anti-inflammatory, etc. The content of **tryptophan** in spirullina is able to be an anti-stress substance, **Tryptophan** is an *amino acid that can trigger the production of serotonin in the body, which plays a role in mental health*.


In addition to these herbal leaves, green honey also contains plants "**Bajakah root**" which is an ancient plant from the Inland of Indonesian Borneo which according to research can be an anti-cancer drug. Bajakah root has been used for hundreds of years as an ancient recipe for Dayak tribe to treat various chronic diseases. To maintain immunity during this outbreak, green honey can be an alternative choice to return to herbal medicine. Thus my article this time about increasing body immunity. Thanks for reading.)😉 Dwiita
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@dwiitavita/green-honey-a-blend-of-pure-honey-and-herbs-for-boosting-your-immunity

Prevent Covid-19, Regent of Himbau Keep Health



**Hello Friend Steemit** **Meet again with Fhutri Nur Risqa @creative1234**. To prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus in a number of community centers and locations traversed by residents, the East Aceh Regency Corona Task Force Team along with the East Aceh Regional Police was assisted by Detachment II B of the Aceh Regional Police. Mobile Brigade Unit, spraying disinfectants in a number of locations in East Aceh, Tuesday, March 31, 2020 Spraying locations include Central Aceh District Government Office Center, Idi City, Idi City Traditional Market, Meat Market, Idi Terminal, Peureulak Terminal, East Aceh Regional Police Complex and Peureulak City Center. The spraying was led by East Aceh Regent H. Hasballah HM Thaib or Rocky and East Aceh Police Chief AKBP Eko Widiantoro, S.Ik, MH. Several other officials also appeared to accompany him such as the Head of East Aceh BPBD Ashadi, SE, MM and Kasatpol-PP & WH Teuku Amran, SE, MM. Also present were Deputy Chief Commissioner of the Police of Warosidi, SH, MH, Chief of AKP Salmidin Ops, and Head of Sabhara Iptu Darli, and Head of AKP Aditia Kusuma.


Rocky Regent on the sidelines of spraying Central Aceh District Government Head Office accompanied by East Aceh Regional Police Chief AKBP Eko Widiantor, S.Ik, MH, said spraying became a routine routine for the East Aceh District Government team together. with the East Aceh Regional Police with the aim of preventing the Covid-19 virus in this district from having 24 sub-districts. "Spraying will focus on crowds such as the fish market, the vegetable market, office centers and the crossroads of the Banda Aceh-Medan road and the Idi Nusantara Fisheries Port (PPN). Hopefully this desludging can prevent the spread of the Corona virus in this region," said Rocky Regent On the other hand, the number one person in East Aceh also urged students or residents of East Aceh who lived outside temporarily outside the area without having to go home. "This aims to avoid the spread of the Covid-19 virus, because the person concerned is not necessarily healthy, especially people who return from an infected country like Malaysia," Rocky said. In the near future, the regent claims to establish communication with several regional heads in Indonesia, especially areas that have East Aceh residents so that district residents remain in the area. "This aims to break the chain of the spread of the Corona virus in Aceh," said the Regent of Rocky. The former GAM combatant also appealed to Acehnese who had returned from infected areas such as North Sumatra or from Java, to remain aware of 14 days of isolation in their homes. "If after 14 days of health, then please interact with the interlocutor. But if a sudden health problem, then immediately report it to the medical via cell phone," said Regent Rocky. By:@creative1234
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive/@creative1234/prevent-covid-19-regent-of-himbau-keep-health

Health Update 0


So there's this whole pandemic thing going on.

I know that all my throngs of devoted followers would be utterly devastated to lose me. It may happen though, I'm at more risk than you might think. In the interest of documenting the possible decline of your beloved OP, so that you might have some time to grieve before the shock sets in, I'm going to be making brief daily updates about my health. That and it gives me something to do while I'm in quarantine. Also I'm fond of a chance for self reflection. It'll probably go on for about a month or so, maybe longer, unless I run out of RC or can't post. Maybe you'll know why if my writing is effective. Hopefully it's just a month long diary of me saying I feel okay.

As of today I'm feeling fine.

Maybe if I'm really fishing I might have a headache, but it's probably just that I ran out of caffeine. I also have a bit of a seasonal allergy and the plants are starting to go at it so there's that. There's also general stress accompanying these trying times to even further muddy the waters. I'm crossing my fingers for asymptomatic carrier status if I do get infected, and it doesn't seem all that unlikely. I've been trying to eat well. I have a somewhat attenuated appetite, so often I don't eat enough. Recently I've been drinking a lot of water and eating a little extra like I probably should always. I've also been spending a lot of time with my dog going on walks for a bit of cardiovascular exercise. As of today I've been as able to do all that as ever. I also did some weight lifting today. Everything seems healthy. Breathing exercises go smoothly, it all checks out.

Thanks for reading

If you can't get enough of me briefly talking about my own health, you're in luck. Check back in tomorrow for an all new exposé on whether or not some pseudonymous person on the internet is ill.
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/coronavirus/@a-non-e-moose/health-update-0

Natural remedy to eliminate phlegm.

Natural medicine has its own history for many years. When there were no medications and doctors, healers prepare medications with medicinal plants to cure many conditions. Today many people have chosen to prepare natural remedies to alleviate various conditions such as: cough, colds, pain, irritation, bites or wounds on the skin, etc. These remedies are not only based on obtaining a cure for the disease, but on a healthy lifestyle that revolves around the natural. # **Why we should consume natural remedies.** * They have been used for many years. * Most are used as active ingredients in prescription drugs. * By consuming it you will obtain a healthy lifestyle. * There are no risks of having harmful side effects. * They are easy to get. * You will obtain economic savings. Currently, the interest in natural medicine has grown, I always use it in case of cough with phlegm, colds, blows, among others. When my son gets the flu which is very common in children, the phlegm accumulates immediately in his lungs, in which case I turn to natural medicine, I make a juice with my orégano orejón plant (Plectranthus amboinicus).


It is a medicinal plant native to Africa, its aroma is very similar to that of common oregano. In Venezuela it is known as orejón orejón while other countries it is known as: French oregano, Mexican mint, Indian oregano, withered oregano, Cuban oregano, etc. In addition to being a medicinal plant, it is also used as a culinary herb to flavor various dishes and best of all, it has many health benefits, including: * It contains vitamins A, C, E and K, it also contains fiber, folic acid, iron, magnesium, vitamin B6, calcium and potassium, necessary for the proper functioning of the body. * Regulates digestive processes. * Improves blood circulation. * It is excellent for healing wounds. * It is a great expectorant. * Helps to expel kidney stones. * Excellent anti-inflammatory. * Effective to calm earaches.


**I will show you how to prepare a juice with orégano orejón to eliminate mucus in the lungs (phlegm).**


## **We will need:** * 6 orégano orejón leaves. * 4 oranges. * Aloe vera (pre-washed) * Honey to taste.


## **Step by Step** * Squeeze the oranges. * Add the orange juice, oregano leaves, and aloe vera to the blender and liquefy. * Strain the mixture. * Sweeten with honey and refrigerate. * Take several times a day.


**This juice is very rich and full of vitamin C.**
**I hope my post is of great help to this great community.**
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@sabrip/natural-remedy-to-eliminate-phlegm

Sweet But Healthy

Healthy Sweet Snacks

Coconut, prune and raisin cookie

I'm not going to lie, most snacks that are bad for you taste way better than the ones that are good for you. However I've realised that this is subjective. It's to do with the years, or even decades, of the conditioning of our taste buds. A lot of these snacks that we eat are laden with sugar and salt, which have desensitised our taste buds. I remember the time I ate plant based food only for a week. It wasn't only just plant-based, it was mostly raw veggies and fruits. It was hard to do, but I was curious to see how I would *feel* after a week of doing that. I'd heard so much about it and just wanted to experience it for myself. Apart from dropping a chunk of body weight, I had also lost the taste for artificially sweetened things. I could literally taste the chemicals in things like fizzy drinks and Ice cream, often represented by a bitter aftertaste.

Fully raw option: Tomato, Cucumber & Mixed leaf salad|Cooked option: Potato, Peas and Cauliflower "lasagne"

-|- When it comes to taste, there are many things that are naturally sweet without the need for sweeteners and added chemicals. Fruits are the obvious ones, but even some vegetables, like carrots, have a sweetness to them. You have to be careful even with natural sugars because they're still sugar! So, as always, everything in moderation is the key. Natural doesn't have to be boring though. Once your taste buds have been recalibrated, even a tiny drop of natural honey can make all the difference. Alternatively you can turn to raisins or prunes for that sweet taste, such as in the healthy cookie I like to eat now :). They're also quite easy to make. If I can make them, so can you.

Pomegranate seeds - the Vitamin C superfood

Another sweet snack that I've discovered relatively lately is pomegranate! They have a nice tangy, citrusy taste to them that I really enjoy. I could have a whole bowl of the seeds next to me and treat them like some kind of wet popcorn. The bonus with pomegranate is the fact that it's packed full of the all important **Vitamin C**! Blueberries are natures Vitamin C capsules. They're also packed with Vitamin K and Manganese. Most importantly, they make an extremely delicious and convenient snack, especially for people that work on computers. They're not messy like pomegranate seeds, and you can put them back in storage if you don't finish them in one go.

This bowl is equivalent to one large handful

You know, when this crisis is over, I'd probably throw up if I ever tried a burger at McDonalds again. ***What healthy stuff are you eating to keep your immunity up?*** Peace & Love, *Adé*
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/food/@adetorrent/sweet-but-healthy

We Didn't Know It Would Hurt This Much

image.png Who has been really *feeling* these last few weeks? Ouch, right? From anxiety and fear, to depression and worry, to being positive and hopeful, many of us are going through pretty wild swings. I keep thinking that this is what meditators are prepared for - an understanding of the flux and flow of our emotions, the knowledge that 'this too will pass' and an ability to sit with *what is* make this craziness a little easier to handle. Even when I'm at my worst, I can *witness* my turmoil rather than getting *too involved* with this chitter chatter of the mind stuff! That helps it past all the easier. Talking to @trucklife-family on the phone last week reminded me of how important it is to allow all these emotions to be felt and experienced. That doesn't mean we have to act upon them or even wallow in them - it just means we can acknowledge them with as much kindness and compassion as we give the people we love. It's okay to feel the way we're feeling - look at what this world is going through right now! But it's also part of our practice to breath and be with what *is*, to get out and feel a sense of oneness with nature, and to be very, very careful where we put our attention. *If you find your attention returning over and over to things that make you anxious and worried, you might need your practice even more.* Where can you put your attention that might make things a little calmer? How much can you control by worrying? Probably not a lot. Best to keep shifting your attention to your breath, again and again, to this moment, right now. If you're struggling, pop in and see us in The Sanctuary, a channel in our Discord for expressing how you might be feeling right now, so you might more easily let it go - and get a bit of reassurance from others who are more than likely feeling exactly as you are. *You are not alone*.


@porters this week reminds us of how important kindess is. I'm sure you've all turned towards kindness now and away from the bad news that constantly assaults us. I know there is a lot of GOOD in the world. She writes in [this post](https://peakd.com/hive-120078/@porters/mindful-monday-our-minds-are-full-let-our-hearts-be-full-too) that: > **Have you ever notice when you've been kind to someone it makes you feel good? These acts of kindness or altruism will actually promote a chemical reaction in your brain, releasing serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine. The feel good hormones which work to reinforce positive social behavior, which can lead to a more positive, kinder life.** She then gives us some great tips for engineering kindness into our brains.



I also really related to @ericvancewalton's post [here](https://peakd.com/mindfulmoments/@ericvancewalton/mindful-moments-7-a-mindfulness-series-on-hive-special-quarantine-edition-fear-and-worry). He writes: > *If you’re anything like me at this point your hands are raw from washing them umpteen times a day. You’re also beginning to crave topics of conversation that are about anything other than the damn virus. COVID-19 just happened to strike during the beginning seasonal allergy season in my part of the world so every time I cough or sneeze I think, in the back of my mind...Jesus, do I have it? Do you know what’s even more contagious than COVID-19? Fear and worry. All of us are being bombarded 24/7 by horrific stories and equally horrific theories of how this entire catastrophe may have originated in the mainstream media and on social.It’s absolutely imperative to your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health to find a way to cleanse yourself from all this toxicity. You can take appropriate measures to limit the amount of news you consume but at the same time you want to stay informed of any new developments. How am I dealing with it?* If you'd like to know how he's dealing with it, go give his post a little love.


@sallybeth also let us know about a WORLD MEDITATION event that we're all welcome to join in on. Want to know more? Go read her post [here](https://peakd.com/hive-123046/@sallybeth23/world-meditation-event-on-4th-april). @montycashmusic also wrote a BEAUTIFUL post about his observations of nature. Thankyou! May you all get out in nature to be in the *now* and appreciate this beautiful world we have.


@artemislives wrote a great post which focussed on CAREMONGERING - all the goodness amongst the terrible things. I'm focussing on caremongering instead of fear - and I hope you guys are too. ## This week, and every week, we make one person who is curated above a 5 percent beneficiary on this post. It DOES have to be a delegator, so this week, I'm choosing @porters. She does *so* much to bring us a #mindfulmonday post each week AND she curates both for Natural Medicine and Mindful Life. Thanks, @porters - your kindness is appreciated.


Earn Instantly For Writing Content about Meditation, Mindfulness, Yoga & Spirituality

**If you would like to earn LOTUS and HIVE rewards for sharing your natural health content on www.naturalmedicine.io, you can sign up for a free `FREE` account by emailing welcome@naturalmedicine.io. Read more about us on our [Welcome Page](https://www.naturalmedicine.io/welcome). We support writers sharing about herbalism, TCM, yoga, meditation, vegan and other healthy diets, as well as earth centred practices such as foraging, permaculture and biodynamics.**


#### Please consider delegating to help keep this collective going. For any questions, come ask in our friendly Discord [here](https://discord.gg/nddjsPp) !


Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-120078/@naturalmedicine/we-didn-t-know-it-would-hurt-this-much

My Actifit Report Card: March 31 2020


Hey guys, my walk through the City park of Leonberg today.. Stay healthy and post your activities on Actifit and you never walk alone 😜 Have a great day Tom


Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/hive-193552/@zanoni/actifit-zanoni-20200331t143647383z

Monday, March 30, 2020

Everything In My Place Went Up With Its Price Despite The Government's Price Freeze Order



Today after my session at the hospital we went at the roadside fruits vendor so that I could buy some fruits for myself and my parents. I told my mother to buy me some watermelon and ripe Mangoes so that I could eat a piece after my meal just to serve as my dessert and my daily fiber and vitamin requirements. I just lie the tastes of those fruits which is why I always long to buy them as much as possible. So our vehicle stopped-by and my mother went to ask for the prices to only come back to me that a single watermelon costs $4 dollars and still we are not sure if those are sweet or not but definitely not big. The usual price of those watermelons are around three dollars or less but they are selling them like gold. It is not good to buy those so we ended up buying Cantaloupes instead. My mother bought a couple of those which costs $1.50 each totaling three dollars. Then we added some bunch of Turnips because it is the Turnip season now although I am already bored of the taste. Turnips are just nice when they are turning wrinkly already, they are sweeter that way.


__One Of My Favorite Fruits, The cantaloupe__
I think I must report the fruit vendor in that are to be profiteering to the Department of Trade and Industry because they are just taking advantage of the people who are trying to get healthy amid these hardship due to the Corona virus pandemic considering that the government issued a price freeze control over such food items but maybe due to low supply or the tightening of it and high demand like for rubbing alcohol and vitamin C they have a way to reason about their unfair way of doing business. I just needed some source of fiber for my diet now because I am taking Calcium supplements and it just makes me constipated as a side-effect and if I didn't take care of my diet in that regard I might suffer another bout of severe constipation which I do not like to happen again like what happened last year, little that I knew that it was a prelude to my Appendicitis. I realized how difficult it is for the economy to get going if there is a lockdown and I hope that it will get lifted soon because if not the government might not handle a far more worse situation than the problem created by the Pandemic as people will soon get so restless with the situation when most of them are beginning to feel their stomachs growling and then another problem will get created. I do not know what will happen in the next few weeks or months but certainly this quarantine, curfew, lockdown cannot be done for so many moths because of the reasons stated. People just have to work and make money to provide for themselves and their families. But if the Pandemic gets unabated well I really do not want to think about it anymore but most certainly it will be the beginning of the great tribulation.
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/covid19/@cryptopie/everything-in-my-place-went-up-with-its-price-despite-the-government-s-price-freeze-order

What Does the Word "LIFE" Really mean to you?



I think we all want to be happy and enjoy our life, don't you agree? I think that this is the one of the most important things in our lives. Yes. People want to be successful and rich and free etc, but the main thing and the only true thing that all people really want is happiness. At least that is me.
Well. So what is the SECRET to Happiness? since most of the people in the world right now are not very happy where they are in life or just not very happy with their life or anything at all. Some of the most successful people in the world are not happy people. Some people are unhappy because they are too busy looking for their happiness, for their success.
People say, that when they have more money, they will be happy. If I would live somewhere else, I would be happy. If I had this and that I would be happy. If I looked like this, I would be happy etc. This is where we are all so wrong.
***"SUCCESS is not the key to HAPPINESS. HAPPINESS is the key to SUCCESS.*** Albert Schweitzer
I believe happiness is the absence of sadness and negativeness. If you live your life with positive thoughts, you demolish the negativeness in your life. When you can see and look for the positive things instead of the negative things in every situation, even in the trouble times you have no choice but to live a happy, joyful life because the happiness is not found in things or situations, but in us.
What does Life really mean to you. I believe that LIFE truly means your HEALTH. Without health none of our successes or things we were chasing all of our lives mean at the end. Without health, there is no life. Our body, our health is our life and in order to keep it healthy we need happiness and we really need to take care of our bodies/our health, because if your health gets bad enough, you will LOSE your LIFE altogether. >Happiness isn't some big thing you PURSUE, not something you CHASE after. It's not something OUT THERE that you have to go way out of your way to hunt down like some sort of psychological or emotional safari. It's right in front of our noses. It's NOT something you PURSUE, it's something you DO. >


What does LIFE mean to you? Would love to hear your thoughts on it. Love @joalvarez ---
***Thank you for visiting my post. If you like it, please don't forget to Upvote, Follow, and Rehive, it is very, very appreciated. Any suggestions are always very welcome so that I can keep improving in this community. God Bless!***


Image created by my beautiful friend @sunnylife.
Originally posted here: https://hive.blog/life/@joalvarez/what-does-the-word-life-really-mean-to-you