Monday, July 1, 2019

Beans & Crice! - Part II
Welcome back my fellow revolutionists! This is one of two fillings we'll be using for the final zucchitilla tacos recipe, which will be posted at the end of this series. If you'd like to see Part I, be sure to check out:


The recipe is very simple and what makes it so delicious is that—if done right—you won't be able to tell that you're enjoying a starch-less food (i.e., you won't miss the rice). As you may or may not know, starches turn to sugar the moment they go into your stomach. Unless you need the carbs as a post-workout food, there is little to no use for eating starches, especially on a daily basis. The more you can cut them out of your daily intake, the better off your glucose and fat levels will be.


Ingredients: 12 oz - Cauliflower (riced) 1 lb - Pinto Beans (canned in water) 1/2 tsp - Salt (Kosher or Himalayan) 1/2 tsp - Black Pepper Cooking Ingredients: 1 tbsp - Coconut Oil Instructions: 1 - Add the coconut oil to a large non-stick pan on medium heat 2 - Add in the riced cauliflower, salt and pepper 3 - This is the most important step! Stir occasionally while the cauliflower gets a nice toasted brown color, but don't let it burn. The more toasted the cauliflower gets, the better the flavor. Not toasting it enough will result in a strong cauliflower flavor, which simply doesn't work with the beans


4 - You can rinse the beans thoroughly and add into the pan with a bit of water. I use them as is. Depending on if the beans came in salt water or non-salted, feel free to add or remove salt to taste 5 - Mix everything, lower heat to simmer, cover and let it cook for about 15 to 20 minutes


6 - Enjoy as a side or as an all-veggie, gluten-free filling in the zucchitilla tacos coming soon!


There is no alternative to healthy eating. You must research it, prep it and cook it yourself. The evidence is overwhelming that we are what we eat; that our minds are shaped by the foods we consume. There are no hidden ingredients or added sugars or oils. Keeping it simple is key to feeling the desire to continue doing it. Just cooking one of my recipes will give you the motivation to cook another and another until your craving of processed foods diminishes substantially. It may never go away but at least its power over you will lessen as scientifically engineered foods are designed to hyper-activate your pleasure receptors...not exactly a fair fight. Our greatest protest against corporate and government foods (dairy, grains, sugar) is to STOP purchasing them and START cooking with natural ingredients to make deliciously healthy meals. It's a fine balance to make something healthy and delicious. I am living proof and am here to help you along the way. Let's begin our cooking revolution! My contribution to the revolutionist movement will be to turn the recipes I post on this blog into The Revolutionist Cookbook and eventually open a restaurant where only cryptocurrency is accepted. Where tipping won’t be necessary as everyone will be paid full salaries and where simple and healthy ingredients will meet delicious cuisine. Like open source code, all of my recipes will be available to the public in full detail and any improvements offered will be embraced and possibly added to the menu in their perfected form. Any donations to the cause are much appreciated either by up-vote or wallet of choice below. BTC: 1FFKXs4nDU4K5RJED7J4hKZb52Ku5nuFQV LTC: LgmcEdMJ1k6e7jY4DbwdTK5nsza9Y3FPHQ XMR: 49SSmcAqEdECbze28knCJXU6DBzxF2raohnMuVvCQeJ1gqU4eXSXJKBiiZCF8kpy6VKjdUaiCH6CPY3FpP4sHzfgT1ga9us
Originally posted here:

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